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rev. psicogente ; 26(49)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536977


Objetivo: Generar una versión válida y confiable en población mexicana del inventario de socialización organizacional de taormina (OSI), validada por Bravo-Sánz (2001). Método: A partir de los puntajes obtenidos en el OSI se realizó en AMOS 23,0 un análisis factorial confirmatorio con máxima verosimilitud con los 20 ítems y factores originales (entrenamiento, apoyo de los compañeros, comprensión y perspectivas de futuro). La muestra se compuso por 489 trabajadores con una media de edad de 36 años. Resultados: Los resultados del AFC mostraron que, aunque el modelo se ajustaba de forma adecuada con los ítems originales, la validez y confiabilidad de constructo solo se obtuvieron al disminuir la cantidad de factores desechando el de comprensión. Se obtuvo un ajuste de modelo CMIN/DF= 2,02, CFI=0,97, AGFI= 0,94, RMSEA 0,046, SRMR 0,038. Conclusiones: Se logró un modelo válido (AVE >0,50) en todos sus factores y confiable (CR>0,74) en todos sus elementos con un total de 11 ítems con sus baremos para población. Esta versión del inventario de socialización puede ser empleada en población mexicana, lo cual incidirá en investigaciones organizacionales, administrativas, psicológicas con diversas temáticas para determinar la adaptación a la cultura organizacional.

Objective: The objective of this research was to generate a valid and reliable version of the taormina organizational socialization inventory (OSI) for the Mexican population, validated by Bravo-Sánz (2001). Method: Based on the scores obtained in the OSI, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in AMOS 23,0 with maximum likelihood with the 20 original items and factors (training, peer support, understanding and future perspectives). The sample was made up of 489 workers with a mean age of 36 years. Results: The results of the CFA showed that, although the model adjusted adequately with the original items, the validity and reliability of the construct were only obtained by reducing the number of factors, discarding the comprehension factor. A model fit CMIN/DF= 2,02, CFI=0,97, AGFI= 0,94, RMSEA 0,046, SRMR .038 was obtained. Conclusions: A valid model (AVE >0,50) was achieved in all its factors and a reliable one (CR>0,74) in all its elements with a total of 11 items with their scales for the population. This version of the socialization inventory can be used in the Mexican population, which will affect organizational, administrative, psychological research with various themes to determine adaptation to organizational culture.

Int. j. psychol. psychol. ther. (Ed. impr.) ; 23(1): 67-78, mar. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-216687


Psychological Well-Being, Mental Health and Patterns of Perceived Attachment: A Comparative Study between Mexicans and Americans during the COVID 19 Pandemic. A correlational and comparative study was carried out on Psychological Well-Being, elements of mental health, and Patterns of Perceived Attachment in Childhood as a possible protection variable in the COVID-19 pandemic. The total N was 316, of which 161 were Mexican students and 155 Americans. The instruments used were the Psychological Well-being Scale, the Depression Anxiety Stress Inventory, and the Inventory of Perceived Attachment Patterns During Childhood. The results show higher indicators of mental health impairment in young Mexicans compared to Americans: depression 76% vs 20.24%. anxiety 93% vs 38% and stress 68% vs 12.5%. In addition, average positive correlations were identified between Psychological Well-Being and secure attachment and negative correlations with the other forms of attachment. In the Americans, a low positive association was found between secure attachment and self-acceptance, positive relationships (the highest correlated), and the scale’s total. Similarly, disorganized, anxious, and avoidant attachment patterns are negatively correlated with self-acceptance, positive relationships, mastery of the environment, life purposes, and the total. Therefore, we consider that Patterns of Perceived Attachment in Childhood are associated with the elements of mental health such as: anxiety, depression, and stress, and with the levels of psychological well-being experienced during the pandemic. Finally, suggestions of other mediating and protective variables for future research are offered (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Bienestar Social , Salud Mental , Apego a Objetos , Infecciones por Coronavirus/psicología , Pandemias , Estudiantes/psicología , Estados Unidos , México
Work ; 75(3): 965-974, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36710700


BACKGROUND: Healthcare workers typically perform their work under adverse conditions, increasing their susceptibility to developing burnout syndrome (BO). The paucity of research on the relationship between organizational identification (OI) and perceptions of organizational justice has created the need to address this topic more deeply. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the relationship between OI and BO, identifying whether perceptions of organizational justice act as mediating variables. METHODS: In total, 402 healthcare workers (physicians, professionals, and nursing assistants) completed Colquitt's (2001) Organizational Justice Scale, Mael and Ashforth's (1992) Organizational Identification Scale, and Maslach's (1986) Burnout Inventory. Two competing structural equation models were evaluated. RESULTS: Our partial mediation model showed that the direct relationship between OI and BO was not significant (ß= -0.16; p = 0.07). Therefore, a total mediation model was selected, showing that the indirect effects of OI on BO through perceptions of distributive justice (ß= -0.16; p = 0.00) and interpersonal justice (ß= -0.11; p = 0.02) were significant. CONCLUSION: Adjusting the processes of health institutions considering a vision of organizational justice and increasing the worker's sense of belonging to his or her organization and his or her work team would, in turn, result in a lower probability of experiencing burnout syndrome.

Agotamiento Profesional , Cultura Organizacional , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Justicia Social , Personal de Salud
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(3): 5-17, sep.-dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447042


Resumen El objetivo fue conocer la exposición y desensibilización a la violencia en jóvenes de cinco contextos en distintas instituciones educativas y de readaptación social de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí. Método: se realizó un estudio analítico transversal comparativo de 25 instituciones de educación media superior, ubicados en Zonas Rurales (ZR), en Polígonos de Violencia (PV), Cercanas a Polígonos de Violencia (CPV), en Zonas Alejadas de los Polígonos de Violencia (ZAPV), y en un Centro de Internamiento Juvenil (CIJ) con un total de 1720 participantes; 851 (49.5 %) hombres y 869 (50.5%) mujeres. Resultados: Se encontraron medias significativamente más altas en desensibilización a la violencia en participantes del CIJ, seguidos por participantes de las ZAPV, y al final el ZR. Referente a la exposición a la violencia fue mayor en aquellos provenientes de las ZAPV después en jóvenes del CIJ y finalmente los de ZR. Conclusiones: La desensibilización a la violencia se presenta como consecuencia a la exposición de la violencia y las conductas que atentan contra la seguridad social. Finalmente, se encontró que las actividades artísticas y los padres unidos funcionan como factores de protección contra la desensibilización a la violencia.

Abstract The aim of this research was to measure the exposure and desensitization to violence in young people from five contexts in different educational institutions and a Juvenile Detention Center in the city of San Luis Potosí and its surroundings in Mexico. Desensitization to violence is a phenomenon that is generated due to constant exposure to violence, resulting in a decrease in emotional responses, adverse judgments, and opposition to violent acts, it can lead to a normalization of violent acts and with it a minimization of their seriousness, which promotes positive emotions in the individual such as pleasure, fun or entertainment when exposed to said acts or events. Method: a comparative cross-sectional analytical study was carried out in 25 institutions of higher secondary education, located in rural areas and in polygons identified as violent, near to polygons and far from them, and in a Juvenile Detention Center with a total of 1720 male participants. Results: Significantly higher means were found in desensitization to violence in participants from the internment center, later from those of the areas that were initially identified as far from the polygons of violence, and finally the lowest in the rural context. Regarding exposure to violence, it was higher in those participants far from the polygons of violence, then in young people from the internment center, and finally those from the rural context. In addition, of the three areas analyzed, lower levels of schooling were found in people in a situation of internment. Conclusions: Desensitization to violence occurs as a consequence of exposure to violence and behaviors that threaten social security. Also, it was found that artistic activities and being part of a family, with father and mother together, worked as a protective factor against desensitization to violence. Some plausible explanations for these findings are suggested.

rev. psicogente ; 23(43): 43-63, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361198


Resumen Introducción: En el estudio del comportamiento organizacional se destaca con más frecuencia la importancia del proceso de socialización organizacional, relacionado con la adaptación al trabajo y el desarrollo de las competencias para el rol laboral; así como un interés creciente por los estados positivos en el trabajo como el work engagement (caracterizado por el vigor, dedicación y absorción) y que puede evidenciar la identificación del trabajador con la cultura de la organización. Objetivo: Examinar el efecto de los dominios de la socialización organizacional sobre el work engagement que reportan tener los trabajadores mexicanos de la muestra. Método: Estudio transversal-correlacional analítico, mediante análisis de regresión con los datos del Inventario de Socialización Organizacional de Taormina (1994), y el Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, en su versión al español por Schaufeli, Bakker y Salanova (2006), en 187 trabajadores mexicanos. Resultados: Los análisis de regresión mostraron que la combinación de la comprensión funcional y las perspectivas de futuro se combinan para la aparición del vigor (Beta .29, .21), la absorción (Beta .23, .23) y la dedicación al trabajo (Beta .34, .25) en los trabajadores de la muestra. Se encontró que los cuatro factores de la socialización organizacional correlacionan con el vigor (.35), la absorción (.34) y la dedicación (.47). Conclusiones: En los trabajadores de la muestra la comprensión y las perspectivas de beneficios, generan efectos en el vigor, la absorción y la dedicación al trabajo. Se señala la importancia de la socialización en la aparición de engagement como antecedente y componente de la productividad y el bienestar en el trabajo.

Abstract Introduction: not only the importance of the process of organizational socialization related to work adaptability and the development of competencies for the job role, has recently been highlighted more frequently in organizational behavior studies, but also a growing interest in positive states of work such as work engagement (characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption) and which can demonstrate the identification of the worker with the culture of the organization. Objective: to examine the effect of the domains of organizational socialization on the work engagement reported by the Mexican workers in the sample. Method: A transversal-correlational analytical study through a regression analysis with the data of the Inventory of Organizational Socialization of Taormina (1994), and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, in its Spanish version by Wilmar Schaufeli, Arnold Bakker and Salanova (2006), in 187 Mexican workers, was conducted. Results: Regression analysis showed that the combination of understanding and future prospects were integrated for the display of vigor (Beta .29, .21), absorption (Beta .23, .23) and dedication to work (Beta .34, .25) in the sample workers. It was found that the four factors of organizational socialization correlate with vigor (.35), absorption (.34) and dedication (.47).dedication. Conclusions: In the workers of the sample the understanding and the perspectives of benefits, generate effects in the vigor, the absorption and the dedication to the work. The importance of socialization in the appearance of engagement as a psychological state related to productivity and well-being at work is pointed out.

rev. psicogente ; 18(34): 267-277, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963498


La socialización organizacional es el proceso por el que una persona adquiere competencias laborales en términos de un nivel de comprensión funcional de la organización, consigue el apoyo de sus compañeros de trabajo, y acepta las normas de una organización. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre la socialización organizacional y el compromiso organizacional en trabajadores mexicanos. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos de 169 participantes, que fueron evaluados con el Inventario de Socialización Organizacional y el Cuestionario de Compromiso Organizacional. Los resultados mostraron que la socialización organizacional correlacionó positiva y significativamente con el compromiso afectivo y normativo. Se concluyó que la socialización organizacional permite que los trabajadores desarrollen el compromiso con la organización a través de los vínculos afectivos con los compañeros y la creación de un sentido de lealtad hacia la organización.

This research focuses on the relationship between Mexican workers' organizational socialization and compromise. Organizational socialization is a process in which a person acquires labor skills, understands and accepts institutional rules, and gains the support of their co-workers. 169 participants were sampled using the Organizational Socialization Inventory and Organizational Compromise Questionnaire. The results showed that organizational socialization correlated positively and significantly with affective and normative commitment. As a conclusion, organizational socialization allows workers to develop a compromise with the organization through affective links with co-workers and a sense of loyalty to the institution.