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Phys Rev Lett ; 129(14): 140602, 2022 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36240421


Persistent oscillatory dynamics in nonequilibrium many-body systems is a tantalizing manifestation of ergodicity breakdown that continues to attract much attention. Recent works have focused on two classes of such systems: discrete time crystals and quantum many-body scars (QMBS). While both systems host oscillatory dynamics, its origin is expected to be fundamentally different: discrete time crystal is a phase of matter which spontaneously breaks the Z_{2} symmetry of the external periodic drive, while QMBS span a subspace of nonthermalizing eigenstates forming an su(2) algebra representation. Here, we ask a basic question: is there a physical system that allows us to tune between these two dynamical phenomena? In contrast to much previous work, we investigate the possibility of a continuous time crystal (CTC) in undriven, energy-conserving systems exhibiting prethermalization. We introduce a long-range XYZ spin model and show that it encompasses both a CTC phase as well as QMBS. We map out the dynamical phase diagram using numerical simulations based on exact diagonalization and time-dependent variational principle in the thermodynamic limit. We identify a regime where QMBS and CTC order coexist, and we discuss experimental protocols that reveal their similarities as well as key differences.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(5): 056801, 2022 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35960588


Intermediate-scale quantum technologies provide new opportunities for scientific discovery, yet they also pose the challenge of identifying suitable problems that can take advantage of such devices in spite of their present-day limitations. In solid-state materials, fractional quantum Hall phases continue to attract attention as hosts of emergent geometrical excitations analogous to gravitons, resulting from the nonperturbative interactions between the electrons. However, the direct observation of such excitations remains a challenge. Here, we identify a quasi-one-dimensional model that captures the geometric properties and graviton dynamics of fractional quantum Hall states. We then simulate geometric quench and the subsequent graviton dynamics on the IBM quantum computer using an optimally compiled Trotter circuit with bespoke error mitigation. Moreover, we develop an efficient, optimal-control-based variational quantum algorithm that can efficiently simulate graviton dynamics in larger systems. Our results open a new avenue for studying the emergence of gravitons in a new class of tractable models on the existing quantum hardware.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(3): 030601, 2019 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386431


We introduce a family of nonintegrable 1D lattice models that feature robust periodic revivals under a global quench from certain initial product states, thus generalizing the phenomenon of many-body scarring recently observed in Rydberg atom quantum simulators. Our construction is based on a systematic embedding of the single-site unitary dynamics into a kinetically constrained many-body system. We numerically demonstrate that this construction yields new families of models with robust wave-function revivals, and it includes kinetically constrained quantum clock models as a special case. We show that scarring dynamics in these models can be decomposed into a period of nearly free clock precession and an interacting bottleneck, shedding light on their anomalously slow thermalization when quenched from special initial states.