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Front Mol Biosci ; 11: 1269040, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567099


Vacuolar ATP-dependent proton pumps (V-ATPases) belong to a super-family of rotary ATPases and ATP synthases. The V1 complex consumes ATP to drive rotation of a central rotor that pumps protons across membranes via the Vo complex. Eukaryotic V-ATPases are regulated by reversible disassembly of subunit C, V1 without C, and VO. ATP hydrolysis is thought to generate an unknown rotary state that initiates regulated disassembly. Dissociated V1 is inhibited by subunit H that traps it in a specific rotational position. Here, we report the first single-molecule studies with high resolution of time and rotational position of Saccharomyces cerevisiae V1-ATPase lacking subunits H and C (V1ΔHC), which resolves previously elusive dwells and angular velocity changes. Rotation occurred in 120° power strokes separated by dwells comparable to catalytic dwells observed in other rotary ATPases. However, unique V1ΔHC rotational features included: 1) faltering power stroke rotation during the first 60°; 2) a dwell often occurring ∼45° after the catalytic dwell, which did not increase in duration at limiting MgATP; 3) a second dwell, ∼2-fold longer occurring 112° that increased in duration and occurrence at limiting MgATP; 4) limiting MgATP-dependent decreases in power stroke angular velocity where dwells were not observed. The results presented here are consistent with MgATP binding to the empty catalytic site at 112° and MgADP released at ∼45°, and provide important new insight concerning the molecular basis for the differences in rotary positions of substrate binding and product release between V-type and F-type ATPases.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 965620, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081786


The F-ATP synthase, consisting of F1 and FO motors connected by a central rotor and the stators, is the enzyme responsible for synthesizing the majority of ATP in all organisms. The F1 (αß)3 ring stator contains three catalytic sites. Single-molecule F1 rotation studies revealed that ATP hydrolysis at each catalytic site (0°) precedes a power-stroke that rotates subunit-γ 120° with angular velocities that vary with rotational position. Catalytic site conformations vary relative to subunit-γ position (ßE, empty; ßD, ADP bound; ßT, ATP-bound). During a power stroke, ßE binds ATP (0°-60°) and ßD releases ADP (60°-120°). Årrhenius analysis of the power stroke revealed that elastic energy powers rotation via unwinding the γ-subunit coiled-coil. Energy from ATP binding at 34° closes ßE upon subunit-γ to drive rotation to 120° and forcing the subunit-γ to exchange its tether from ßE to ßD, which changes catalytic site conformations. In F1FO, the membrane-bound FO complex contains a ring of c-subunits that is attached to subunit-γ. This c-ring rotates relative to the subunit-a stator in response to transmembrane proton flow driven by a pH gradient, which drives subunit-γ rotation in the opposite direction to force ATP synthesis in F1. Single-molecule studies of F1FO embedded in lipid bilayer nanodisks showed that the c-ring transiently stopped F1-ATPase-driven rotation every 36° (at each c-subunit in the c10-ring of E. coli F1FO) and was able to rotate 11° in the direction of ATP synthesis. Protonation and deprotonation of the conserved carboxyl group on each c-subunit is facilitated by separate groups of subunit-a residues, which were determined to have different pKa's. Mutations of any of any residue from either group changed both pKa values, which changed the occurrence of the 11° rotation proportionately. This supports a Grotthuss mechanism for proton translocation and indicates that proton translocation occurs during the 11° steps. This is consistent with a mechanism in which each 36° of rotation the c-ring during ATP synthesis involves a proton translocation-dependent 11° rotation of the c-ring, followed by a 25° rotation driven by electrostatic interaction of the negatively charged unprotonated carboxyl group to the positively charged essential arginine in subunit-a.