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bioRxiv ; 2024 Jun 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38895205


Arid1b is a high confidence risk gene for autism spectrum disorder that encodes a subunit of a chromatin remodeling complex expressed in neuronal progenitors. Haploinsufficiency causes a broad range of social, behavioral, and intellectual disability phenotypes, including Coffin-Siris syndrome. Recent work using transgenic mouse models suggests pathology is due to deficits in proliferation, survival, and synaptic development of cortical neurons. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding the relative roles of excitatory projection neurons and inhibitory interneurons in generating abnormal cognitive and behavioral phenotypes. Here, we conditionally knocked out either one or both copies of Arid1b from excitatory projection neuron progenitors and systematically investigated the effects on intrinsic membrane properties, synaptic physiology, social behavior, and seizure susceptibility. We found that disrupting Arid1b expression in excitatory neurons alters their membrane properties, including hyperpolarizing action potential threshold; however, these changes depend on neuronal subtype. Using paired whole-cell recordings, we found increased synaptic connectivity rate between projection neurons. Furthermore, we found reduced strength of excitatory synapses to parvalbumin (PV)-expression inhibitory interneurons. These data suggest an increase in the ratio of excitation to inhibition. However, the strength of inhibitory synapses from PV interneurons to excitatory neurons was enhanced, which may rebalance this ratio. Indeed, Arid1b haploinsufficiency in projection neurons was insufficient to cause social deficits and seizure phenotypes observed in a preclinical germline haploinsufficient mouse model. Our data suggest that while excitatory projection neurons likely contribute to autistic phenotypes, pathology in these cells is not the primary cause.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38895260


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents with diverse cognitive and behavioral abnormalities beginning during early development. Although the neural circuit mechanisms remain unclear, recent work suggests pathology in cortical inhibitory interneurons (INs) plays a crucial role. However, we lack fundamental information regarding changes in the physiology of synapses to and from INs in ASD. Here, we used transgenic mice to conditionally knockout one copy of the high confidence ASD risk gene Arid1b from the progenitors of parvalbumin-expressing fast-spiking (PV-FS) INs and somatostatin-expressing non-fast-spiking (SST-NFS) INs. In brain slices, we performed paired whole-cell recordings between INs and excitatory projection neurons (PNs) to investigate changes in synaptic physiology. In neonates, we found reduced synaptic input to INs but not PNs, with a concomitant reduction in the frequency of spontaneous network events, which are driven by INs in immature circuits. In mature mice, we found a reduction in the number of PV-FS INs in cortical layers 2/3 and 5. However, changes in PV-FS IN synaptic physiology were cortical layer and PN cell-type dependent. In layer 5, synapses from PV-FS INs to subcortical-projecting PNs were weakened. In contrast, in layer 2/3, synapses to and from PV-FS INs and corticocortical-projecting PNs were strengthened, leading to enhanced feedforward inhibition of input from layer 4. Finally, we found a novel synaptic deficit among SST-NFS INs, in which excitatory synapses from layer 2/3 PNs failed to facilitate. Our data highlight that changes in unitary synaptic dynamics among INs in ASD depend on neuronal cell-type.