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J Chem Phys ; 156(21): 214702, 2022 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35676124


Vibrational dynamics of adsorbates near surfaces plays both an important role for applied surface science and as a model lab for studying fundamental problems of open quantum systems. We employ a previously developed model for the relaxation of a D-Si-Si bending mode at a D:Si(100)-(2 × 1) surface, induced by a "bath" of more than 2000 phonon modes [Lorenz and P. Saalfrank, Chem. Phys. 482, 69 (2017)], to extend previous work along various directions. First, we use a Hierarchical Effective Mode (HEM) model [Fischer et al., J. Chem. Phys. 153, 064704 (2020)] to study relaxation of higher excited vibrational states than hitherto done by solving a high-dimensional system-bath time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE). In the HEM approach, (many) real bath modes are replaced by (much less) effective bath modes. Accordingly, we are able to examine scaling laws for vibrational relaxation lifetimes for a realistic surface science problem. Second, we compare the performance of the multilayer multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree (ML-MCTDH) approach with that of the recently developed coherent-state-based multi-Davydov-D2 Ansatz [Zhou et al., J. Chem. Phys. 143, 014113 (2015)]. Both approaches work well, with some computational advantages for the latter in the presented context. Third, we apply open-system density matrix theory in comparison with basically "exact" solutions of the multi-mode TDSEs. Specifically, we use an open-system Liouville-von Neumann (LvN) equation treating vibration-phonon coupling as Markovian dissipation in Lindblad form to quantify effects beyond the Born-Markov approximation.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(12): 7353-7365, 2021 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34747605


The response of the hydrogen molecular ion, H2+, to few-cycle laser pulses of different intensities is simulated. To treat the coupled electron-nuclear motion, we use adiabatic potentials computed with Gaussian-type basis sets together with a heuristic ionization model for the electron and a grid representation for the nuclei. Using this mixed-basis approach, the time-dependent Schrödinger equation is solved, either within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation or with nonadiabatic couplings included. The dipole response spectra are compared to all-grid-based solutions for the three-body problem, which we take as a reference to benchmark the Gaussian-type basis set approaches. Also, calculations employing the fixed-nuclei approximation are performed, to quantify effects due to nuclear motion. For low intensities and small ionization probabilities, we get excellent agreement of the dynamics using Gaussian-type basis sets with the all-grid solutions. Our investigations suggest that high harmonic generation (HHG) and high-frequency response, in general, can be reliably modeled using Gaussian-type basis sets for the electrons for not too high harmonics. Further, nuclear motion destroys electronic coherences in the response spectra even on the time scale of about 30 fs and affects HHG intensities, which reflect the electron dynamics occurring on the attosecond time scale. For the present system, non-Born-Oppenheimer effects are small. The Gaussian-based, nonadiabatically coupled, time-dependent multisurface approach to treat quantum electron-nuclear motion beyond the non-Born-Oppenheimer approximation can be easily extended to approximate wavefunction methods, such as time-dependent configuration interaction singles (TD-CIS), for systems where no benchmarks are available.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(36): 20509-20523, 2021 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34505119


Umbrella inversion of ammonia is a prototypical example of large-amplitude vibrational motion, described with a symmetric double-well potential. The transition state of the latter corresponds to a planar (D3h) molecular geometry, whereas the two equilibrium configurations are equivalent (C3v) pyramidal structures, with the nitrogen atom being either 'above' or 'below' the plane of the hydrogen atoms. As commonly understood, inversion motion of ammonia corresponds to the coherent, anharmonic, vibrational motion of the molecule, which shuttles back and forth between the two potential wells; that is, oscillation of the nitrogen atom from one side of the H3 plane to the other, via coherent tunneling. However, this intuitively appealing view of umbrella inversion results from a reduced description of the dynamics, which includes only the inversion vibrational coordinate and fully neglects all the other molecular degrees of freedom. As such, this textbook picture of inversion motion ignores the fact that the two equilibrium structures of ammonia are superimposable, and can only be distinguished by labelling the identical hydrogen nuclei. A correct description of umbrella inversion, which incorporates nuclear permutations, requires the inclusion of other molecular modes. Indeed, it is well known that the quantum symmetrization postulate engenders entanglement between ammonia's nuclear-spin, inversion, and rotation. Using the explicit expressions of the corresponding zeroth-order eigenstates, we clearly show that the inversion density of any multilevel wavepacket of ammonia, including the case of perfectly aligned molecules, is symmetrically distributed between the two potential wells, at all times. This follows from a rigorous demonstration based on the evaluation of the expectation values of the inversion coordinate or equivalent projection operators. However, provided that these wavepackets involve inversion-rotation levels with opposite parity, the inversion density may exhibit dynamical spatial localization. In the latter case, the space-fixed inversion density or, equivalently, the expectation values of the projections of the inversion coordinate on the space-fixed axes, may oscillate between opposite directions in the space-fixed frame. Nevertheless, in all cases, localization of ammonia in a single potential well is impossible, even partially or transiently. This is equivalent to saying that the nitrogen atom has the same probability (one-half) to be on either side of the H3 plane, for any wavepacket of the molecule and at all times-a conclusion which is in perfect accord with the principle of the indistinguishability of identical particles (nuclei).

J Chem Phys ; 154(23): 234305, 2021 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241262


Recent experiments on laser-dissociation of aligned homonuclear diatomic molecules show an asymmetric forward-backward (spatial) electron-localization along the laser polarization axis. Most theoretical models attribute this asymmetry to interference effects between gerade and ungerade vibronic states. Presumably due to alignment, these models neglect molecular rotations and hence infer an asymmetric (post-dissociation) charge distribution over the two identical nuclei. In this paper, we question the equivalence that is made between spatial electron-localization, observed in experiments, and atomic electron-localization, alluded by these theoretical models. We show that (seeming) agreement between these models and experiments is due to an unfortunate omission of nuclear permutation symmetry, i.e., quantum statistics. Enforcement of the latter requires mandatory inclusion of the molecular rotational degree of freedom, even for perfectly aligned molecules. Unlike previous interpretations, we ascribe spatial electron-localization to the laser creation of a rovibronic wavepacket that involves field-free molecular eigenstates with opposite space-inversion symmetry i.e., even and odd parity. Space-inversion symmetry breaking would then lead to an asymmetric distribution of the (space-fixed) electronic density over the forward and backward hemisphere. However, owing to the simultaneous coexistence of two indistinguishable molecular orientational isomers, our analytical and computational results show that the post-dissociation electronic density along a specified space-fixed axis is equally shared between the two identical nuclei-a result that is in perfect accordance with the principle of the indistinguishability of identical particles.

J Chem Phys ; 152(24): 244308, 2020 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32610972


We discuss the effect of molecular symmetry on coherent tunneling in symmetric double-well potentials whose two molecular equilibrium configurations are interconverted by nuclear permutations. This is illustrated with vibrational tunneling in ammonia molecules, electronic tunneling in the dihydrogen cation, and laser-induced rotational tunneling of homonuclear diatomics. In this contribution, we reexamine the textbook picture of coherent tunneling in such potentials, which is depicted with a wavepacket shuttling back and forth between the two potential-wells. We show that the common application of this picture to the aforementioned molecules contravenes the principle of the indistinguishability of identical particles. This conflict originates from the sole consideration of the dynamics of the tunneling-mode, connecting the double-well energy minima, and complete omission of all the remaining molecular degrees of freedom. This gives rise to double-well wavepackets that are nonsymmetric under nuclear permutations. To obey quantum statistics, we show that the double-well eigenstates composing these wavepackets must be entangled with the wavefunctions that describe all the omitted molecular modes. These wavefunctions have compensating and opposite nuclear permutation symmetry. This in turn leads to complete quenching of interference effects behind localization in one potential-well or another. Indeed, we demonstrate that the reduced density of probability of the symmetrized molecular wavefunction, where all the molecular coordinates but the tunneling-mode are integrated out, is symmetrically distributed over the two potential-wells, at all times. This applies to any multilevel wavepacket of isotropic or fully aligned symmetric double-well achiral molecules. However, in the case of coherent electronic or vibrational tunneling, fully aligned molecules may exhibit dynamical localization in the space-fixed frame, where the tunneling-mode density shuttles between the opposite directions of the alignment axis. This dynamical spatial-localization results from linear combinations of molecular states that have opposite parity. In summary, this study shows that dynamical localization of the tunneling-mode density on either of the two indistinguishable molecular equilibrium configurations of symmetric double-well achiral molecules is forbidden by quantum statistics, whereas its dynamical localization in the space-fixed frame is allowed by parity. The subtle distinction between these two types of localization has far-reaching implications in the interpretation of many ultrafast molecular dynamics experiments.

J Chem Phys ; 153(6): 064704, 2020 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35287458


We discuss an efficient Hierarchical Effective Mode (HEM) representation of a high-dimensional harmonic oscillator bath, which describes phonon-driven vibrational relaxation of an adsorbate-surface system, namely, deuterium adsorbed on Si(100). Starting from the original Hamiltonian of the adsorbate-surface system, the HEM representation is constructed via iterative orthogonal transformations, which are efficiently implemented with Householder matrices. The detailed description of the HEM representation and its construction are given in the second quantization representation. The hierarchical nature of this representation allows access to the exact quantum dynamics of the adsorbate-surface system over finite time intervals, controllable via the truncation order of the hierarchy. To study the convergence properties of the effective mode representation, we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation of the truncated system-bath HEM Hamiltonian, with the help of the multilayer extension of the Multiconfigurational Time-Dependent Hartree (ML-MCTDH) method. The results of the HEM representation are compared with those obtained with a quantum-mechanical tier-model. The convergence of the HEM representation with respect to the truncation order of the hierarchy is discussed for different initial conditions of the adsorbate-surface system. The combination of the HEM representation with the ML-MCTDH method provides information on the time evolution of the system (adsorbate) and multiple effective modes of the bath (surface). This permits insight into mechanisms of vibration-phonon coupling of the adsorbate-surface system, as well as inter-mode couplings of the effective bath.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 9(9): 2271-2277, 2018 May 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29649364


We report strong evidence of Berry phase effects in intense laser dissociation of D2+ molecules, manifested as Aharonov-Bohm-like oscillations in the photofragment angular distribution (PAD). Our calculations show that this interference pattern strongly depends on the parity of the diatom initial rotational state, (-1) j. Indeed, the PAD local maxima (minima) observed in one case ( j odd) correspond to local minima (maxima) in the other case ( j even). Using simple topological arguments, we clearly show that such interference conversion is a direct signature of the Berry phase. The sole effect of the latter on the rovibrational wave function is a sign change of the relative phase between two interfering components, which wind in opposite senses around a light-induced conical intersection (LICI). Therefore, encirclement of the LICI leads to constructive ( j odd) or destructive ( j even) self-interference of the initial nuclear wavepacket in the dissociative limit. To corroborate our theoretical findings, we suggest an experiment of strong-field indirect dissociation of D2+ molecules, comparing the PAD of the ortho and para molecular species in directions nearly perpendicular to the laser polarization axis.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(50): 12036-42, 2015 Dec 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26090780


We report rovibrationally selected differential cross sections (DCSs) of the benchmark reaction H + D2 → HD(v' = 3, j' = 4-10) + D at a collision energy of 3.26 eV, which exceeds the conical intersection of the H3 potential energy surface at 2.74 eV. We use the PHOTOLOC technique in which a fluorine excimer laser at 157.64 nm photodissociates hydrogen bromide (HBr) molecules to generate fast H atoms and the HD product is detected in a state-specific manner by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. Fully converged quantum wave packet calculations were performed for this reaction at this high collision energy without inclusion of the geometric phase (GP) effect, which takes into account coupling to the first excited state of the H3 potential energy surface. Multimodal structures can be observed in most of the DCSs up to j' = 10, which is predicted by theory and also well-reproduced by experiment. The theoretically calculated DCSs are in good overall agreement with the experimental measurements, which indicates that the GP effect is not large enough that its existence can be verified experimentally at this collision energy.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(1): 15-20, 2014 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24367084


Modern computational methods have become so powerful for predicting the outcome for the H + H2 → H2 + H bimolecular exchange reaction that it might seem further experiments are not needed. Nevertheless, experiments have led the way to cause theorists to look more deeply into this simplest of all chemical reactions. The findings are less simple.

Química/métodos , Simulación por Computador , Hidrógeno/química , Deuterio/química , Teoría Cuántica , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Vibración
J Chem Phys ; 139(14): 144316, 2013 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24116628


An attempt has been made to measure the theoretically predicted manifestation of a geometric phase in the differential cross section for the H + HD → HD(v' = 2, j' = 5) + H reaction at a center-of-mass collision energy of 1.44 eV (33.2 kcal∕mol). Minute oscillatory differences between calculated differential cross sections that take into account and ignore the effect of geometric phase have proven to be beyond our experimental resolution in spite of the collection of more than 44,000 ions.

J Chem Phys ; 138(9): 094310, 2013 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23485297


The Photoloc technique has been employed to measure the state-resolved differential cross sections of the HD(v', j(')) product in the reaction H + D2 over a wide range of collision energies and internal states. The experimental results were compared with fully dimensional, time-dependent quantum mechanical calculations on the refined Boothroyd-Keogh-Martin-Peterson potential energy surface. We find nearly perfect agreement between theory and experiment for HD(v', j(')) product states with low to medium rotational excitation, e.g., HD(v' = 1, j(') = 3) at a collision energy, Ecoll, of 1.72 eV, HD(v' = 1, j(') = 3, 5) at Ecoll = 1.97 eV, and HD(v' = 3, j(') = 3) at Ecoll = 1.97 eV. As the rotational angular momentum, j('), of HD(v', j(')) increases, the agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental measurements worsens but not in a simple fashion. A moderate disagreement between theory and experiment has been found for HD(v' = 0, j(') = 12) at Ecoll = 1.76 eV and increased monotonically for HD(v' = 0, j(') = 13) at Ecoll = 1.74 eV, HD(v' = 0, j(') = 14) at Ecoll = 1.72 eV, and HD(v' = 0, j(') = 15) at Ecoll = 1.70 eV. Disagreement was not limited to vibrationless HD(v', j(')) product states: HD(v' = 1, j(') = 12) at Ecoll = 1.60 eV and HD(v' = 3, j(') = 8, 10) at Ecoll = 1.97 eV followed a similar trend. Theoretical calculations suggest more sideways∕forward scattering than has been observed experimentally for high j(') HD(v', j(')) states. The source of this discrepancy is presently unknown but might be the result of inaccuracy in the potential energy surface.

Deuterio/química , Hidrógeno/química , Teoría Cuántica , Rotación , Factores de Tiempo
J Phys Chem A ; 116(46): 11118-27, 2012 Nov 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22775197


We investigate the vibrational relaxation of a Morse oscillator, nonlinearly coupled to a finite-dimensional bath of harmonic oscillators at zero temperature, using two different approaches: Reduced dynamics with the help of the Lindblad formalism of reduced density matrix theory in combination with Fermi's Golden Rule, and exact dynamics (within the chosen model) with the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method. Two different models have been constructed, the situation where the bath spectrum is exactly resonant with the anharmonic oscillator transition frequencies, and the case for which the subsystem is slightly off-resonant with the environment. At short times, reduced dynamics calculations describe the relaxation process qualitatively well but fail to reproduce recurrences observed with MCTDH for longer times. Lifetimes of all the vibrational levels of the Morse oscillator have been calculated, and both Lindblad and MCTDH results show the same dependence of the lifetimes on the initial vibrational state quantum number. A prediction, which should be generic for adsorbate systems is a striking, sharp increase of lifetimes of the subsystem vibrational levels close to the dissociation limit. This is contradictory with harmonic/linear extrapolation laws, which predict a monotonic decrease of the lifetime with initial vibrational quantum number.

Science ; 336(6089): 1687-90, 2012 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22745425


When a hydrogen (H) atom approaches a deuterium (D(2)) molecule, the minimum-energy path is for the three nuclei to line up. Consequently, nearly collinear collisions cause HD reaction products to be backscattered with low rotational excitation, whereas more glancing collisions yield sideways-scattered HD products with higher rotational excitation. Here we report that measured cross sections for the H + D(2) → HD(v' = 4, j') + D reaction at a collision energy of 1.97 electron volts contradict this behavior. The anomalous angular distributions match closely fully quantum mechanical calculations, and for the most part quasiclassical trajectory calculations. As the energy available in product recoil is reduced, a rotational barrier to reaction cuts off contributions from glancing collisions, causing high-j' HD products to become backward scattered.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(18): 8175-9, 2011 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21170442


We have measured differential cross sections (DCSs) for the reaction H + D(2) → HD(v' = 2,j' = 0,3,6,9) + D at center-of-mass collision energies E(coll) of 1.25, 1.61, and 1.97 eV using the photoloc technique. The DCSs show a strong dependence on the product rotational quantum number. For the HD(v' = 2,j' = 0) product, the DCS is bimodal but becomes oscillatory as the collision energy is increased. For the other product states, they are dominated by a single peak, which shifts from back to sideward scattering as j' increases, and they are in general less sensitive to changes in the collision energy. The experimental results are compared to quantum mechanical calculations and show good, but not fully quantitative agreement.

J Chem Phys ; 129(21): 214117, 2008 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19063554


A recent approach [S. C. Althorpe, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 084105 (2006)] for interpreting geometric phase (GP) effects in a nuclear wave function confined to the lower of two conically intersecting potential energy surfaces is extended to treat coupled dynamics on both surfaces. The approach is exact, and uses simple topology to separate the wave function into contributions from Feynman paths that wind different numbers of times, and in different senses, around the conical intersection. We derive the approach first, by mapping the time-dependent wave packet describing the coupled dynamics onto a double space, and second, by classifying the Feynman paths within a time-ordered expansion of the path integral. The approach is demonstrated numerically for a simple Exe Jahn-Teller system and for a model of the (1)B(1)-S(0) intersection in pyrrole. The approach allows one to investigate and interpret the effect of the GP on population transfer between the surfaces, and also to extract contributions to the coupled nuclear wave function from different reaction paths.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 105(47): 18194-9, 2008 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19015513


We have measured differential cross sections (DCSs) for the vibrationally inelastic scattering process H + o-D(2)(v = 0, j = 0,2) --> H + o-D(2)(v' = 1-4, j' even). Several different collision energies and nearly the entire range of populated product quantum states are studied. The products are dominantly forward-scattered in all cases. This behavior is the opposite of what is predicted by the conventional textbook mechanism, in which collisions at small impact parameters compress the bond and cause the products to recoil in the backward direction. Recent quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations examining only the o-D(2)(v' = 3, j') products suggest that vibrationally inelastic scattering is the result of a frustrated reaction in which the D-D bond is stretched, but not broken, during the collision. These QCT calculations provide a qualitative explanation for the observed forward-scattering, but they do not agree with experiments at the lowest values of j'. The present work shows that quantum mechanical calculations agree closely with experiments and expands upon previous results to show that forward-scattering is universally observed in vibrationally inelastic H + D(2) collisions over a broad range of conditions.

J Chem Phys ; 128(12): 124322, 2008 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18376934


We report quantum wave packet calculations of state-to-state reaction probabilities and cross sections for the reaction H+H(2)(v(0)=0,j(0)=0)-->H(2)(v,j)+H, at total energies up to 4.5 eV above the ground state potential minimum. The calculations are repeated using (i) the ground electronic state only, (ii) the ground state plus the diagonal non-Born-Oppenheimer correction, (iii) the ground state, diagonal non-Born-Oppenheimer correction and geometric phase (GP), and (iv) both electronic states including all nonadiabatic couplings, using the diabatic potential approach of Mahapatra et al. [J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 2321 (2001)]. The results for calculations (iii) and (iv) are in very close agreement, showing that the upper electronic state makes only a very small contribution to the state-to-state dynamics, even at energies much higher than the conical intersection minimum (at 2.74 eV). At total energies above 3.5 eV, many of the state-to-state reaction probabilities show strong GP effects, indicating that they are dominated by interference between one- and two-transition-state (1-TS and 2-TS) reaction paths. These effects survive the coherent sum over partial waves to produce features in the state-to-state differential cross sections which could be detected in an experiment with an angular resolution of approximately 20 degrees . Efficient dephasing of the interference between the 1-TS and 2-TS contributions causes almost complete cancellation of the GP in the integral cross sections, thus continuing a trend observed at lower energies in earlier work.

J Chem Phys ; 127(12): 124315, 2007 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17902911


We have measured differential cross sections (DCSs) for the HD (v(')=1,j(')=2,6,10) products of the H+D(2) exchange reaction at five different collision energies in the range 1.48< or =E(coll)< or =1.94 eV. The contribution from the less energetic H atoms formed upon spin-orbit excitation of Br in the photolysis of the HBr precursor is taken into account for two collision energies, E(coll)=1.84 and 1.94 eV, allowing us to disentangle the two different channels. The measured DCSs agree well with new time-dependent quantum-mechanical calculations. As the product rotational excitation increases, the DCSs shift from backward to sideward scattering, as expected. We also find that the shapes of the DCSs show only a small overall dependence on the collision energy, with a notable exception occurring for HD (v(')=1,j(')=2), which appears bimodal at high collision energies. We suggest that this feature results from both direct recoil and indirect scattering from the conical intersection.