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medRxiv ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38978678


BACKGROUND: Essential Hypertension (EH) is a global health issue, responsible for approximately 9.4 million deaths annually. Its prevalence varies by region, with genetic factors contributing 30-60% to blood pressure variation. Despite extensive research, the genetic complexity of EH remains largely unexplained. This study aimed to investigate the genetic basis of EH in African-derived individuals from partially isolated quilombo remnant populations in Vale do Ribeira (SP-Brazil). METHODS: Samples from 431 individuals (167 affected, 261 unaffected, 3 with unknown phenotype) were genotyped using a 650k SNP array. Global ancestry proportions were estimated at 47% African, 36% European, and 16% Native American. Additional data from 673 individuals were used to construct six pedigrees. Pedigrees were pruned, and three non-overlapping marker subpanels were created. We phased haplotypes and performed local ancestry analysis to account for admixture. We then conducted genome-wide linkage analysis (GWLA) and performed fine-mapping through family-based association studies (FBAS) on imputed data and through EH-related genes investigation. RESULTS: Linkage analysis identified 22 ROIs with LOD scores ranging from 1.45 to 3.03, encompassing 2363 genes. Fine-mapping identified 60 EH-related candidate genes and 118 suggestive or significant variants (FBAS). Among these, 14 genes, including PHGDH, S100A10, MFN2, and RYR2, were strongly associated with hypertension and harbors 29 SNPs. CONCLUSIONS: Through a complementary approach - combining admixture-adjusted genome-wide linkage analysis based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, association studies on imputed data, and in silico investigations - genetic regions, variants, and candidate genes were identified, offering insights into the genetic etiology of EH in quilombo remnant populations.

Bioinformatics ; 39(10)2023 10 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37788107


SUMMARY: Computational methods for the quantification and visualization of the relative contribution of molecular interactions to the stability of biomolecular structures and complexes are fundamental to understand, modulate and engineer biological processes. Here, we present Surfaces, an easy to use, fast and customizable software for quantification and visualization of molecular interactions based on the calculation of surface areas in contact. Surfaces calculations shows equivalent or better correlations with experimental data as computationally expensive methods based on molecular dynamics. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: All scripts are available at Surface's documentation is available at

Proteínas , Programas Informáticos , Proteínas/química , Simulación de Dinámica Molecular , Documentación , Ligandos
Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33050, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529162


Resumo A hipertensão arterial é uma condição médica caracterizada pela elevação crônica e patológica da pressão arterial, afetando 1,13 bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e constituindo grave problema de saúde pública. Tem natureza multifatorial, sendo influenciada por fatores genéticos/epigenéticos, ambientais e sociais. No Brasil, a hipertensão acomete quase um quarto da população geral. No entanto, a literatura tem demonstrado que populações afrodescendentes, frequentemente às margens dos serviços básicos de saúde, são as mais acometidas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo levantar dados de prevalência e traçar um panorama nacional da doença nas comunidades quilombolas no século XXI, por meio de revisão da literatura. Foram selecionados 15 estudos publicados entre 2001 e 2021 que preencheram os critérios metodológicos de inclusão. Os estudos retratam 140 comunidades quilombolas localizadas em 11 estados brasileiros. A prevalência global média de hipertensão nas comunidades foi de 32,1% (13,8-52,5%). Esse panorama deixa explícito que a hipertensão é um problema de saúde recorrente e de suma importância para essas populações, demandando estratégias específicas para o seu manejo.

Abstract Hypertension is a chronic medical condition characterized by pathological elevation of blood pressure, affecting 1.13 billion individuals globally and presenting a significant public health concern. Its etiology is multifactorial, influenced by genetic/epigenetic, environmental, and social factors. In Brazil, nearly a quarter of the general population experiences hypertension; however, the literature underscores its disproportionate impact on Afro-descendant communities, often marginalized from basic healthcare services. This study aims to gather prevalence data and establish a nationwide overview of hypertension within 21st-century quilombola communities through a comprehensive literature review. Fifteen studies published between 2001 and 2021, meeting the specified methodological criteria, were selected. These studies collectively encompass 140 quilombola communities spanning 11 Brazilian states. The aggregate prevalence of hypertension across these communities averages at 32.1% (ranging from 13.8% to 52.5%). This panorama unequivocally highlights the recurring and paramount health challenge posed by hypertension within these populations, underscoring the need for tailored management strategies.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 17(2): 230-235, maio -jun. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1224600


Introdução: o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é um distúrbio complexo do desenvolvimento sendo alvo de estudos desde 1943, quando o primeiro caso foi descrito. Objetivo: O presente trabalho objetivou revisar as informações mais relevantes das últimas décadas a respeito do Transtorno do Espectro Autista, construindo bases científicas para o Autism Plus de Gilberg. Metodologia: foi realizada revisão da literatura nas bases de dados CAPES/MEC e via PUBMED nos idiomas português e inglês de janeiro de 1978 a janeiro de 2017. Resultados: após a aplicação dos critérios de seleção e exclusão, 46 artigos foram elegíveis para a análise com foco em áreas como: Histórico do autismo; Evolução do Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Desorders (DSM); Autismo idiopático e secundário; Aspectos epidemiológicos; Distribuição de TEA por sexo; Bases neurobiológicas; Bases genéticas; Autism Plus. Tanto os critérios de autismo quanto a sua classificação sofreram mudanças ao longo das décadas, bem como o número de genes sabidamente associados e candidatos a condição. Foram descobertos fatores ambientais determinantes, como uso de abortivos durante a gestação, e foi possível estabelecer a prevalência desproporcional de ocorrência de TEA no sexo, além de diversas condições psiquiátricas e genéticas em comorbidade. Conclusão: o TEA é uma condição complexa, com fenótipo amplo, e vasta condições passíveis de serem encontradas em comorbidade, quadro denominado Autism Plus. A ocorrência de Autism Plus síndromes genéticas é frequentemente observada, e pode compartilhar etiologia comum, por pleiotropia.

Introduction: autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder being studied since 1943, when the first case was described. Objective: This paper aimed to review the most relevant information of the last decades regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder, building scientific basis for Gilberg Autism Plus. Methodology: we performed a literature review in CAPES/MEC databases and via PUBMED in Portuguese and English languages from January 1978 to January 2017. Results: after applying the selection and exclusion criteria, 46 articles were eligible for the analysis with focus on areas such as: Autism history; Evolution of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM); Idiopathic and secondary autism; Epidemiological aspects; Distribution of ASD by sex; Neurobiological bases; Genetic bases; Autism Plus. Both the autism criteria and their classification have undergone changes over the decades, as well as the number of genes known to be associated and candidates for the condition. Was found determinant environmental factors, such as abortive use during gestation, and was possible to establish the disproportionate prevalence of occurrence of ASD by sex, in addition to establish several psychiatric and genetic conditions in comorbidity. Conclusion: TEA is a complex condition, with broad phenotype, and vast conditions that can be found in comorbidity, a frame called Autism Plus. The occurrence of Autism Plus genetic syndromes is frequently observed, and may share common etiology, by pleiotropy.

Trastorno del Espectro Autista