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Phys Rev E ; 109(6-1): 064142, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39020890


We consider a three-dimensional lattice Abelian Higgs gauge model for a charged N-component scalar field ϕ, which is invariant under SO(N) global transformations for generic values of the parameters. We focus on the strong-coupling regime, in which the kinetic Hamiltonian term for the gauge field is a small perturbation, which is irrelevant for the critical behavior. The Hamiltonian depends on a parameter v, which determines the global symmetry of the model and the symmetry of the low-temperature phases. We present renormalization-group predictions, based on a Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson effective description that relies on the identification of the appropriate order parameter and on the symmetry-breaking patterns that occur at the strong-coupling phase transitions. For v=0, the global symmetry group of the model is SU(N); the corresponding model may undergo continuous transitions only for N=2. For v≠0, i.e., in the SO(N) symmetric case, continuous transitions (in the Heisenberg universality class) are possible also for N=3 and 4. We perform Monte Carlo simulations for N=2,3,4,6, to verify the renormalization-group predictions. Finite-size scaling analyses of the numerical data are in full agreement.

Phys Rev E ; 109(4-1): 044146, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38755906


We investigate the nature of the deconfinement transitions in three-dimensional lattice Abelian Higgs models, in which a complex scalar field of integer charge Q≥2 is minimally coupled with a compact U(1) gauge field. Their phase diagram presents two phases separated by a transition line where static charges q, with q

Phys Rev E ; 108(4-1): 044125, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978683


We study the critical behavior of three-dimensional (3D) lattice Abelian Higgs (AH) gauge models with noncompact gauge variables and multicomponent complex scalar fields, along the transition line between the Coulomb and Higgs phases. Previous works that focused on gauge-invariant correlations provided evidence that, for a sufficiently large number of scalar components, these transitions are continuous and associated with the stable charged fixed point of the renormalization-group flow of the 3D AH field theory (scalar electrodynamics), in which charged scalar matter is minimally coupled with an electromagnetic field. Here we extend these studies by considering gauge-dependent correlations of the gauge and matter fields, in the presence of two different gauge fixings, the Lorenz and the axial gauge fixing. Our results for N=25 are definitely consistent with the predictions of the AH field theory and therefore provide additional evidence for the characterization of the 3D AH transitions along the Coulomb-Higgs line as charged transitions in the AH field-theory universality class. Moreover, our results give additional insights on the role of the gauge fixing at charged transitions. In particular, we show that scalar correlations are critical only if a hard Lorenz gauge fixing is imposed.

Phys Rev E ; 105(5-1): 054132, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35706260


We investigate the phase diagram and the nature of the phase transitions of three-dimensional lattice gauge-Higgs models obtained by gauging the Z_{N} subgroup of the global Z_{q} invariance group of the Z_{q} clock model (N is a submultiple of q). The phase diagram is generally characterized by the presence of three different phases, separated by three distinct transition lines. We investigate the critical behavior along the two transition lines characterized by the ordering of the scalar field. Along the transition line separating the disordered-confined phase from the ordered-deconfined phase, standard arguments within the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson framework predict that the behavior is the same as in a generic ferromagnetic model with Z_{p} global symmetry, p being the ratio q/N. Thus, continuous transitions belong to the Ising and to the O(2) universality class for p=2 and p≥4, respectively, while for p=3 only first-order transitions are possible. The results of Monte Carlo simulations confirm these predictions. There is also a second transition line, which separates two phases in which gauge fields are essentially ordered. Along this line we observe the same critical behavior as in the Z_{q} clock model, as it occurs in the absence of gauge fields.

Phys Rev E ; 105(5-1): 054117, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35706281


We address the interplay between local and global symmetries in determining the continuum limit of two-dimensional lattice scalar theories characterized by SO(N_{c}) gauge symmetry and non-Abelian O(N_{f}) global invariance. We argue that, when a quartic interaction is present, the continuum limit of these models corresponds in some cases to the gauged nonlinear σ model field theory associated with the real Grassmannian manifold SO(N_{f})/(SO(N_{c})×SO(N_{f}-N_{c})), which is characterized by the invariance under the color-flavor reflection N_{c}↔N_{f}-N_{c}. Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analyses, performed for N_{f}=7 and several values of N_{c}, confirm the emergence of the color-flavor reflection symmetry in the scaling limit and support the identification of the continuum limit.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(9): 091601, 2021 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34506192


We study perturbations that break gauge symmetries in lattice gauge theories. As a paradigmatic model, we consider the three-dimensional Abelian-Higgs (AH) model with an N-component scalar field and a noncompact gauge field, which is invariant under U(1) gauge and SU(N) transformations. We consider gauge-symmetry breaking perturbations that are quadratic in the gauge field, such as a photon mass term and determine their effect on the critical behavior of the gauge-invariant model, focusing mainly on the continuous transitions associated with the charged fixed point of the AH field theory. We discuss their relevance and compute the (gauge-dependent) exponents that parametrize the departure from the critical behavior (continuum limit) of the gauge-invariant model. We also address the critical behavior of lattice AH models with broken gauge symmetry, showing an effective enlargement of the global symmetry, from U(N) to O(2N), which reflects a peculiar cyclic renormalization-group flow in the space of the lattice AH parameters and of the photon mass.

Phys Rev E ; 104(1-1): 014140, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412366


We study the effects of gauge-symmetry breaking (GSB) perturbations in three-dimensional lattice gauge theories with scalar fields. We study this issue at transitions in which gauge correlations are not critical and the gauge symmetry only selects the gauge-invariant scalar degrees of freedom that become critical. A paradigmatic model in which this behavior is realized is the lattice CP^{1} model or, more generally, the lattice Abelian-Higgs model with two-component complex scalar fields and compact gauge fields. We consider this model in the presence of a linear GSB perturbation. The gauge symmetry turns out to be quite robust with respect to the GSB perturbation: the continuum limit is gauge invariant also in the presence of a finite small GSB term. We also determine the phase diagram of the model. It has one disordered phase and two phases that are tensor and vector ordered, respectively. They are separated by continuous transition lines, which belong to the O(3), O(4), and O(2) vector universality classes, and which meet at a multicritical point. We remark that the behavior at the CP^{1} gauge-symmetric critical point substantially differs from that at transitions in which gauge correlations become critical, for instance at transitions in the noncompact lattice Abelian-Higgs model that are controlled by the charged fixed point: in this case, the behavior is extremely sensitive to GSB perturbations.

Phys Rev E ; 104(6-1): 064111, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35030895


We consider three-dimensional lattice SU(N_{c}) gauge theories with degenerate multicomponent (N_{f}>1) complex scalar fields that transform under the fundamental representation of the gauge SU(N_{c}) group and of the global U(N_{f}) invariance group, interacting with the most general quartic potential compatible with the global (flavor) and gauge (color) symmetries. We investigate the phase diagrams, identifying the low-temperature Higgs phases and their global and gauge symmetries, and the critical behaviors along the different transition lines. In particular, we address the role of the quartic scalar potential, which determines the Higgs phases and the corresponding symmetry-breaking patterns. Our study is based on the analysis of the minimum-energy configurations and on numerical Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, we investigate whether some of the transitions observed in the lattice model can be related to the behavior of the renormalization-group flow of the continuum field theory with the same symmetries and field content around its stable charged fixed points. For N_{c}=2, numerical results are consistent with the existence of charged critical behaviors for N_{f}>N_{f}^{★}, with 20

Phys Rev E ; 101(6-1): 062105, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32688476


We investigate the phase diagram and finite-temperature transitions of three-dimensional scalar SO(N_{c}) gauge theories with N_{f}≥2 scalar flavors. These models are constructed starting from a maximally O(N)-symmetric multicomponent scalar model (N=N_{c}N_{f}), whose symmetry is partially gauged to obtain an SO(N_{c}) gauge theory, with O(N_{f}) or U(N_{f}) global symmetry for N_{c}≥3 or N_{c}=2, respectively. These systems undergo finite-temperature transitions, where the global symmetry is broken. Their nature is discussed using the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) approach, based on a gauge-invariant order parameter, and the continuum scalar SO(N_{c}) gauge theory. The LGW approach predicts that the transition is of first order for N_{f}≥3. For N_{f}=2 the transition is predicted to be continuous: It belongs to the O(3) vector universality class for N_{c}=2 and to the XY universality class for any N_{c}≥3. We perform numerical simulations for N_{c}=3 and N_{f}=2,3. The numerical results are in agreement with the LGW predictions.

Phys Rev E ; 102(6-1): 062151, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33466077


We consider three-dimensional higher-charge multicomponent lattice Abelian-Higgs (AH) models, in which a compact U(1) gauge field is coupled to an N-component complex scalar field with integer charge q, so that they have local U(1) and global SU(N) symmetries. We discuss the dependence of the phase diagram, and the nature of the phase transitions, on the charge q of the scalar field and the number N≥2 of components. We argue that the phase diagram of higher-charge models presents three different phases, related to the condensation of gauge-invariant bilinear scalar fields breaking the global SU(N) symmetry, and to the confinement and deconfinement of external charge-one particles. The transition lines separating the different phases show different features, which also depend on the number N of components. Therefore, the phase diagram of higher-charge models substantially differs from that of unit-charge models, which undergo only transitions driven by the breaking of the global SU(N) symmetry, while the gauge correlations do not play any relevant role. We support the conjectured scenario with numerical results, based on finite-size scaling analyses of Monte Carlo simuations for doubly charged unit-length scalar fields with small and large number of components, i.e., N=2 and N=25.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(23): 232002, 2019 Dec 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31868476


We study the nature of the phase diagram of three-dimensional lattice models in the presence of non-Abelian gauge symmetries. In particular, we consider a paradigmatic model for the Higgs mechanism, lattice scalar chromodynamics with N_{f} flavors, characterized by a non-Abelian SU(N_{c}) gauge symmetry. For N_{f}≥2 (multiflavor case), it presents two phases separated by a transition line where a gauge-invariant order parameter condenses, being associated with the breaking of the residual global symmetry after gauging. The nature of the phase transition line is discussed within two field-theoretical approaches, the continuum scalar chromodynamics, and the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) Φ^{4} approach based on a gauge-invariant order parameter. Their predictions are compared with simulation results for N_{f}=2, 3 and N_{c}=2-4. The LGW approach turns out to provide the correct picture of the critical behavior at the transitions between the two phases.

Phys Rev E ; 98(1-1): 013308, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30110775


Numerical simulations of lattice quantum field theories whose continuum counterparts possess classical solutions with nontrivial topology face a severe critical slowing down as the continuum limit is approached. Standard Monte Carlo algorithms develop a loss of ergodicity, with the system remaining frozen in configurations with fixed topology. We analyze the problem in a simple toy model, consisting of the path integral formulation of a quantum mechanical particle constrained to move on a circumference. More specifically, we implement for this toy model various techniques which have been proposed to solve or alleviate the problem for more complex systems, like non-Abelian gauge theories, and compare them both in the regime of low temperature and in that of very high temperature. Among the various techniques, we propose an alternative algorithm which completely solves the freezing problem, but unfortunately is specifically tailored for this particular model and not easily exportable to more complex systems.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25019749


We study the effects of smooth inhomogeneities at first-order transitions. We show that a temperature gradient at a thermally driven first-order transition gives rise to nontrivial universal scaling behaviors with respect to the length scale l_{t} of the variation of the local temperature T_{x}. We propose a scaling ansatz to describe the crossover region at the surface where T_{x}=T_{c}, where the typical discontinuities of a first-order transition are smoothed out. The predictions of this scaling theory are checked, and get strongly supported, by numerical results for the two-dimensional (2D) Potts models, for a sufficiently large number of states to have first-order transitions. Comparing with analogous results at the 2D Ising transition, we note that the scaling behaviors induced by a smooth inhomogeneity appear quite similar in first-order and continuous transitions.

Transición de Fase , Temperatura , Modelos Teóricos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25019914


We propose an efficient numerical method to study the transport properties of armchair graphene ribbons in the presence of a generic external potential. The method is based on a continuum envelope-function description with physical boundary conditions. The envelope functions are computed in the reciprocal space, and the transmission is then obtained with a recursive scattering matrix approach. This allows a significant reduction of the computational time with respect to finite difference simulations.

Algoritmos , Campos Electromagnéticos , Grafito/química , Modelos Químicos , Nanopartículas/química , Nanopartículas/ultraestructura , Dispersión de Radiación , Simulación por Computador
Phys Rev Lett ; 111(18): 182001, 2013 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24237508


We propose a method to determine the total magnetic susceptibility of strongly interacting matter by lattice QCD simulations and present numerical results for the theory with two light flavors, which suggest a weak magnetic activity in the confined phase and the emergence of strong paramagnetism in the deconfined, quark-gluon plasma phase.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(25): 252003, 2013 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23829731


We study the dependence of 4D SU(N) gauge theories on the topological θ term at finite temperature T. We exploit the lattice formulation of the theory, presenting numerical results for the expansion of the free energy up to O(θ6), for N=3 and N=6. Our analysis shows that the θ dependence drastically changes across the deconfinement transition: the low-T phase is characterized by a large-N scaling with θ/N as relevant variable, while in the high-T phase the scaling variable is just θ and the free energy is essentially determined by the instanton-gas approximation.