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Exp Astron (Dordr) ; 56(2-3): 403-420, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38145003


In an ideal germanium detector, fully-absorbed monoenergetic γ-rays will appear in the measured spectrum as a narrow peak, broadened into a Gaussian of width determined only by the statistical properties of charge cloud generation and the electronic noise of the readout electronics. Multielectrode detectors complicate this picture. Broadening of the charge clouds as they drift through the detector will lead to charge sharing between neighboring electrodes and, inevitably, low-energy tails on the photopeak spectra. We simulate charge sharing in our germanium cross strip detectors in order to reproduce the low-energy tails due to charge sharing. Our goal is to utilize these simulated spectra to develop an analytical fit (shape function) for the spectral lines that provides a robust and high-quality fit to the spectral profile, reliably reproduces the interaction energy, noise width, and the number of counts in both the true photopeak and the low-energy tail, and minimizes the number of additional parameters. Accurate modeling of the detailed line profiles is crucial for both calibration of the detectors as well as scientific interpretation of measured spectra.

Nature ; 520(7549): 646-9, 2015 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25925477


The Galactic Centre hosts a puzzling stellar population in its inner few parsecs, with a high abundance of surprisingly young, relatively massive stars bound within the deep potential well of the central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (ref. 1). Previous studies suggest that the population of objects emitting soft X-rays (less than 10 kiloelectronvolts) within the surrounding hundreds of parsecs, as well as the population responsible for unresolved X-ray emission extending along the Galactic plane, is dominated by accreting white dwarf systems. Observations of diffuse hard-X-ray (more than 10 kiloelectronvolts) emission in the inner 10 parsecs, however, have been hampered by the limited spatial resolution of previous instruments. Here we report the presence of a distinct hard-X-ray component within the central 4 × 8 parsecs, as revealed by subarcminute-resolution images in the 20-40 kiloelectronvolt range. This emission is more sharply peaked towards the Galactic Centre than is the surface brightness of the soft-X-ray population. This could indicate a significantly more massive population of accreting white dwarfs, large populations of low-mass X-ray binaries or millisecond pulsars, or particle outflows interacting with the surrounding radiation field, dense molecular material or magnetic fields. However, all these interpretations pose significant challenges to our understanding of stellar evolution, binary formation, and cosmic-ray production in the Galactic Centre.

Nature ; 423(6938): 415-7, 2003 May 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12761542


Observations of the afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have revealed that they lie at cosmological distances, and so correspond to the release of an enormous amount of energy. The nature of the central engine that powers these events and the prompt gamma-ray emission mechanism itself remain enigmatic because, once a relativistic fireball is created, the physics of the afterglow is insensitive to the nature of the progenitor. Here we report the discovery of linear polarization in the prompt gamma-ray emission from GRB021206, which indicates that it is synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field. The polarization is at the theoretical maximum, which requires a uniform, large-scale magnetic field over the gamma-ray emission region. A large-scale magnetic field constrains possible progenitors to those either having or producing organized fields. We suggest that the large magnetic energy densities in the progenitor environment (comparable to the kinetic energy densities of the fireball), combined with the large-scale structure of the field, indicate that magnetic fields drive the GRB explosion.