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J Nematol ; 16(4): 360-7, 1984 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19294038


Two new monosexual and one bisexual species Pratylenchus Filipjev, 1936 collected from Haryana state of India are described and illustrated. The primary distinguishing features of these species are Pratylenchus microstylus n. sp.: L = 331-458 mum, spear = 11 or 12 mum; Pratylenchus cruciferus n. sp.: L = 648-793 mum, central core of lateral fields with oblique lines, hemizonid 2-8 annules anterior to excretory pore; Pratylenchus ekrami n. sp.: spear = 11-13 mum, spermatheca oblong, post vulval uterine sac with differentiated cells, tail with 26-40 annules, males abundant. Studies on intraspecific variations of P. cruciferus, P. ekrami, and P. coffeae (Zimmermann, 1898) Goodey, 1951 revealed that spear length and value of 'V' are the least variable characters. Body length and size of post vulval uterine sac varies to varying degrees in different species. Shape of median bulb in P. ekrami, number of incisures in P. coffeae, and tail shape in P. ekrami and P. coffeae exhibit the greatest amount of intraspecific variations. P. zeae Graham, 1936 and P. thornei Sher & Allen, 1953 are the other species collected during the present studies.

J Nematol ; 4(2): 104-12, 1972 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19319256


Morphological changes occurring during post-infection development and the influence of temperature on the life cycle of Heterodera lespedezae are reported. Morphological development was similar to that of H. schachtii. Each post-infection stage had a distinct styler, and fed actively. Detailed observations were made of cuticle formation and markings, esophageal glands, and reproductive system. Certain developmental phases, such as matrix deposition and oviposition, appeared to be correlated with color changes of the adult female body. The effect of temperature on nematode development was observed in a phytotron at day/night temperatures of 18/14, 18/18, 22/18, 26/22, 26/26, and 30/26 C; the optimum was 26/26 C. More time was required to complete the life cycle at the three lower temperatures than at the three higher temperatures.