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J Indian Soc Periodontol ; 24(4): 375-378, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32831512


INTRODUCTION: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of gingiva and its supporting structures and is known to cause systemic infection which has adverse effect on pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, preeclampsia, or miscarriage, which have been linked to maternal periodontitis. AIM: Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and awareness regarding the association of periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes among the gynecologists practicing in Hubli-Dharwad city. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved a survey for 50 practicing gynecologists in Hubli-Dharwad city, a pretested close-ended questionnaire was distributed comprising 10 questions on oral health for expectant mothers, and thus, their knowledge and awareness levels were assessed. RESULTS: The results showed that majority of gynecologists agreed importance of maintaining good general health during pregnancy and supported that providing dental treatment during pregnancy improved the pregnancy outcomes. CONCLUSION: However, practical implementation and referring patients to dentists were less. The gynecologists were aware of the facts but failed to execute at the clinical level. Thus, this bilateral interdisciplinary protocol can thus reduce the incidence of maternal and neonatal complications.

J Indian Soc Periodontol ; 23(1): 58-63, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30692745


BACKGROUND: The use of dental implants as a prosthetic treatment modality for partially edentulous or completely edentulous patients is increased more commonly ever since the concept of osseointegration has been accepted. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to assess the awareness, knowledge, attitude, and acceptance of dental implants as a treatment modality among patients visiting SDM Dental College, Dharwad. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 500 patients visiting SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital (SDMCDSH), Dharwad, using a self-explanatory questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 500 individuals participated in the survey. The results of this survey indicate that 93.4% of the patients knew about dental implants, and for majority of them, the major source of information was through their dentist followed by relatives and friends and electronic media. About 60.4% patients disapproved the removable prosthesis as an option for the replacement of missing teeth. 77.2% patients expressed that they could not afford for the dental implant treatment. The major deterioration for this treatment was related to the cost in 80.4% patients, surgical procedure in 11.6% patients, and a long treatment time in 5.6% patients. While 60.4% patients felt that dental implants being expensive, is the treatment option only for the rich. CONCLUSION: The results of this survey showed that majority of the patients visiting SDMCDSH, Dharwad, were aware about dental implants as a treatment modality for the replacement of missing teeth. Although the attitude was positive and they did accept dental implants as a treatment option, the treatment cost mainly was the major reason to take a back step.

J Indian Soc Periodontol ; 20(5): 557-560, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29242693


BACKGROUND: The palatal approach of anterior superior alveolar (P-ASA) using WAND injection was reported to effectively provide a profound bilateral maxillary anesthesia of the soft tissue of anterior one-third of the palate and facial gingivae extending from canine to canine which lasted for more than an hour thus making it ideal for scaling root planing and minor periodontal procedures in the anterior maxilla. Our study suggests that the conventional P-ASA injection is of very short duration and the extent of anesthesia was not profound and consistent. This has not been reported earlier in the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-five cases (20 males and 15 females), who underwent scaling, root planing and minor periodontal surgical procedures such as abscess drainage, gingivectomy, and frenectomy in the maxillary anterior region in the age range of 19-45 years was assessed for the efficacy of the P-ASA injection. After the administration of the P-ASA injection, the subjective and the objective symptoms were used to evaluate the extent and duration of the anesthesia at 10, 15, and 20 min. RESULTS: This study suggests that the conventional P-ASA injection technique does not provide anesthesia for more than 20 min. Wilcoxon matched pairs test was used to compare the effect of anesthesia at the different time intervals and the results were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The conventional P-ASA injection technique is of very short duration and does not demonstrate effectiveness in periodontal surgery of the anterior maxilla.

J Indian Soc Periodontol ; 19(6): 640-4, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26941514


BACKGROUND: The peri-implant mucosa undergoes surgical and bacterial assaults in various stages of implant therapy, however, the literature on changes occurring in the peri-implant mucosa is minimal. This study was thus conducted to evaluate the change in the peri-implant mucosal thickness and its effect on the marginal bone levels around dental implants treated in a conventional two-stage implant therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 36 implants were placed in 22 subjects. Two subjects dropped out. Thirty-three implants in 20 subjects were then evaluated. Initial mucosal thickness, marginal bone levels on radiographs, pain, and exudation were evaluated. All these parameters were recorded at the time of implant placement, at the time of cementation of final restoration, 6 months and 12 months post cementation/restoration. RESULTS: The peri-implant mucosal thickness reduced from implant placement to second stage and till restorations and was statistically significant, in both the thick and thin biotypes, however, at 12 months there was a rebound of the tissue thickness, which was more in the thick biotype (P < 0.05). At 1-year follow-up, there was a reduction in the marginal bone levels, which was more in the thick biotype as compared to the thin biotype (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The mucosa at implant sites undergoes a reduction in thickness from the time of implant placement till the placement of final restorations. The placement of the final restorations and then end of active therapy leads to a rebound of the tissue thickness. Sites with thicker tissues preoperatively have a lesser bone loss and better rebound as compared to thinner tissues.