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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36982012


Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are solutions that serve decision-makers in their decision-making process. For the development of these intelligent systems, two primary components are needed: the knowledge database and the knowledge rule base. The objective of this research work was to implement and validate diverse clinical decision support systems supported by Mamdani-type fuzzy set theory using clustering and dynamic tables. The outcomes were evaluated with other works obtained from the literature to validate the suggested fuzzy systems for categorizing the Wisconsin breast cancer dataset. The fuzzy Inference Systems worked with different input features, according to the studies obtained from the literature. The outcomes confirm that most performance' metrics in several cases were greater than the achieved results from the literature for the output variable for the different Fuzzy Inference Systems-FIS, demonstrating superior precision.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Sistemas de Apoyo a Decisiones Clínicas , Humanos , Femenino , Lógica Difusa , Neoplasias de la Mama/epidemiología , Wisconsin/epidemiología , Bases del Conocimiento
Diagnostics (Basel) ; 9(2)2019 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31075973


Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have been designed, implemented, and validated to help clinicians and practitioners for decision-making about diagnosing some diseases. Within the CDSSs, we can find Fuzzy inference systems. For the reasons above, the objective of this study was to design, to implement, and to validate a methodology for developing data-driven Mamdani-type fuzzy clinical decision support systems using clusters and pivot tables. For validating the proposed methodology, we applied our algorithms on five public datasets including Wisconsin, Coimbra breast cancer, wart treatment (Immunotherapy and cryotherapy), and caesarian section, and compared them with other related works (Literature). The results show that the Kappa Statistics and accuracies were close to 1.0% and 100%, respectively for each output variable, which shows better accuracy than some literature results. The proposed framework could be considered as a deep learning technique because it is composed of various processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction.

RSC Adv ; 9(49): 28704-28717, 2019 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35529660


2-(4-((2-Hydroxyethyl)(methyl)amino)benzylidene)malononitrile (HEMABM) was synthesized from 4-[hydroxymethyl(methyl)amino]benzaldehyde and propanedinitrile to obtain a low molecular weight fluorescent material with an efficient solid-state emission and electroluminescence properties comparable to the well-known poly(2-methoxy-5(2'-ethyl)hexoxyphenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV). The HEMABM was used to prepare an organic light-emitting diode by a solution process. Despite the title compound being a small molecule, it showed optical properties and notable capacity to form a film with smooth morphology (10.81 nm) closer to that of polymer MEH-PPV (10.63 nm). The preparation of the device was by spin coating, the electrical properties such as threshold voltage were about 1.0 V for both HEMABM and MEH-PPV, and the luminance 1300 cd m-2 for HEMABM and 2600 cd m-2 for MEH-PPV. This low molecular weight compound was characterized by SCXRD, IR, NMR, and EI. Besides a quantitative analysis of the intermolecular interactions by PIXEL, density functional theory (DFT) calculations are reported.

Investig. enferm ; 15(1): 65-83, ene.-jun. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: lil-702283


El interés por ahondar en la reflexión y comprensión de la discapacidad como un hechosocial relacional, me motivó a proponer una cátedra sobre el tema en la PontificiaUniversidad Javeriana desde el segundo semestre del 2008. Como parte del ejerciciode investigación y reflexión constante a partir de la práctica docente, que ha acompañadoel proceso del curso, este artículo presenta el resultado análisis y reflexión sobrelos conceptos iniciales de discapacidad y sociedad, expresados por 120 estudiantesque han cursado la asignatura entre el 2008 y el 2009, y la relación de conceptos conla manera como se construye la discapacidad socialmente. En este recorrido, hallé lacompañía y el interés del estudiante que presenta esta reflexión conmigo, quien ensu ejercicio académico de pasantía, interesado en la construcción social del cuerpo,compartió sus conocimientos e intereses, y asumió el reto de construir conjuntamentelas reflexiones que aquí presentamos. Estas dan cuenta del proceso en el aula, másvarias sesiones de discusión y reflexión de estos hallazgos, a la luz de algunos teóricosde la sociedad y la discapacidad, y cómo el modo de nombrar y entender la sociedad serelaciona con la manera en que se construye la discapacidad socialmente...

My interest in increasing reflection and comprehension of disability as a socially-relatedissue encouraged me to start a course on the subject at the Pontificia UniversidadJaveriana starting on the second term of 2008. This paper is the result of the constantresearch and reflection teaching involves, with especial regard to this particular course,and it presents an analysis and reflection on the notions of disability and societyexpressed by the 120 students that have taken the course from 2008 to 2009, andtheir thoughts on how the notion of disability is socially constructed. In this journeyI discovered the interest of the student who is co-authoring this paper, and who wasvery interested in the social construction of the body. He shared his interests andknowledge and accepted the challenge of working together on the reflections presentedin this paper. These discuss our findings from the work done in the classroom andother study sessions, considering expert theories on society and disability, and reflecton how the way in which we name and understand society relates to the way disabilityis socially constructed...

O interesse por aprofundar na reflexão e compreensão da deficiência como fato socialrelacional, motivou-me para propor uma cátedra sobre o tema na Pontifícia UniversidadeJaveriana desde o segundo semestre do ano 2008. Como parte do exercício depesquisa e reflexão constante a partir da prática docente, que tem acompanhado oprocesso da aula, este artigo apresenta o resultado análise e reflexão sobre os conceitosiniciais de deficiência e sociedade, expressados por 120 estudantes que cursarama matéria entre o 2008 e o 2009, e a relação de conceitos com a maneira como seconstrói a deficiência socialmente. Neste percurso, achei a companhia e o interesse doestudante que apresenta esta reflexão comigo, quem no seu estágio acadêmico, interessadona construção social do corpo, compartilhou seus conhecimentos e interesses,e assumiu o desafio de construir conjuntamente as reflexões que aqui apresentamos.Estas dão conta do processo na sala de aula, mais várias sessões de discussão e reflexãodestes achados, à luz de alguns teóricos da sociedade e a deficiência, e a formacomo o modo de nomear e entender a sociedade se relaciona com a maneira em que seconstrói a deficiência socialmente...

Evaluación de la Discapacidad , Personas con Discapacidad