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Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-511545


Speed is key during infectious disease outbreaks. It is essential, for example, to identify critical host binding factors to the pathogens as fast as possible. The complexity of host plasma membrane is often a limiting factor hindering fast and accurate determination of host binding factors as well as high-throughput screening for neutralizing antimicrobial drug targets. Here we describe a multi-parametric and high-throughput platform tackling this bottleneck and enabling fast screens for host binding factors as well as new antiviral drug targets. The sensitivity and robustness of our platform was validated by blocking SARS-CoV-2 spike particles with nanobodies and IgGs from human serum samples. TeaserA fast screening platform tackling host-pathogen interactions.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-508299


Several sublineages of omicron have emerged with additional mutations that may afford further antibody evasion. Here, we characterise the sensitivity of emerging omicron sublineages BA.2.75.2, BA.4.6, and BA.2.10.4 to antibody-mediated neutralisation, and identify extensive escape by BA.2.75.2. BA.2.75.2 was resistant to neutralisation by Evusheld (tixagevimab + cilgavimab), but remained sensitive to bebtelovimab. In recent serum samples from blood donors in Stockholm, Sweden, BA.2.75.2 was neutralised, on average, at titers approximately 6.5-times lower than BA.5, making BA.2.75.2 the most neutralisation resistant variant evaluated to date. These data raise concerns that BA.2.75.2 may effectively evade humoral immunity in the population.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-500716


An emerging SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineage, BA.2.75, is increasing in frequency in India and has been detected in at least 15 countries as of 19 July 2022. Relative to BA.2, BA.2.75 carries nine additional mutations in spike. Here we report the sensitivity of the BA.2.75 spike to neutralization by a panel of clinically-relevant and pre-clinical monoclonal antibodies, as well as by serum from blood donated in Stockholm, Sweden, before and after the BA.1/BA.2 infection wave. BA.2.75 largely maintains sensitivity to bebtelovimab, despite a slight reduction in potency, and exhibits moderate susceptibility to tixagevimab and cilgavimab. For sera sampled both before and after the BA.1/BA.2 infection wave, BA.2.75 does not show significantly greater antibody evasion than the currently-dominating BA.5.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-476382


Among the 30 non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions in the Omicron S-gene are 13 that have only rarely been seen in other SARS-CoV-2 sequences. These mutations cluster within three functionally important regions of the S-gene at sites that will likely impact (i) interactions between subunits of the Spike trimer and the predisposition of subunits to shift from down to up configurations, (ii) interactions of Spike with ACE2 receptors, and (iii) the priming of Spike for membrane fusion. We show here that, based on both the rarity of these 13 mutations in intrapatient sequencing reads and patterns of selection at the codon sites where the mutations occur in SARS-CoV-2 and related sarbecoviruses, prior to the emergence of Omicron the mutations would have been predicted to decrease the fitness of any genomes within which they occurred. We further propose that the mutations in each of the three clusters therefore cooperatively interact to both mitigate their individual fitness costs, and adaptively alter the function of Spike. Given the evident epidemic growth advantages of Omicron over all previously known SARS-CoV-2 lineages, it is crucial to determine both how such complex and highly adaptive mutation constellations were assembled within the Omicron S-gene, and why, despite unprecedented global genomic surveillance efforts, the early stages of this assembly process went completely undetected.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-474825


The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron1 Variant of Concern (B.1.1.529) has spread rapidly in many countries. With a spike that is highly diverged from that of the pandemic founder, it escapes most available monoclonal antibody therapeutics2,3 and erodes vaccine protection4. A public class of IGHV3-53-using SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies5,6 typically fails to neutralize variants carrying mutations in the receptor-binding motif7-11, including Omicron. As antibodies from this class are likely elicited in most people following SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination, their subsequent affinity maturation is of particular interest. Here, we isolated IGHV3-53-using antibodies from an individual seven months after infection and identified several antibodies capable of broad and potent SARS-CoV-2 neutralization, extending to Omicron without loss of potency. By introducing select somatic hypermutations into a germline-reverted form of one such antibody, CAB-A17, we demonstrate the potential for commonly elicited antibodies to develop broad cross-neutralization through affinity maturation. Further, we resolved the structure of CAB-A17 Fab in complex with Omicron spike at an overall resolution of 2.6 [A] by cryo-electron microscopy and defined the structural basis for this breadth. Thus, public SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies can, without modified spike vaccines, mature to cross-neutralize exceptionally antigenically diverged SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-473354


The recently-emerged SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 variant (Omicron) is spreading rapidly in many countries, with a spike that is highly diverged from the pandemic founder, raising fears that it may evade neutralizing antibody responses. We cloned the Omicron spike from a diagnostic sample which allowed us to rapidly establish an Omicron pseudotyped virus neutralization assay, sharing initial neutralization results only 13 days after the variant was first reported to the WHO, 8 days after receiving the sample. Here we show that Omicron is substantially resistant to neutralization by several monoclonal antibodies that form part of clinical cocktails. Further, we find neutralizing antibody responses in pooled reference sera sampled shortly after infection or vaccination are substantially less potent against Omicron, with neutralizing antibody titers reduced by up to 45 fold compared to those for the pandemic founder. Similarly, in a cohort of convalescent sera prior to vaccination, neutralization of Omicron was low to undetectable. However, in recent samples from two cohorts from Stockholm, Sweden, antibody responses capable of cross-neutralizing Omicron were prevalent. Sera from infected-then-vaccinated healthcare workers exhibited robust cross-neutralization of Omicron, with an average potency reduction of only 5-fold relative to the pandemic founder variant, and some donors showing no loss at all. A similar pattern was observed in randomly sampled recent blood donors, with an average 7-fold loss of potency. Both cohorts showed substantial between-donor heterogeneity in their ability to neutralize Omicron. Together, these data highlight the extensive but incomplete evasion of neutralizing antibody responses by the Omicron variant, and suggest that increasing the magnitude of neutralizing antibody responses by boosting with unmodified vaccines may suffice to raise titers to levels that are protective.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-469423


Recombination contributes to the genetic diversity found in coronaviruses and is known to be a prominent mechanism whereby they evolve. It is apparent, both from controlled experiments and in genome sequences sampled from nature, that patterns of recombination in coronaviruses are non-random and that this is likely attributable to a combination of sequence features that favour the occurrence of recombination breakpoints at specific genomic sites, and selection disfavouring the survival of recombinants within which favourable intra-genome interactions have been disrupted. Here we leverage available whole-genome sequence data for six coronavirus subgenera to identify specific patterns of recombination that are conserved between multiple subgenera and then identify the likely factors that underlie these conserved patterns. Specifically, we confirm the non-randomness of recombination breakpoints across all six tested coronavirus subgenera, locate conserved recombination hot- and cold-spots, and determine that the locations of transcriptional regulatory sequences are likely major determinants of conserved recombination breakpoint hot-spot locations. We find that while the locations of recombination breakpoints are not uniformly associated with degrees of nucleotide sequence conservation, they display significant tendencies in multiple coronavirus subgenera to occur in low guanine-cytosine content genome regions, in non-coding regions, at the edges of genes, and at sites within the Spike gene that are predicted to be minimally disruptive of Spike protein folding. While it is apparent that sequence features such as transcriptional regulatory sequences are likely major determinants of where the template-switching events that yield recombination breakpoints most commonly occur, it is evident that selection against misfolded recombinant proteins also strongly impacts observable recombination breakpoint distributions in coronavirus genomes sampled from nature.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-453673


Conventional approaches to isolate and characterize nanobodies are laborious and cumbersome. Here we combine phage display, multivariate enrichment, and novel sequence analysis techniques to annotate an entire nanobody repertoire from an immunized alpaca. We combine this approach with a streamlined screening strategy to identify numerous anti-SARS-CoV-2 nanobodies, and use neutralization assays and Hydrogen/Deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) epitope mapping to characterize their potency and specificity. Epitope mapping revealed that the binding site is a key determinant of neutralization potency, rather than affinity alone. The most potent nanobodies bind to the receptor binding motif of the RBD, directly preventing interaction with the host cell receptor ACE2, and we identify two exceptionally potent members of this category (with monomeric IC50s around 13 and 16 ng/ml). Other nanobodies bind to a more conserved epitope on the side of the RBD, and are able to potently neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 founder virus (42 ng/ml), the beta variant (B.1.351/501Y.V2) (35 ng/ml), and also cross-neutralize the more distantly related SARS-CoV-1 (0.46 g/ml). The approach presented here is well suited for the screening of phage libraries to identify functional nanobodies for various biomedical and biochemical applications.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-438330


The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOCs) with mutations in key neutralizing antibody epitopes threatens to undermine vaccines developed against the pandemic founder variant (Wu-Hu-1). Widespread vaccine rollout and continued transmission are creating a population that has antibody responses of varying potency to Wu-Hu-1. Against this background, it is critical to assess the outcomes of subsequent immunization with variant antigens. It is not yet known whether heterotypic vaccine boosts would be compromised by original antigenic sin, where pre-existing responses to a prior variant dampen responses to a new one, or whether the primed memory B cell repertoire would bridge the gap between Wu-Hu-1 and VOCs. Here, we show that a single adjuvanted dose of receptor binding domain (RBD) protein from VOC 501Y.V2 (B.1.351) drives an extremely potent neutralizing antibody response capable of cross-neutralizing both Wu-Hu-1 and 501Y.V2 in rhesus macaques previously immunized with Wu-Hu-1 spike protein. Passive immunization with plasma sampled following this boost protected K18-hACE2 mice from lethal challenge with a 501Y.V2 clinical isolate, whereas only partial protection was afforded by plasma sampled after two Wu-Hu-1 spike immunizations.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21252268


The emergence and rapid rise in prevalence of three independent SARS-CoV-2 "501Y lineages, B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1, in the last three months of 2020 prompted renewed concerns about the evolutionary capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to adapt to both rising population immunity, and public health interventions such as vaccines and social distancing. Viruses giving rise to the different 501Y lineages have, presumably under intense natural selection following a shift in host environment, independently acquired multiple unique and convergent mutations. As a consequence, all have gained epidemiological and immunological properties that will likely complicate the control of COVID-19. Here, by examining patterns of mutations that arose in SARS-CoV-2 genomes during the pandemic we find evidence of a major change in the selective forces acting on various SARS-CoV-2 genes and gene segments (such as S, nsp2 and nsp6), that likely coincided with the emergence of the 501Y lineages. In addition to involving continuing sequence diversification, we find evidence that a significant portion of the ongoing adaptive evolution of the 501Y lineages also involves further convergence between the lineages. Our findings highlight the importance of monitoring how members of these known 501Y lineages, and others still undiscovered, are convergently evolving similar strategies to ensure their persistence in the face of mounting infection and vaccine induced host immune recognition.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-430940


Isolation and characterization of antibodies in COVID-19 patients has largely focused on memory B cells, however it is the antibody-secreting plasma cells that are directly responsible for the production of serum antibodies, which play a critical role in controlling and resolving SARS-CoV-2 infection. To date there is little known about the specificity of plasma cells in COVID-19 patients. This is largely because plasma cells lack surface antibody expression, which complicates their screening. Here, we describe a technology pipeline that integrates single-cell antibody repertoire sequencing and high-throughput mammalian display screening to interrogate the specificity of plasma cells from 16 convalescent COVID-19 patients. Single-cell sequencing allows us to profile antibody repertoire features in these patients and identify highly expanded clonal lineages. Mammalian display screening is employed to reveal that 37 antibodies (out of 132 candidates) derived from expanded plasma cell clonal lineages are specific for SARS-CoV-2 antigens, including antibodies that target the receptor binding domain (RBD) with high affinity and exhibit potent neutralization of SARS-CoV-2. One Sentence SummarySingle-cell antibody repertoire sequencing and high-throughput screening identifies highly expanded plasma cells from convalescent COVID-19 patients that produce SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies capable of potent neutralization.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20248821


In Sweden, social restrictions to contain SARS-CoV-2 have to date primarily relied upon voluntary adherence to a set of recommendations and strict lockdowns/regulations have not been enforced, potentially affecting viral dissemination. To understand the levels of past SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Stockholm population before the start of mass vaccinations, healthy blood donors and pregnant women (n=5,100) were sampled at random between 14th March 2020-28th February 2021. All individuals (n=200/sampling week) were screened for anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) trimer- and RBD-specific IgG responses and the results were compared with those from historical controls (n=595). Data were modelled using a probabilistic Bayesian framework that considered individual responses to both viral antigens. We found that after a steep rise at the start of the pandemic, the seroprevalence trajectory increased more steadily (over summer) in approach to the winter second-wave of infections, approaching 15% of all adults surveyed by mid-December 2020. The population seropositivity rate again increased more rapidly as cases rose over the winter period. By the end of February 2021, [~]19% ([~]one-in-five) in this study group tested seropositive. Notably, 96% of random seropositive samples screened (n=56), displayed virus neutralizing responses, with titers comparable to those engendered by recently approved mRNA vaccines, supporting that milder infections generally provoke a competent B cell response. These data offer baseline information about the level of seropositivity in this group of active adults in the Stockholm metropolitan area following a full year of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and prior to the introduction of vaccines. Structured abstractO_ST_ABSObjectivesC_ST_ABSSweden did not enforce social lockdown in response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Therefore, we sought to determine the proportion of seropositive healthy, active adults in Stockholm, the countrys most populous region. Random sampling (of blood donors and pregnant women) was carried out during the first year following virus emergence in the country and prior to vaccination of the general adult population - allowing for an estimate of seroprevalence in response to natural infection. DesignIn this cross-sectional prospective study, otherwise-healthy blood donors (n=2,600) and pregnant women(n=2,500) were sampled at random for consecutive weeks (at four intervals) between 14th March and 28th February 2021. Sera from all participants and a cohort of historical controls (n=595) were screened for IgG responses against trimers of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) glycoprotein and the smaller receptor-binding domain (RBD). As a complement to standard analytical approaches, a probabilistic (cut-off-independent) Bayesian framework that assigns likelihood of past infection was used to analyze data over time. The study was carried out in accordance with Swedish Ethical Review Authority: registration number 2020-01807. SettingHealthy participant samples were selected from their respective pools at random through Karolinska University Hospital. ParticipantsNone of the participants were symptomatic at sampling. No additional metadata was available from the samples. ResultsBlood donors and pregnant women showed a similar seroprevalence. After a steep rise at the start of the pandemic, the seroprevalence trajectory increased steadily in approach to the winter second-wave of infections, approaching 15% of all individuals surveyed by 13th December 2020. By the end of February 2021, when deaths were in decline and at low levels following their winter peak, 19% of the population tested seropositive. Notably, 96% of seropositive healthy donors screened (n=56) developed neutralizing antibody responses at titers comparable to, or higher than those observed in clinical trials of SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA vaccination, supporting that mild infection engenders a competent B cell response. ConclusionsThese data indicate that in the year since the start of community transmission, seropositivity levels in metropolitan Stockholm had reached approximately one-in-five persons, providing important baseline seroprevalence information prior to the start of vaccination.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-228486


The outbreak and spread of SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2), the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is a current global health emergency and a prophylactic vaccine is needed urgently. The spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 mediates entry into host cells, and thus is a target for neutralizing antibodies and vaccine design. Here we show that adjuvanted protein immunization with SARS-CoV-2 spike trimers, stabilized in prefusion conformation 1, results in potent antibody responses in mice and rhesus macaques with neutralizing antibody titers orders of magnitude greater than those typically measured in serum from SARS-CoV-2 seropositive humans. Neutralizing antibody responses were observed after a single dose, with exceptionally high titers achieved after boosting. Furthermore, neutralizing antibody titers elicited by a dose-sparing regimen in mice were similar to those obtained from a high dose regimen. Taken together, these data strongly support the development of adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 prefusion-stabilized spike protein subunit vaccines.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20155937


Serological studies are critical for understanding pathogen-specific immune responses and informing public health measures1,2. Here, we evaluate tandem IgM, IgG and IgA responses in a cohort of individuals PCR+ for SARS-CoV-2 RNA (n=105) representing different categories of disease severity, including mild and asymptomatic infections. All PCR+ individuals surveyed were IgG-positive against the virus spike (S) glycoprotein. Elevated Ab levels were associated with hospitalization, with IgA titers, increased circulating IL-6 and strong neutralizing responses indicative of intensive care status. Additional studies of healthy blood donors (n=1,000) and pregnant women (n=900), sampled weekly during the initial outbreak in Stockholm, Sweden (weeks 14-25, 2020), demonstrated that anti-viral IgG titers differed over 1,000-fold between seroconverters, highlighting the need for careful evaluation of assay cut-offs for individual measurements and accurate estimates of seroprevalence (SP). To provide a solution to this, we developed probabilistic machine learning approaches to assign likelihood of past infection without setting an assay cut-off, allowing for more quantitative individual and population-level Ab measures. Using these tools, that considered responses against both S and RBD, we report SARS-CoV-2 S-specific IgG in 6.8% of blood donors and pregnant women two months after the peak of spring COVID-19 deaths, with the SP curve and country death rate following similar trajectories.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20143966


The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a tremendous challenge for the global community. We established a translational approach combining home blood sampling by finger-pricking with multiplexed serology to assess the exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a general population. The developed procedure determines the immune response in multiplexed assays against several spike (S, here denoted SPK), receptor binding domain (RBD) and nucleocapsid (NCP) proteins in eluates from dried capillary blood. The seroprevalence was then determined in two study sets by mailing 1000 blood sampling kits to random households in urban Stockholm during early and late April 2020, respectively. After receiving 55% (1097/2000) of the cards back within three weeks, 80% (878/1097) were suitable for the analyses of IgG and IgM titers. The data revealed diverse pattern of immune response, thus seroprevalence was dependent on the antigen, immunoglobulin class, stringency to include different antigens, as well as the required analytical performance. Applying unsupervised dimensionality reduction to the combined IgG and IgM data, 4.4% (19/435; 95% CI: 2.4%-6.3%) and 6.3% (28/443; 95% CI: 4.1%-8.6%) of the samples clustered with convalescent controls. Using overlapping scores from at least two SPK antigens, prevalence rates reached 10.1% (44/435; 95% CI: 7.3%-12.9%) in study set 1 and 10.8% (48/443; 95% CI: 7.9%-13.7%). Measuring the immune response against several SARS-CoV-2 proteins in a multiplexed workflow can provide valuable insights about the serological diversity and improve the certainty of the classification. Combining such assays with home-sampling of blood presents a viable strategy for individual-level diagnostics and towards an unbiased assessment of the seroprevalence in a population and may serve to improve our understanding about the diversity of COVID-19 etiology. One Sentence SummaryA multiplexed serology assay was developed to determine antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 proteins in home-sampled dried blood spots collected by finger pricking.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-165415


The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Therapeutic neutralizing antibodies constitute a key short-to-medium term approach to tackle COVID-19. However, traditional antibody production is hampered by long development times and costly production. Here, we report the rapid isolation and characterization of nanobodies from a synthetic library, known as sybodies (Sb), that target the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Several binders with low nanomolar affinities and efficient neutralization activity were identified of which Sb23 displayed high affinity and neutralized pseudovirus with an IC50 of 0.6 {micro}g/ml. A cryo-EM structure of the spike bound to Sb23 showed that Sb23 binds competitively in the ACE2 binding site. Furthermore, the cryo-EM reconstruction revealed a novel conformation of the spike where two RBDs are in the up ACE2-binding conformation. The combined approach represents an alternative, fast workflow to select binders with neutralizing activity against newly emerging viruses.

Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-130161


SARS-CoV-2 is the etiologic agent of COVID-19, currently causing a devastating pandemic for which pharmacological interventions are urgently needed. The virus enters host cells through an interaction between the spike glycoprotein and the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Directly preventing this interaction presents an attractive possibility for suppressing SARS-CoV-2 replication. Here we report the isolation and characterization of an alpaca-derived single domain antibody fragment, Ty1, that specifically targets the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike, directly preventing ACE2 engagement. The nanobody binds with high affinity in the low nM range to the RBD, occluding ACE2. A cryo-electron microscopy structure of the bound complex at 2.9 Å resolution reveals that Ty1 binds to an epitope on the RBD accessible in both the ‘up’ and ‘down’ conformations and that Ty1 sterically hinders RBD-ACE2 binding. This 12.8 kDa nanobody does not need an Fc domain to neutralize SARS-CoV-2, and can be expressed in high quantities in bacteria, presenting opportunities for manufacturing at scale. Ty1 is therefore an excellent candidate as an intervention against COVID-19.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.View Full Text