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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25093080


Given the importance of groundwater resources in water supply, this work aimed to study quality of drinking groundwater in rural areas in Tabriz county, northwest of Iran. Thirty two groundwater samples from different areas were collected and analyzed in terms of general parameters along with 20 heavy metals (e.g. As, Hg and …). The data of the analyses were applied as an attribute database for preparing thematic maps and showing water quality parameters. Multivariate statistical techniques, including principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) were used to compare and evaluate water quality. The findings showed that hydrochemical faces of the groundwater were of calcium-bicarbonate type. EC values were from 110 to 1750 µs/cm, in which concentration of salts was high in the east and a zone in north of the studied area. Hardness was from 52 to 476 mg/l and CaCO3 with average value of 185.88 ± 106.56 mg/L indicated hard water. Dominant cations and anions were Ca(2+) > Na(+) > Mg(2+) > K(+) and HCO3 (-) > Cl(-) > SO4 (2-) > NO3 (2), respectively. In the western areas, arsenic contamination was observed as high as 69 µg/L. Moreover, mercury was above the standard level in one of the villages. Eskandar and Olakandi villages had the lowest quality of drinking water. In terms of CA, sampling sites were classified into four clusters of similar water quality and PCA demonstrated that 3 components could cover 84.3% of the parameters. For investigating arsenic anomaly, conducting a comprehensive study in the western part of studied area is strongly recommended.

Health Promot Perspect ; 4(2): 195-205, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25648583


BACKGROUND: The majority of rural population in Iran depends on groundwater resources for drinking purposes. In recent years, pesticide contamination of limited water resources has become a serious challenge worldwide. This study quantified the pesticides residue in rural groundwater resources in the northwest of Iran. METHODS: A total of 78 groundwater samples were collected in June and Sep-tember 2011 from all 39 drinking water wells. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) followed by Gas Chroma9tography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to determine the selected pesticides. RESULTS: Detection frequencies of profenofos, malathion, diazinon, endosulfan, trifluralin, deltamethrin, methyl parathion, and fenitrothion were determined with the concentrations exceeded 0.1 µg/L in 2.6, 17.9, 15.4, 10.3, 2.6, 2.6, 7.7, and 44.9% of the samples, respectively. Total pesticides residue was also ob-served in 26.9% of the samples with concentrations exceeded 0.5 µg/L. Among them, profenofos, malathion and diazinon were detected as the most frequently observed pesticides with the maximum concentrations of 0.542, 0.456 and 0.614 µg/L, respectively. CONCLUSION: Higher pesticides residue than European Economic Commission (EEC) guidelines occurred in a number of monitored resources.

Health Promot Perspect ; 2(1): 103-11, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24688924


BACKGROUND: This paper discusses the corrosion and scaling potential of Tabriz drinking water distribution system in Northwest of Iran. Internal corrosion of piping is a serious problem in drinking water industry. Corrosive water can cause intrusion of heavy metals especially lead in to water, therefore effecting public health. The aim of this study was to determine corrosion and scaling potential in potable water distribution system of Tabriz during the spring and summer in 2011. METHODS: This study was carried out using Langlier Saturation Index, Ryznar Stability Index, Puckorius Scaling Index, and Aggressiveness indices. Eighty samples were taken from all over the city within two seasons, spring, and summer. Related parameters including temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, calcium hardness, and total alkalinity in all samples were measured in laboratory according to standard method manual. For the statistical analysis of the results, SPSS software (version 11.5) was used RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation values of Langlier, Ryznar, Puckorius and Aggressiveness Indices were equal to -0.68 (±0.43), 8.43 (±0.55), 7.86 (±0.36) and 11.23 (±0.43), respectively. By survey of corrosion indices, it was found that Tabriz drinking water is corrosive. CONCLUSION: In order to corrosion control, it is suggested that laboratorial study with regard to the distribution system condition be carried out to adjust effective parameters such as pH.