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Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(2): 155-165, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1395018


Resumen Los virus de inmunodeficiencia y leucemia felina representan un problema de gran envergadura para los felinos domésticos debido a la multiplicidad de sintomatologías que manifiestan. El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer, retrospectivamente, la prevalencia en la presentación de ViLeF y VIF en pacientes de seis clínicas de pequeños animales en Bogotá y Chía, en relación con factores como su edad, raza y género. Se realizó un estudio transversal y retrospectivo, mediante la recopilación de datos de 1.014 historias clínicas de pacientes felinos que ingresaron a seis clínicas de la ciudad de Bogotá y Chía, para determinar la prevalencia de VIF y ViLeF y la asociación de estas con factores como edad, género y raza, entre 2015 y 2019, a través de la prueba OR. La detección de los virus se realizó mediante una prueba rápida basada en inmunocromatografía. La mayor prevalencia para cada enfermedad por año fue: 12,3% para VIF en 2012 y 18% para ViLeF en 2019. Los machos presentaron mayores seroprevalencias para ambas enfermedades durante la mayoría los años evaluados. Factores como raza (criolla: VIF: 1,85; ViLeF: 2,01), género (macho: VIF: 1,53 OR; ViLeF: 1,64) y edad (> 7 años: VIF: 3,82; ViLeF: 3,21) se relacionaron positivamente con la presentación de ambas enfermedades en la población felina evaluada.

Abstract Immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus represent major problems for domestic felines due to the multiplicity of symptoms they manifest. The objective of the present study was to establish, retrospectively, the prevalence in the presentation of FeLV and FIV in patients from six small animal clinics in Bogota and Chia, related to factors such as age, race, and gender. A cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out, collecting data from 1.014 clinical records of feline patients who were admitted to six clinics in the city of Bogota and Chia, to determine the prevalence of FIV and FeLV and their association with factors such as age, gender, and race, between 2015 and 2019 through the OR test. The detection of the viruses was carried out through a rapid test based on immunochromatography. The highest prevalence for each disease per year was 12,3% for FIV in 2012 and 18% for FeLV in 2019. Males presented higher seroprevalences for both diseases during most of the years evaluated. Factors such as race (Creole: FIV: 1,85; FeLV: 2,01), gender (male: FIV: 1.53 OR, FeLV: 1,64), and age (> 7 years: FIV: 3.82; FeLV: 3.21) were positively related to the presentation of both diseases in the feline population evaluated.

Animales , Gatos , Virus , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Leucemia , Enfermedad Crónica , Enfermedad , Cromatografía de Afinidad , Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Felina , Virus de la Leucemia Felina , Diagnóstico , Retroviridae , Hospitales Veterinarios
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 68(2): 95-104, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1352096


ABSTRACT Mastitis is one of the most important illnesses in specialized dairy herds worldwide due to the effects on production and animal health. The types caused by CNS has a special importance in a production where the main pathogens are controlled. The objective of the present work is to determine the prevalence of CNS in a dairy herd in Boyaca and also quantify the effects of every species of CNS in SCC. 40 cows were selected and sampled during 6 months, CMT was performed, and results from 1 to trace were sampled. The routine bacteriological test was also performed for CNS identification, and the isolating of CNS was performed through rpoB gene identification and through the type of strain using the pulse gel electrophoresis procedure. Out of 960 samples, 619 were positive for CNS growth. The most prevalent species were Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. chromogenes, S. sciuri, S. simulaans, S. haemolyticus and S. capitis. The results that were found here are similar to the results observed in different parts of the world, which confirms that they are pathogens that must be constantly evaluated because they can go unnoticed in routine controls, especially in those farms where major pathogens are not a serious problem. The results determined in this study demonstrate that CNS generates a slight increase in somatic cells.

RESUMEN La mastitis es una de las enfermedades más importantes en los rebaños lecheros especializados alrededor de todo el mundo debido a los efectos sobre la producción y la salud animal. Los tipos ocasionados por estafilococos coagualasa negativo (ECN) tienen una importancia especial en una producción en la que los principales patógenos están controlados. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la prevalência del ECN en un hato lechero en Boyacá y cuantificar los efectos de cada especie de ECN en el conteo de células somáticas (CCS). Se seleccionaron 40 vacas y se tomaron muestras durante 6 meses, se realizó california mastitis test (CMT) y se tomaron muestras de los resultados desde 1 hasta donde hubo trazas. También se realizó la prueba bacteriológica de rutina para la identificación del ECN y el aislamiento del ECN se realizó mediante la identificación del gen rpoB y del tipo de cepa, usando el procedimiento de electroforesis en gel de pulso. De 960 muestras, 619 fueron positivas para el crecimiento del ECN. Las especies más prevalentes fueron Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. chromogenes, S. sciuri, S. simulans, S. haemolyticus y S. capitis. Los resultados encontrados aquí son similares a resultados en diferentes partes del mundo, lo que confirma que son patógenos que deben ser evaluados constantemente porque pueden pasar desapercibidos en los controles de rutina, especialmente en aquellas fincas donde los patógenos mayores no son un problema grave. Los resultados determinados en este estudio demuestran que el SNC genera un ligero aumento de células somáticas.

Animales , Bovinos , Staphylococcus , Bovinos , Células , Estudios Longitudinales , Electroforesis , Glándulas Mamarias Animales , Mastitis , Medicina Veterinaria , Catalasa , Recuento de Células , Prevalencia , Bacilos Grampositivos , Hemólisis
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(3): 205-218, sep.-dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251916


RESUMEN Este estudio se llevó a cabo para establecer la prevalencia e identificar los factores de riesgo asociados con las infestaciones por trematodos en ganado lechero Holstein en el valle de Paipa, Boyacá. Las muestras fecales recogidas de 100 bovinos seleccionados aleatoriamente se examinaron utilizando una técnica de sedimentación simple para el recuento diferencial de huevos de trematodos. Se buscaron huevos de tres grupos de trematodos: Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum spp., y Cotylophorum spp. La prevalencia específica de trematodos para cada grupo fue del 12, 9 y 4%, respectivamente. Se observó una superposición sustancial en el recuento de F. hepatica y Paramphistomum spp. La prevalencia de los tres trematodos identificados en este estudio se asoció significativamente (P < 0,05) con la condición corporal y la raza, mientras que la prevalencia de Fasciola hepatica y Paramphistomum spp., se asoció con la edad. La prevalencia de los tres principales trematodos de importancia para la salud animal con una alta tasa de infestación mixta junto con una mala condición corporal, sugiere una pérdida económica sustancial incurrida debido a la reducción de la productividad del ganado en el área de estudio.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to establish the prevalence and identify the risk factors associated with trematode infestations in Holstein dairy cattle in the Paipa-Boyacá valley. Fecal samples collected from 100 randomly selected cattle were examined using a simple sedimentation technique for differential trematode egg count. Eggs were sought from three groups of trematodes: Fasciola hepatica, Paramphistomum spp., and Cotylophorum spp. The specific prevalence was 12, 9 and 4%, respectively. Substantial overlap was observed in the count of F. hepatica and Paramphistomum spp. The prevalence of the three flukes identified in this study was significantly associated (P < 0.05) with body condition and race, while the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomum spp., was associated with age. The prevalence of the three main trematodes of importance for animal health with a high rate of mixed infestation together with a poor body condition, suggests a substantial economic loss incurred due to the reduction of livestock productivity in the study area.

Animales , Bovinos , Paramphistomatidae , Trematodos , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo , Huevos , Fasciola hepatica , Ganado , Medicina Veterinaria , Infecciones
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(3): 219-229, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251917


RESUMEN Una de las principales formas de contaminación de la leche con micotoxinas es el consumo de alimentos fermentados que se encuentran contaminados con mohos principalmente de Aspergillus spp., los cuales producen toxinas que pueden llegar a constituirse como un problema para la salud publica debido a su estabilidad térmica y química. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue detectar las concentraciones de aflatoxina M1 en muestras de leche de vacas en tanques de enfriamiento en cuatro municipios del departamento de Boyacá durante un año, determinando las variaciones de acuerdo con la temporada. Se realizó un estudio de corte longitudinal, descriptivo cuantitativo. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente cuatro tanques de enfriamiento de cuatro municipios distintos del departamento; cada uno se muestreó dos veces al mes durante todo el período de estudio y se procesaron mediante metodología Charm Ez Lite . Se realizó un ANDEVA para determinar las diferencias estadísticas entre las concentraciones de la aflatoxina M1 por cada trimestre. Se determinaron diferencias estadísticas entre cada uno de los trimestres del estudio encontrando un porcentaje de positividad de 74,06% del total de muestras positivas en los trimestres de verano. 28,12% (108) de las muestras tomadas durante todo el estudio fueron positivas, con concentraciones de la toxina que oscilaron entre 0,5 y 2,0 μg/Kg de leche. Se determinó por primera vez en el departamento de Boyacá las concentraciones y variaciones estacionales de aflatoxina M1 en muestras de tanques de enfriamiento de leche, encontrando las mayores concentraciones y número de casos positivos de aflatoxina M1 en los meses de verano.

ABSTRACT One of the main forms of contamination of milk with mycotoxins is the consumption of fermented foods that are contaminated with mold, mainly Aspergillus spp, which produce toxins that can become a public health problem due to their thermal and chemical stability. The objective of the present work was to detect aflatoxin M1 concentrations in cows' milk samples in cooling tanks in four municipalities of the department of Boyacá for one year, determining the variations according to the season. A longitudinal, quantitative descriptive study was carried out, four cooling tanks from four different municipalities in the department were randomly selected, each tank, in each municipality, was sampled twice a month throughout the study period and processed using Charm methodology Ez Lite®, an ANDEVA was performed to determine the statistical differences between aflatoxin M1 concentrations for each quarter. Statistical differences were determined between each of the quarters of the study, finding a positivity percentage of 74.06% of the total positive samples in the summer quarters. 28.12% (108) of the samples taken throughout the study were positive, with toxin concentrations ranging between 0.5 and 2.0 μg/Kg of milk. Seasonal concentrations and variations of aflatoxin M1 in milk cooling tank samples were determined for the first time in the department of Boyacá, finding the highest concentrations and number of positive cases of aflatoxin M1 in the summer months.

Animales , Bovinos , Aspergillus , Estaciones del Año , Bovinos , Salud Pública , Estudios Longitudinales , Aflatoxina M1 , Leche , Contaminación de Alimentos , Química , Frío , Alimentos Fermentados , Micotoxinas
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 66(3): 208-218, sep.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115763


ABSTRACT Mastitis is one of the most important diseases for the dairy industry worldwide due to the great economic losses it causes, and the bacterial agents that cause it vary from one herd to another. The objective of the investigation was to determine the infectious agents involved in the development of mastitis in specialized dairies herds in the Highlands of Boyacá, Colombia. Was performed CMT tests in 4432 teats to determine the positive results for inflammation (CMT + 2), sampling in aseptic material of positives quarters, identification and differentiation through microbiological cultures, Gram staining, and biochemical tests of bacterial and fungal agents present in milk samples. It was determined that the total prevalence varied in the three years of the study as follows: in 2016, 45.19%; in 2017, 51.06% and in 2018, 39.76%. The months of April, May, and September, October presented the highest number of teats affected with mastitis during the three years of study. Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus were the most prevalent microorganisms that cause mastitis in the three study years. There was an increase in the prevalence of infected teats corresponding to the months (April, May, September, and October) due to rainfall increases. The contagious pathogens were most prevalent that environmental pathogens.

RESUMEN La mastitis es una de las enfermedades más importantes para la industria lechera a nivel mundial debido a las grandes pérdidas económicas que genera; además, los agentes que la generan varían de un rebaño a otro. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los agentes infecciosos involucrados en el desarrollo de mastitis en lecherías especializadas del departamento de Boyacá (Colombia). Se realizaron pruebas de CMT a 4432 cuartos para determinar los positivos a inflamación (CMT+2), toma de muestras en material aséptico de cuartos positivos, identificación y diferenciación a través de cultivos microbiológicos, tinción de Gram y pruebas bioquímicas de los agentes bacterianos y micóticos presentes en las muestras de leche. Se determinó que la prevalencia total varió en los tres años de estudio así: en el año 2016, 45,19%; en el 2017, 51,06%, y en el 2018, 39,76%. Los meses de abril-mayo y septiembre-octubre presentaron la mayor cantidad de cuartos afectados con mastitis a lo largo de los tres años de estudio. Finalmente, se determinó que Streptococcus agalactiae y Staphylococcus aureus, microorganismos que generan mastitis, fueron los de mayor prevalencia durante los tres años de estudio debido a un aumento en las lluvias. Los patógenos contagiosos causantes de mastitis fueron los más prevalentes, por encima de los medioambientales.

Anticancer Agents Med Chem ; 18(11): 1508-1520, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29189179


Estrogen (17ß-estradiol) is essential for normal growth and differentiation in the mammary gland. In the last three decades, previous investigations have revealed that Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ERα) plays a critical role in breast cancer. More recently, observations regarding the widespread expression of ERß-like proteins in normal and neoplastic mammary tissues have suggested that ERß is also involved in the mentioned pathology. Design of new drugs both steroidal and nonsteroidal that target any of these receptors represents a promise to treat breast cancer although it remains a challenge due to the sequence similarity between their catalytic domains. In this work, we propose a new set of compounds that could effectively target the estrogen receptors ERα and ERß. These ligands were designed based on the chemical structure of the ERß-selective agonist Diarylpropionitrile (DPN). The designed ligands were submitted to in silico ADMET studies, yielding in a filtered list of ligands that showed better drug-like properties. Molecular dynamics simulations of both estrogen receptors and docking analysis were carried-out employing the designed compounds, from which two were chosen due to their promising characteristics retrieved from theoretical results (docking analysis or targeting receptor predictions). They were chemically synthetized and during the process, two precursor ligands were also obtained. These four ligands were subjected to biological studies from which it could be detected that compound mol60b dislplayed inhibitory activity and its ability to activate the transcription via an estrogenic mechanism of action was also determined. Interestinly, this observation can be related to theoretical binding free energy calculations, where the complex: ERß-mol60b showed the highest energy ΔGbind value in comparison to others.

Antineoplásicos/farmacología , Nitrilos/farmacología , Propionatos/farmacología , Receptores de Estrógenos/antagonistas & inhibidores , Antineoplásicos/síntesis química , Antineoplásicos/química , Sitios de Unión/efectos de los fármacos , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Ensayos de Selección de Medicamentos Antitumorales , Humanos , Ligandos , Células MCF-7 , Modelos Moleculares , Estructura Molecular , Nitrilos/síntesis química , Nitrilos/química , Propionatos/síntesis química , Propionatos/química , Receptores de Estrógenos/genética , Receptores de Estrógenos/metabolismo , Relación Estructura-Actividad
Addict Behav ; 77: 232-246, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29107201


There has been a substantial growth in empirical research aimed at examining the co-occurrence of alexithymia and problematic alcohol use and alcohol use disorder (AUD) since Thorberg, Young, Sullivan, and Lyvers (2009) original review article. The objective of the present paper is therefore to provide a critical update review of research on alexithymia and problematic alcohol use published since 2009. A systematic search was conducted through PsychINFO, Medline, and ProQuest databases to obtain relevant literature published between 2009 and 2016. Studies that involved measures of alexithymia and problematic alcohol use among clinical and non-clinical samples were included. Prevalence rates of alexithymia among Alcohol Dependent (AD) samples were identified between 30 and 49%, and were therefore much lower than originally reported. The findings of this update review highlight an indirect relationship between alexithymia and alcohol problem severity that is mediated by a number of psychological drinking constructs (e.g., alcohol expectancy, drinking motives, craving and alcohol related intrusive thoughts) and psychological risk factors for the development of alcohol related problems (e.g., mood and emotion dysregulation, attachment, trauma, and cognitive function). In addition, this review provides reasonable evidence to support alexithymia as an independent risk factor for alcohol related problems among clinical samples only. In conclusion, alexithymia is a multifaceted construct that has a complex relationship with various risk factors and psychological drinking constructs. The growing body of research highlights the demand for understanding the interrelationships between alexithymia, psychosocial risk factors, and problematic alcohol use in order to tailor and target therapeutic interventions.

Síntomas Afectivos/complicaciones , Síntomas Afectivos/psicología , Alcoholismo/complicaciones , Alcoholismo/psicología , Humanos , Factores de Riesgo
Nanoscale ; 9(27): 9267-9274, 2017 Jul 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28561093


Catalysts have been widely used in industries and can be optimized by tuning the composition and chemical ordering of the elements involved in the nano-alloy. Among bi-metallic alloys, the Au-Cu system is of particular interest because it exhibits ordered phases at low temperatures. Nevertheless, the temperature at which these ordered structures are formed is totally unknown at the nanoscale. Consequently, to speed up the development of these catalysts, this paper theoretically predicts the structural phase transitions between ordered and disordered phases for the Au-Cu system by using nano-thermodynamics. Following the predictions, the suggested annealing temperatures have been carefully chosen and consequently, Au-Cu ordered nanocubes have been successfully synthesized through a solventless protocol. The results are fully supported by electron microscopy observations.

Nanoscale Res Lett ; 11(1): 497, 2016 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27832526


Porous silicon (PS) substrates, with different pore sizes and morphology, have been used to crystallize hydroxyapatite (HA) nano-fibers by an easy and economical procedure using a co-precipitation method at room temperature. In situ formation of HA nanoparticles, within the meso- and macroporous silicon structure, resulted in the formation of nanometer-sized hydroxyapatite crystals on/within the porous structure. The X-ray diffraction technique was used to determine the tetragonal structure of the crystals. Analysis/characterization demonstrates that under certain synthesis conditions, growth and crystallization of hydroxyapatite layer on/inside PS can be achieved at room temperature. Such composite structures expand the possibility of designing a new bio-composite material based on the hydroxyapatite and silicon synthesized at room temperature.

Steroids ; 94: 41-50, 2015 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25498908


According to current knowledge, two steroid 5α-reductases, designated type 1 (SRD5A1) and type 2 (SRD5A2), are present in all species examined to date. These isozymes play a central role in steroid hormone physiology by catalyzing the reduction of 3-keto-4-ene-steroids into more active 5α-reduced derivatives, including the conversion of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A third 5α-reductase (SRD5A3, -type 3), which is overexpressed in hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells, has been identified; however, its enzymatic characteristics are practically unknown. Here, we isolated a cDNA encoding hamster Srd5a3 (hSrd5a3) and performed functional metabolic assays to investigate its biochemical properties. The cloned cDNA encodes a 330 amino acid protein that is 87% identical to the homologous protein in mice and 78% to that in humans. However, hSrd5a3 exhibits low sequence homology with its counterparts hSrd5a1 (19%) and hSrd5a2 (17%). A fusion protein consisting of hSrd5a3 and green fluorescent protein provided evidence for cytoplasmic localization in transfected mammalian cells. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that, Srd5a3 mRNA was present in nearly all hamster tissues, with high expression in the cerebellum, Harderian gland and testis. Functional assays expressing hSrd5a3 cDNA in HEK-293 cells revealed that this isozyme is unable to reduce T into DHT. Further expression assays confirmed that similar to testosterone, progesterone, androstenedione and corticosterone are not reduced by hSrd5a3 or human SRD5A3. Together, these results indicate that hSrd5a3 lacks the catalytic activity to transform 3-keto-4-ene-compounds; therefore 5α-reductase type 3 may not be involved in 5α-reduction of steroids.

3-Oxo-5-alfa-Esteroide 4-Deshidrogenasa/fisiología , 3-Oxo-5-alfa-Esteroide 4-Deshidrogenasa/química , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Secuencia de Bases , Biocatálisis , Secuencia Conservada , Cricetinae , Dihidrotestosterona/química , Femenino , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Masculino , Mesocricetus , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Especificidad de Órganos , Oxidación-Reducción
J Chromatogr A ; 1365: 204-11, 2014 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25246099


The dependence of isothermal retention indices (I) on column temperature over a wide temperature range has been studied for solutes belonging to nine chemical functions on a capillary column coated with poly(100% dimethyl siloxane). I values for some solutes are reported for the first time on capillary columns. I values increased with increasing column temperature, with the exception of the linear alcohols and the esters, which decreased with increasing temperature, and of cyclobutanol, 2-butanone, 2-pentanone, 1-butylamine and 1-pentylamine that showed a well-defined minimum in the 358-377K range. Moreover, a minimum at the higher temperature range for longer and less polar solutes such as 1-nonanol was observed for the first time. The three trends of I vs. T were perfectly described by the extended model (I=a+bT(-1)+clnT). On the other hand, the dependence of I on the carbon atom number (z) of the solute was linear and with a slope of similar magnitude for all homologous series studied, except for the alicyclic compounds. For the latter, higher slope values and worse correlations were obtained, owing to their larger surface area and to the different conformations that they adopt in order to minimize the ring strain. In addition, due to its higher chain stiffness, an important influence of the column temperature on these slopes was observed.

Cromatografía de Gases/métodos , Dimetilpolisiloxanos/química , Alcoholes/análisis , Aldehídos/análisis , Aminas/análisis , Ésteres/análisis , Cetonas/análisis , Nitrilos/análisis , Nitrocompuestos/análisis , Temperatura
Reproduction ; 146(6): 615-23, 2013 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24062569


Potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 1 (KCNH1) potassium channels are potential tumour markers and cancer therapeutic targets and are up-regulated by oestrogens and human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenes. However, the role of KCNH1 in normal tissues is poorly understood, and its expression in pregnancy is unknown. We wondered whether KCNH1 channels are expressed in cervical cells from pregnant patients and whether progesterone (P4) regulates KCNH1. The association with HPV was also investigated. KCNH1 protein expression was studied by immunocytochemistry in liquid-based cervical cytologies; 93 samples were obtained from pregnant patients at different trimesters, and 15 samples were obtained from non-pregnant women (controls). The presence of HPV was studied by PCR with direct sequencing and nested multiplex PCR. HeLa cervical cancer cells were transfected with human progesterone receptor-B (PR-B) and treated with P4. KCNH1 mRNA expression in these cultures was studied by real-time PCR. KCNH1 protein was detected in 100% of the pregnancy samples and in 26% of the controls. We found 18 pregnant patients infected with HPV and detected 14 types of HPV. There was no association between the percentage of cells expressing KCNH1 and either the presence or type of HPV. P4 induced KCNH1 mRNA and protein expression in cells transfected with human PR-B. No regulation of KCNH1 by P4 was observed in non-transfected cells. We show for the first time the expression of an ion channel during human pregnancy at different trimesters and KCNH1 regulation by P4 in human cells. These data raise a new research field for KCNH1 channels in human tissues.

Cuello del Útero/metabolismo , Canales de Potasio Éter-A-Go-Go/genética , Embarazo/genética , Progesterona/farmacología , Adolescente , Adulto , Cuello del Útero/efectos de los fármacos , Cuello del Útero/patología , Canales de Potasio Éter-A-Go-Go/metabolismo , Femenino , Regulación de la Expresión Génica/efectos de los fármacos , Células HeLa , Humanos , Papillomaviridae/aislamiento & purificación , Embarazo/metabolismo , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/genética , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/metabolismo , Receptores de Progesterona/genética , Frotis Vaginal , Adulto Joven
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 7(1): 12-16, abr. 2013. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-716205


INTRODUCCIÓN: El suicidio suele ser interpretado como el fracaso de una persona para enfrentar la adversidad. En este, intervienen múltiples factores, haciendo su análisis complejo, existiendo pocos estudios respecto al tema. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es describir el perfil de las víctimas de suicidio correspondientes a las autopsias realizadas en el Servicio Médico Legal (SML) de Concepción durante el año 2010. MATERIAL YMÉTODO: Se realizó mediante un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal, con un muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo de 64 informes de autopsia de muertes por suicidio, realizadas en el SML de Concepción el año 2010. Se consignó género, edad, ocupación, estado civil, procedencia, intentos previos, antecedente de carta y/o aviso y antecedentes mórbidos. Los datos fueron tabulados en Microsoft Excel, se realizaron tablas segmentarias y gráficos para el análisis. RESULTADOS: Del total de autopsias realizadas en el SML de Concepción el 2010, el 7,9 por ciento correspondían a suicidio, de los cuales el 89,1 por ciento eran varones y 10,9 por ciento mujeres. La edad promedio fue 41,35 años, mayormente entre 20-29 y 50-59 años; el 50,8 por ciento eran solteros y 33,3 por ciento casados; 23,4 por ciento residentes de Talcahuano y 15,6 por ciento de Concepción; 60,9 por ciento con ocupación; 21,9 por ciento había avisado, 6,3 por ciento dejó carta y 10,9 por ciento presentaba intentos anteriores; 62,5 por ciento sin antecedentes psiquiátricos y 64,1 por ciento sin antecedentes de enfermedad médica. DISCUSIÓN: Comparando con estadísticas nacionales, se repite la proporción según sexo; sin embargo, escasean los trabajos que estudien detalladamente el suicidio y entreguen información acerca de los otros factores estudiados en este trabajo.

INTRODUCTION: Suicide is usually interpreted as the failure of a person to face adversity, in which there are many other factors involved. That’s why its analysis is complex and few studies on the subject exist. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to describe the profile of suicide victims for the autopsies in the Forensic Medical Service (FMS) of Concepcion during 2010. MATERIAL AND METHOD: This is a descriptive, retrospective and cross sectional study, with a non-probability sample of 64 consecutive autopsy reports of deaths by suicide, carried out in the FMS of Concepcion in 2010. The following variables were registered: gender, age, occupation, marital status, city of origin, previous attempts, previous letter and/or notice and morbid history. Data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel, later generating tables and graphs for segmental analysis. RESULTS: Of all autopsies performed in the FMS of Concepcion in 2010, 7.9 percent were suicides, of which 89.1 percent were male and 10.9 percent women. The average age was 41.35 years, mostly between 20-29 and 50-59 years, 50.8 percent were single and 33.3 percent married, 23.4 percent from Talcahuano and 15.6 percent from Concepcion, 60.9 percent had an occupation, 21.9 percent had warned of their intentions, 6.3 percent left a letter and 10.9 percent had previous attempts, 62.5 percent didn’t have a psychiatric history and 64.1 percent didn’t have history of medical illness. DISCUSSION: Compared to national statistics, the proportion by sex is similar, but there aren’t works that study suicides in detail and provide information about the other factors studied in this work.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Niño , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Autopsia/estadística & datos numéricos , Medicina Legal/estadística & datos numéricos , Suicidio/estadística & datos numéricos , Distribución por Edad y Sexo , Causas de Muerte , Estudios Transversales , Chile/epidemiología , Empleo , Intento de Suicidio/estadística & datos numéricos , Estado Civil , Estudios Retrospectivos
J Affect Disord ; 146(3): 295-309, 2013 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23218848


OBJECTIVES: To undertake a critical review of the literature on emotional processing (EP) in bipolar patients in remission. This literature review focuses on a number of dimensions of EP including facial emotion recognition, emotional memory, affective theory of mind (ToM), affective attention and affective auditory information processing. METHODS: A systematic search was conducted through PsychINFO and Medline databases to obtain relevant literature. Studies that include behavioural measures of EP were included. RESULTS: The findings from this review demonstrate that bipolar disorder (BD) patients continue to exhibit some EP deficits during euthymic phases. A number of factors believed to contribute to such findings have been highlighted. CONCLUSIONS: This review has shed light on some of the conflicting findings reported in the literature and thus offers a more comprehensive profile of euthymic bipolar patients' EP abilities. This information could enrich clinicians' therapeutic efforts to minimise relapse by attending to euthymic bipolar patients' specific emotional processing difficulties.

Trastorno Bipolar/fisiopatología , Emociones/fisiología , Procesos Mentales/fisiología , Atención/fisiología , Percepción Auditiva/fisiología , Expresión Facial , Humanos , Memoria/fisiología , Reconocimiento en Psicología/fisiología , Teoría de la Mente/fisiología
Tissue Antigens ; 80(4): 317-21, 2012 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22823586


Extensive research has shown that aberrant expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) plays an important role in innate and adaptive immune responses. The rs2910164 polymorphism has been identified as a functional variant, which affects the transcription and expression level of miR-146a and, thereby, contributes to the pathogenesis of several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. To investigate whether the rs2910164 G/C polymorphism was associated with asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), we performed an association study in a pediatric Mexican cohort. We included 979 pediatric patients (asthma: 402, SLE: 367 and JRA: 210) and 531 control subjects without inflammatory or immune diseases. Genotyping was performed using the 5' exonuclease technique. The genotype distribution of the rs2910164 polymorphism was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in each group. No significant differences were detected in the distribution of this polymorphism between cases and controls (P = 0.108, 0.609 and 0.553 for subjects with asthma, JRA and SLE, respectively). However, stratification by gender showed a statistically significant difference between asthmatic and control females, where the C allele was significantly associated with protection to asthma (odds ratio = 0.694, 95% confidence interval 0.519-0.929, P = 0.0138). Our results provide evidence that rs2910164 may play a role in the susceptibility to childhood-onset asthma, but not SLE or JRA in Mexicans. Further association studies may contribute to determining the role of miR-146a single-nucleotide polymorphisms in immune-mediated diseases.

Artritis Juvenil/epidemiología , Asma/epidemiología , Asma/genética , Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico/epidemiología , MicroARNs/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple , Adolescente , Adulto , Edad de Inicio , Alelos , Artritis Juvenil/genética , Artritis Juvenil/inmunología , Asma/inmunología , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Expresión Génica , Frecuencia de los Genes , Estudios de Asociación Genética , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Humanos , Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico/genética , Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico/inmunología , Masculino , México/epidemiología , MicroARNs/inmunología , Factores de Riesgo , Factores Sexuales
J Mol Cell Cardiol ; 51(6): 936-44, 2011 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21888910


To explore whether CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation events mediate reperfusion arrhythmias, Langendorff perfused hearts were submitted to global ischemia/reperfusion. Epicardial monophasic or transmembrane action potentials and contractility were recorded. In rat hearts, reperfusion significantly increased the number of premature beats (PBs) relative to pre-ischemic values. This arrhythmic pattern was associated with a significant increase in CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of Ser2814 on Ca(2+)-release channels (RyR2) and Thr17 on phospholamban (PLN) at the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). These phenomena could be prevented by the CaMKII-inhibitor KN-93. In transgenic mice with targeted inhibition of CaMKII at the SR membranes (SR-AIP), PBs were significantly decreased from 31±6 to 5±1 beats/3min with a virtually complete disappearance of early-afterdepolarizations (EADs). In mice with genetic mutation of the CaMKII phosphorylation site on RyR2 (RyR2-S2814A), PBs decreased by 51.0±14.7%. In contrast, the number of PBs upon reperfusion did not change in transgenic mice with ablation of both PLN phosphorylation sites (PLN-DM). The experiments in SR-AIP mice, in which the CaMKII inhibitor peptide is anchored in the SR membrane but also inhibits CaMKII regulation of L-type Ca(2+) channels, indicated a critical role of CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of SR proteins and/or L-type Ca(2+) channels in reperfusion arrhythmias. The experiments in RyR2-S2814A further indicate that up to 60% of PBs related to CaMKII are dependent on the phosphorylation of RyR2-Ser2814 site and could be ascribed to delayed-afterdepolarizations (DADs). Moreover, phosphorylation of PLN-Thr17 and L-type Ca(2+) channels might contribute to reperfusion-induced PBs, by increasing SR Ca(2+) content and Ca(2+) influx.

Arritmias Cardíacas/enzimología , Arritmias Cardíacas/etiología , Proteína Quinasa Tipo 2 Dependiente de Calcio Calmodulina/metabolismo , Daño por Reperfusión Miocárdica/complicaciones , Daño por Reperfusión Miocárdica/enzimología , Transducción de Señal , Potenciales de Acción , Sustitución de Aminoácidos , Animales , Arritmias Cardíacas/genética , Arritmias Cardíacas/prevención & control , Bencilaminas/farmacología , Proteína Quinasa Tipo 2 Dependiente de Calcio Calmodulina/antagonistas & inhibidores , Proteína Quinasa Tipo 2 Dependiente de Calcio Calmodulina/genética , Corazón/efectos de los fármacos , Corazón/fisiopatología , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Transgénicos , Mutación , Daño por Reperfusión Miocárdica/genética , Fosforilación/efectos de los fármacos , Inhibidores de Proteínas Quinasas/farmacología , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Retículo Sarcoplasmático/efectos de los fármacos , Retículo Sarcoplasmático/metabolismo , Sulfonamidas/farmacología