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Geobiology ; 22(4): e12610, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38979799


This study investigates the paleobiological significance of pyritic stromatolites from the 3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton. By combining paleoenvironmental analyses with observations from well-preserved stromatolites in newly obtained drill cores, the research reveals stratiform and columnar to domal pyritic structures with wavy to wrinkly laminations and crest thickening, hosted within facies variably influenced by syn-depositional hydrothermal activity. The columnar and domal stromatolites occur in strata with clearly distinguishable primary depositional textures. Mineralogical variability and fine-scale interference textures between the microbialites and the enclosing sediment highlight interplays between microbial and depositional processes. The stromatolites consist of organomineralization - nanoporous pyrite and microspherulitic barite - hosting significant thermally mature organic matter (OM). This includes filamentous organic microstructures encased within nanoporous pyrite, resembling the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) of microbes. These findings imply biogenicity and support the activity of microbial life in a volcano-sedimentary environment with hydrothermal activity and evaporative cycles. Coupled changes in stromatolite morphology and host facies suggest growth in diverse niches, from dynamic, hydrothermally influenced shallow-water environments to restricted brine pools strongly enriched in SO 4 2 - $$ {\mathrm{SO}}_4^{2-} $$ from seawater and hydrothermal activity. These observations, along with S stable isotope data indicating influence by S metabolisms, and accumulations of biologically significant metals and metalloids (Ni and As) within the microbialites, help constrain microbial processes. Columnar to domal stromatolites in dynamic, hydrothermally influenced shallow water deposits likely formed by microbial communities dominated by phototrophs. Stratiform pyritic structures within barite-rich strata may reflect the prevalence of chemotrophs near hydrothermal venting, where hydrothermal activity and microbial processes influenced barite precipitation. Rapid pyrite precipitation, a putative taphonomic process for preserving microbial remnants, is attributed to microbial sulfate reduction and reduced S sourced from hydrothermal activity. In conclusion, this research underscores the biogenicity of the Dresser stromatolites and advances our understanding of microbial ecosystems in Earth's early history.

Ecosistema , Sedimentos Geológicos , Sedimentos Geológicos/microbiología , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Sulfuros/química , Sulfuros/metabolismo , Fósiles , Hierro/metabolismo , Hierro/química
Astrobiology ; 23(2): 155-171, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36413376


Active hot springs are dynamic geobiologically active environments. Heat- and element-enriched fluids form hot spring sinter deposits that are inhabited by microbial and macroscopic eukaryotic communities, but it is unclear how variable heat, fluid circulation, and mineralization within hot spring systems affect the preservation of organic matter in sinters. We present geological, petrographic, and organic geochemical data from fossilized hot spring sinters (<13 Ka) from three distinct hot spring fields of Yellowstone National Park. The aims of this study were to examine the preservation of hydrocarbons and discern whether the hydrocarbons in these samples were derived from in situ communities or transported by hydrothermal fluids. Organic geochemistry reveals the presence of n-alkanes, methylalkanes, hopanes, and other terpanes, and the distribution of methylheptadecanes is compared to published observations of community composition in extant hot springs with similar geochemistry. Unexpectedly, hopanes have a thermally mature signal, and Raman spectroscopy confirms that the kerogen in some samples has nearly reached the oil window, despite never having been buried. Our results suggest that organic matter maturation occurred through below-surface processes in the hotter, deeper parts of the hydrothermal system and that this exogenous material was then transported and emplaced within the sinter.

Manantiales de Aguas Termales , Manantiales de Aguas Termales/química , Calor
Geobiology ; 20(4): 479-497, 2022 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35315208


Biological activity at deep-sea hydrothermal chimneys is driven by chemotrophic microorganisms that metabolize chemicals from the venting high-temperature fluids. Understanding taphonomy and microbial microtextures in such environments is a necessity for micropaleontological and palaeoecological research. This study examines fossilized microorganisms and related microtextures in a recent black smoker from the Roman Ruins hydrothermal vent site, Eastern Manus Basin offshore of Papua New Guinea. Whereas the center of the examined sulfide chimney is dominated by high-temperature mineralogy (chalcopyrite and dendritic sphalerite), filamentous and coccoidal biomorphs occur in an outer, warm zone of mixing between hydrothermal fluids and seawater, which is indicated by their occurrence within colloform and botryoidal pyrite of barite-pyrite coprecipitates. Both morphotypes can be interpreted as thermophilic microorganisms based on their occurrence in a high-temperature habitat. Their separate (non-commensal) occurrence hints at sensitivities to microenvironmental conditions, which is expectable for strong temperature, pH, and redox gradients at the walls of deep-sea hydrothermal chimneys. Whereas both morphotypes experienced mild thermal overprint, taphonomic differences exist: (i) spaces left by cells in filamentous fossils are predominately filled by silica, whereas inter/extracellular features (crosswalls/septae and outer sheaths) are pyritized; (ii) coccoidal fossils show both silica- and pyrite-infilled interiors, and generally better preservation of cell walls. These different manifestations presumably relate to an interplay between microenvironmental and biological factors, potentially contrasting metabolisms, and differences in cell wall chemistries of distinct bacteria and/or archaea. A further hypothesis is that the coccoidal features represent biofilm-forming organisms, whose organic matter derivates contributed to the formation of intimately associated wavy and wrinkly carbonaceous laminations that are at least locally distinguishable from the texture of the surrounding pyrite. Hence, the presented data provide evidence that microtextures of microbiota from hydrothermal systems can have a similar significance for palaeobiological research as those from sedimentary environments.

Respiraderos Hidrotermales , Humanos , Respiraderos Hidrotermales/microbiología , Filogenia , Agua de Mar/microbiología , Dióxido de Silicio , Fumadores , Sulfuros
Geobiology ; 18(4): 415-425, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32359013


The shallow marine and subaerial sedimentary and hydrothermal rocks of the ~3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation are host to some of Earth's oldest stromatolites and microbial remains. This study reports on texturally distinctive, spherulitic barite micro-mineralization that occur in association with primary, autochthonous organic matter within exceptionally preserved, strongly sulfidized stromatolite samples obtained from drill cores. Spherulitic barite micro-mineralization within the sulfidized stromatolites generally forms submicron-scale aggregates that show gradations from hollow to densely crystallized, irregular to partially radiating crystalline interiors. Several barite micro-spherulites show thin outer shells. Within stromatolites, barite micro-spherulites are intimately associated with petrographically earliest dolomite and nano-porous pyrite enriched in organic matter, the latter of which is a possible biosignature assemblage that hosts microbial remains. Barite spherulites are also observed within layered barite in proximity to stromatolite layers, where they are overgrown by compositionally distinct (Sr-rich), coarsely crystalline barite that may have been sourced from hydrothermal veins at depth. Micro-spherulitic barite, such as reported here, is not known from hydrothermal systems that exceed the upper temperature limit for life. Rather, barite with near-identical morphology and micro-texture is known from zones of high bio-productivity under low-temperature conditions in the modern oceans, where microbial activity and/or organic matter of degrading biomass controls the formation of spherulitic aggregates. Hence, the presence of micro-spherulitic barite in the organic matter-bearing Dresser Formation sulfidized stromatolites lend further support for a biogenic origin of these unusual, exceptionally well-preserved, and very ancient microbialites.

Fósiles , Sulfato de Bario , Sedimentos Geológicos