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Rev Palaeobot Palynol ; 115(1-2): 1-32, 2001 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11425345


Species of the megaspore genus Minerisporites Potonié, megaspore apparatuses of species of the water fern Azolla Lamarck, and some associated organic-walled microfossils recovered from deposits of the Upper Palaeocene and Palaeocene/Eocene transition in the southern part of the Netherlands and neighbouring Belgium are redescribed on the basis of an examination of specimens under scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Originally studied about 40 years ago by S.J. Dijkstra, the re-examination has enabled emended diagnoses to be produced for six taxa: Minerisporites glossoferus (Dijkstra) Tschudy, M. mirabilis (Miner) Potonié, M. mirabilissimus (Dijkstra) Potonié, Azolla schopfii Dijkstra, A. teschiana Florschütz, and A. velus (Dijkstra) Jain and Hall. In addition, a revised description is provided for massulae of Salvinia Séguier that were originally thought to be megaspores and, hence, named by Dijkstra as Triletes? exiguus. The gross morphology and construction of the exospore of the species of Minerisporites are similar, but nevertheless sufficiently distinct for them to be maintained as separate taxa. Monolete microspores are preserved in hollows in the reticulate surface of some of the specimens of M. mirabilissimus. This is consistent with the presumed isoetalean affinity of Minerisporites. An apparent stratigraphic morphocline from M. glossoferus to M. mirabilis, suggested previously, is confirmed following our reassessment of their characteristics. The species of Azolla are all multi-floated, but they differ from each other in several ways, in particular with respect to the ultrastructure of the megaspore wall. They are also distinct from all other species that have been considered in sufficient detail for satisfactory comparisons to be made. The massulae of A. teschiana are described for the first time. The floats in A. velus are attached to the proximal part of the megaspore only by suprafilosal hairs. There are no maniculae. It is argued that these structures do not exist in either this or any other species of Azolla. Whole fertile fossil remains that demonstrate the nature and habitat of the living plants are known for all three genera. Hence, their reproductive structures can be used with confidence in palaeoenvironmental interpretation. The overall assemblage, which also includes a few specimens of the marsilealean megaspore Molaspora lobata (Dijkstra) Hall, undoubtedly reflects the presence of lowland aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation.

Tree Physiol ; 14(10): 1177-89, 1994 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14967627


Eight-year-old lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) trees, cv. 'Bengal,' growing in krasnozem soil were subjected to soil water deficit from one month before flowering until harvest by covering the ground with polyethylene sheeting and withholding irrigation. The ratio of daytime stomatal conductance of unirrigated to irrigated trees decreased 20% during the three months of increasing water deficit. Predawn leaf water potentials of irrigated trees averaged about -0.3 MPa throughout the period, whereas they declined progressively to -0.9 MPa in unirrigated trees. Minimum daytime leaf water potential in the unirrigated trees decreased from -1.0 to -1.1 MPa at the beginning of the drought period to -2.2 to -2.4 MPa after three months, and calculated whole-plant conductance did not change with decreasing availability of water. The calculated soil-root water potential declined to less than -1.0 MPa in unirrigated trees. Capacitance effects on the relationship between leaf water potential and transpiration were significant only at low transpiration rates. Although unirrigated trees reduced soil water content at 0-30 cm depths to an equivalent water potential of -1.0 MPa, fruit shedding was significantly less than in irrigated trees. Water deficit had no effect on the fresh weight of pericarp, but caused increased seed size and decreased fresh weight of flesh, resulting in fruit from unirrigated trees being 16% lower in total fresh weight per fruit than fruit from irrigated trees.

Nature ; 294(5837): 150-152, 1981 Nov 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29451232


The Kap Washington Group of post-Palaeozoic explosive volcanic rocks was discovered in 1969 on the north coast of Greenland. Although there have been uncertainties regarding their age and chemical character, they have featured prominently in geotectonic reconstructions of the Arctic regions-in recent interpretations as products of the Yermak hot spot, generated on the Nansen spreading axis during the opening of the Eurasia Basin. We present here new evidence which confirms the volcanicity as end-Cretaceous in age and of peralkaline type. We show that a direct connection with the Yermak hot spot is improbable and infer that the volcanic rocks were generated in a continental extensional rift environment before the break-up of the Laurasian plate in the Arctic. Their age helps to constrain the timing of this poorly understood event.

Planta ; 138(3): 193-7, 1978 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24414045


Rooting responses and ethylene production by hypocotyl cuttings from etiolated mung-bean seedlings treated with the auxins α-naphthaleneacetic acid, γ-(indole-3)-n-butyric acid (IBA) and 2,4,5-trichloro-phenoxypropionic acid were determined. There was no relationship between the abilities of the auxins to induce root formation and their capacities for inducing ethylene production. Studies with mixtures of 3-indoleacetic acid, a poor stimulator of rooting but an effective inducer of ethylene production, and IBA, an effective rooting stimulator but a poor inducer of ethylene production, exposure of cuttings to ethylene or (2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid (Ethephon), hypobaric storage (150 mb) of treated cuttings, and exposure of auxin-treated cuttings to 7% CO2 also indicated that ethylene is not directly involved in initiation of adventitious roots in this plant material.