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Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 38(4): e20220305, 2023 07 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37402279


INTRODUCTION: Postoperative bleeding is one of the main causes of complications in cardiovascular surgery, which highlights the importance of ensuring adequate intraoperative hemostasis, providing a better patient outcome. This study aimed to improve the prevention of postoperative bleeding in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the Hospital Estadual Mário Covas (Santo André, Brazil) using an adapted version of the Papworth Haemostasis Checklist to assess the impact of this standardization on bleeding rate, postoperative complications, reoperation, and mortality. METHODS: This is a non-randomized controlled clinical trial, whose non-probabilistic sample consisted of patients undergoing cardiac surgery in the abovementioned service within a two-year interval. The Papworth Haemostasis Checklist was adapted to the Brazilian laboratory parameters and the questions were translated into Portuguese. This checklist was used before the surgeon started the chest wall closure. Patients were followed up until 30 days after surgery. A P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically relevant. RESULTS: This study included 200 patients. After the checklist, a reduction in 24-hour drain output, postoperative complications, and reoperation was observed, although statistical significance was not reached. Finally, there was a significant reduction in the number of deaths (8 vs. 2; P=0.05). CONCLUSION: The use of the adapted checklist in our hospital proved to be an effective intervention to improve the prevention of postoperative bleeding, with a direct impact in the number of deaths in the study period. The reduction in deaths was possible thanks to the reduction in the bleeding rate, postoperative complications, and reoperations for bleeding.

Lista de Verificación , Hemorragia Posoperatoria , Humanos , Hemorragia Posoperatoria/prevención & control , Hemorragia Posoperatoria/etiología , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/cirugía , Reoperación , Hemostasis
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 31(1): e31010492, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430146


Resumo Introdução O ambiente alimentar pode influenciar as escolhas alimentares e de bebidas pela população e seu estado nutricional. Objetivo Caracterizar o ambiente alimentar dos campi de universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro. Método Estudo transversal com estabelecimentos que comercializavam alimentos e bebidas dentro dos campi da universidade. A avaliação do ambiente alimentar foi realizada com a aplicação de um instrumento para coleta das informações: tipo de estabelecimento, alimentos/preparações, modalidade, características, cardápio e informações nutricionais, promoções, propagandas, disponibilidade de alimentos/bebidas, variedade e preço. Os alimentos e preparações observados, a presença de estratégias como informação nutricional, propagandas e promoções foram classificados em facilitadores/ barreiras para alimentação saudável, de acordo com o Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira. Resultados Participaram do estudo cinco estabelecimentos, quatro eram comerciais e um o restaurante universitário (RU). Todos os estabelecimentos aceitavam dinheiro e cartão, havia cardápio e preço na maioria. Nenhum apresentava informação nutricional. A oferta de frutas/hortaliças foi encontrada em quatro estabelecimentos. A disponibilidade de edulcorante artificial foi encontrada em todos os locais. Observou-se grande variedade de balas (8 ± 7,1), refrigerantes (9 ± 3,7), chocolate (8 ± 7,1), biscoito salgado (8 ± 12,3) e doce (7 ± 9,1). Frutas apresentaram preço médio superior, R$ 3,83, quando comparadas aos salgados, R$ 2,85 e biscoitos, R$ 1,50. Conclusão O ambiente alimentar universitário apresentou maior oferta de alimentos não saudáveis, apresentando barreiras na promoção de práticas alimentares mais adequadas.

Abstract Background The food environment can influence food and beverage choice by the population and their nutritional status. Objective To characterize the food environment of campuses at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Method A cross-sectional study of food and beverage establishments within the university was carried out. The assessment of the food environment was performed with the application of an instrument to collect information: type, food or preparations, mode, characteristics, menu and nutritional information, promotions, advertisements, availability of food or drinks, variety, and price. The observed foods and preparations, the presence of an approach such as nutritional information, advertisements, and promotions were classified as facilitators/barriers for healthy eating, according to the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population. Results Of the 5 establishments that participated, 4 were commercial and 1 was a university restaurant (RU). All establishments accepted cash and cards, and most had a menu and price. None had nutritional information. The supply of fruits and vegetables was found in 4 establishments. The availability of artificial sweetener was found in all locations. A wide variety of candies (8 ± 7.1), soft drinks (9 ± 3.7), chocolate (8 ± 7.1), salted biscuits (8 ± 12.3), and sweets (7 ± 9.1) were observed. Fruits had a higher average price, R$3.83, when compared to savory foods, R$ 2.85, and biscuits, R$ 1.50. Conclusion The university food environment presented a greater offer of unhealthy foods, presenting barriers to the promotion of more appropriate eating practices.

Universidades , Estado Nutricional , Alimentos y Bebidas , Ingestión de Alimentos , Ambiente , Conducta Alimentaria , Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional , Guías Alimentarias , Información Nutricional , Dieta Saludable
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 38(4): e20220305, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449547


ABSTRACT Introduction: Postoperative bleeding is one of the main causes of complications in cardiovascular surgery, which highlights the importance of ensuring adequate intraoperative hemostasis, providing a better patient outcome. This study aimed to improve the prevention of postoperative bleeding in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of the Hospital Estadual Mário Covas (Santo André, Brazil) using an adapted version of the Papworth Haemostasis Checklist to assess the impact of this standardization on bleeding rate, postoperative complications, reoperation, and mortality. Methods: This is a non-randomized controlled clinical trial, whose non-probabilistic sample consisted of patients undergoing cardiac surgery in the abovementioned service within a two-year interval. The Papworth Haemostasis Checklist was adapted to the Brazilian laboratory parameters and the questions were translated into Portuguese. This checklist was used before the surgeon started the chest wall closure. Patients were followed up until 30 days after surgery. A P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically relevant. Results: This study included 200 patients. After the checklist, a reduction in 24-hour drain output, postoperative complications, and reoperation was observed, although statistical significance was not reached. Finally, there was a significant reduction in the number of deaths (8 vs. 2; P=0.05). Conclusion: The use of the adapted checklist in our hospital proved to be an effective intervention to improve the prevention of postoperative bleeding, with a direct impact in the number of deaths in the study period. The reduction in deaths was possible thanks to the reduction in the bleeding rate, postoperative complications, and reoperations for bleeding.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol ; 15(3): 577-585, jul.-set. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-653679


O número de idosos nos últimos anos tem apresentado incremento em todo o mundo, o que acaba gerando inúmeras preocupações com a saúde dessa população, já que nessa fase da vida as alterações fisiológicas os tornam mais propensos a doenças, principalmente as crônicas não-transmissíveis. A osteoporose, uma doença osteometabólica frequente nos idosos, torna-se alvo de importantes estudos, uma vez que suas consequências afetam tanto a saúde física quanto a psicossocial. Contudo, são diversos os fatores que predispõem à osteoporose, entre os quais a deficiência de vitamina B12, vitamina B9 (folato) e vitamina B6 (piridoxina). A carência dessas vitaminas eleva os níveis de homocisteína, que age interferindo nas ligações cruzadas do colágeno, resultando em diminuição da resistência óssea e, consequentemente, na osteoporose e fraturas ósseas tanto em homens quanto em mulheres. Nesse contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados LILACS e PubMed, sobre a relação dos níveis séricos de vitamina B12, folato, vitamina B6 e homocisteína com a diminuição da massa óssea em idosos.

The number of elderly in recent years has increased worldwide, which ends up causing numerous health concerns of this population, since in this stage of life the physiological changes make them more prone to disease, especially chronic non-communicable diseases. Osteoporosis, an osteometabolic disease common in the elderly, becomes the subject of important studies, since its consequences affect both the physical and psychosocial health. However, there are various factors that predispose to osteoporosis, including the deficiency of vitamin B12, vitamin B9 (folate) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). The lack of these vitamins increases homocysteine levels, which acts interfering with collagen cross-links, resulting in decreased bone strength and hence in osteoporosis and bone fractures in both men and women. In this context, this paper aims to conduct a literature review in the databases PubMed and LILACS, on the relationship of serum vitamin B12, folate, vitamin B6 and homocysteine with decreased bone mass in the elderly.

Fisioter. Bras ; 11(2): 84-87, mar.-abr. 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-789864


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as medidas da goniometria e da fleximetria passiva na articulação do joelho. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, cuja amostra foi composta por 33 indivíduos saudáveis de ambos os sexos, 17 homens e 16 mulheres com média de idade de 21,76 ± 2,11 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados para o estudo foram o Goniômetro Universal Carci e o Flexímetro Sanny. O registro da medida da goniometria eda fl eximetria foi obtido após a flexão passiva do joelho dominante em sua amplitude máxima com o indivíduo em decúbito ventral. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste t student e acorrelação de Pearson. Resultados e conclusão: Foram encontradasdiferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as medidas dos instrumentos, porém com correlação positiva entre elas, possibilitando o uso de ambos na avaliação da amplitude de movimento passiva devendo, entretanto, sempre utilizar o mesmo instrumento em um mesmo indivíduo.

Objective: To compare measures taken with passive goniometryand fleximetry in knee joint. Methodology: Transversal study with 33healthy subjects, 17 men and 16 women, 21.76 ± 2.11 years old. A Carci Universal Goniometer and Sanny Fleximeter were used toregister passive flexion of dominant knee in its full range of motion, with the person in ventral decubitus position. T-Student test, and Pearson correlation were used to statistical analyses. Results andconclusion: Statistically significant differences between these tools measurements were found, although there was positive correlation between both of them, making it possible to use them when evaluating passive range of motion. However, it must be used alwaysthe same tool to assess the same individual.

Humanos , Rodilla , Rango del Movimiento Articular