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Saudi Dent J ; 34(7): 538-543, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36267531


Objectives: Occlusal function stimulates different areas of the cerebral cortex. The purpose of this narrative review was to identify the relationship between occlusion and brain activity so as to provide theoretical support to enable future studies on the subject. Study selection data and sources: Relevant case-control studies, clinical trials, and systematic reviews available in English were retrieved from the following databases: MEDLINE, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library, and Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS). Of the 53 articles obtained, 12 were included. Conclusion: The sensorimotor cortex is affected by changes in occlusion. It is speculated that occlusion could play an important role in the development of diseases, from anxiety and stress to Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. Further investigations into the interactions between occlusion and brain function are needed to elucidate the parts of the brain that are affected when occlusion is disturbed and to determine whether brain function is altered. Clinical significance: Dentists must consider that alterations in the occlusal pattern during mastication can lead to changes in the activation of different brain regions related to memory, learning, anticipatory pain, and anxiety. This suggests that mastication maintains the integrity of certain brain areas and that it may be a key factor in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 30(3): 139-144, jul-sep 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180910


RESUMEN El complejo estilohioideo es una estructura ósea y ligamentosa, formada por varias entidades anatómicas como: la apófisis estiloides, el ligamento estilohioideo y el cuerno menor del hioides. La apófisis estiloides se origina en la porción timpánica del hueso temporal y mide en promedio 25 mm; en ocasiones puede encontrarse aumentada en longitud, situación que puede o no manifestarse con dolor. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de mineralización del complejo estilohioideo de pacientes de Ecuador mediante radiografías panorámicas digitales. Material y Métodos: Para ello se analizaron 2025 radiografías panorámicas digitales de pacientes de ambos sexos, de edades entre 12 a 92 años, del período comprendido entre los años 2015-2016. Se consideró como complejo estilohioideo mineralizado, cuando este sobrepasaba los 25mm. Resultados: Se observaron 2025 radiografías panorámicas,de las cuales 1206 (59,6%) radiografías, mostraron algún tipo de mineralización del complejo estilohioideo. De estas 1288 (63,6%) pertenecen al sexo femenino y 737 (36,4%) al sexo masculino. La presentación más frecuente fue bilateral. Además, se encontró que en los adultos mayores la prevalencia alcanzaba el 76%. Conclusiones: En el presente estudio se muestra que existe una alta prevalencia de mineralización del complejo estilohioideo en la población estudiada.

SUMMARY The stylohyoid complex is a bony and ligamentous structure, formed by several anatomical entities such as the styloid process, the stylohyoid ligament and the horn of the hyoid. The styloid process originates in the tympanic portion of the temporal bone and measures an average of 25 mm; sometimes it may be increased in length, a situation that may or may not have pain itself. Objective: To determine the prevalence of mineralization of the stylohyoid complex of patients at the country of Ecuador using digital panoramic radiographs. Material and methods: Analysis of 2025 digital panoramic radiographs of patients of both sexes, between 12 and 92 years of age, from the period 2015-2016. It was considered as mineralized stylohyoid complex, when it exceeded 25mm. Results: Of the 2025 panoramic radiographs, it was concluded that 1206 (59.6%) radiographs showed some type of mineralization of the stylohyoid complex. Of these 1288 (63.6%) belong to the female sex and 737 (36.4%) to the male sex. The most frequent presentation was bilateral. In addition, it was found that in older adults the prevalence reached 76%. Conclusions: In the present study it is shown that there is a high prevalence of mineralization of the stylohyoid complex in the population studied.