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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 245-254, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533894


Introducción. Las dermatofitosis son infecciones fúngicas superficiales de epitelios queratinizados. La tinea capitis es una de ellas y afecta a poblaciones escolares vulnerables. Carpinelo es un barrio del área periférica de Medellín con precarias condiciones socioeconómicas. Ante la sospecha de un brote de dermatofitosis, los afectados fueron evaluados. Objetivo. Evaluar clínica y microbiológicamente pacientes del barrio Carpinelo con sospecha de micosis cutáneas para determinar la presencia de un brote por dermatofitos. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, de corte longitudinal, con muestreo a conveniencia. Se hizo una búsqueda activa de casos en el Jardín Educativo Buen Comienzo de Carpinelo en niños de la institución y sus familiares. Se evaluaron clínicamente y se tomaron muestras de escamas y cabellos para exámenes directos y cultivos microbiológicos. Se analizó el perfil demográfico, clínico y micológico, con el programa estadístico SPSS™, versión 25. Resultados. Se estudiaron 57 pacientes, 47 eran menores de edad con una media de edad de seis años; se observó una proporción de hombres y mujeres de 2:1. Los pacientes con resultados positivos se diagnosticaron con tinea capitis (78,95 %), tinea faciei (15,79 %) y tinea corporis (10,52 %). El 75,43 % de los pacientes recibió tratamiento previo y de estos el 69,73 % fue con esteroides. El examen directo fue positivo en el 53,84 % y los cultivos en el 46,5 % de los casos. Los agentes aislados fueron: Microsporum canis (77,77 %), Trichophyton spp. (11,11 %), Trichophyton rubrum (5,55 %) y Malassezia spp. (5,55 %). Conclusión. Tinea capitis fue la presentación clínica más común y M. canis el dermatofito más frecuentemente aislado. Llamó la atención el uso de esteroides como primera y única opción del tratamiento empírico' lo cual resalta la importancia del diagnóstico microbiológico para proporcionar la terapia apropiada.

Introduction. Dermatophytoses are superficial fungal infections of the keratinized epithelium like tinea capitis. The latte mainly affects school-vulnerable populations. Carpinelo is a peripheral neighborhood in Medellín with poor socioeconomic conditions and where a suspected tinea capitis outbreak took place. Objective. To study and characterize, clinically and microbiologically, patients with suspected dermatophytosis in Carpinelo. Materials and methods. We carried out a descriptive and longitudinal study with an active case search of tinea capitis in children and their relatives from the Jardín Educativo Buen Comienzo community in Carpinelo. Patients were clinically evaluated, and samples of scales and hair were taken to perform mycological studies with a 10 % potassium hydroxide and culture in Sabouraud and Mycosel agar. We analyzed the data with the statistical program SPSS™. 25 version. Results. Fifty-seven individuals were studied: 47 were children with a mean age of six years and a ratio of 2:1 male to female. Patients with confirmed diagnosis presented the following clinical forms: tinea capitis (78.95%), tinea faciei (15.79%) or tinea corporis (10.52%). Out of the total, 69.76% of the patients had previous treatment with steroids. The direct test was positive in 53.84% of the samples, and 46.15% had positive cultures. The isolated species were: Microsporum canis (77.77%), Trichophyton spp. (11.11%), Trichophyton rubrum (5.55%), and Malassezia spp. (5.55 %). Conclusion.Tinea capitis was the most common clinical form, and M. canis was the most frequently isolated species. The use of steroids as the first and only option for empiric treatment was worth of notice. The findings of this study point out the importance of microbiological diagnosis in choosing the best treatment for the patients.

Tiña , Dermatomicosis , Tiña del Cuero Cabelludo , Brotes de Enfermedades
Iatreia ; 35(3): 356-360, jul. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1534592


La rifampicina es un medicamento ampliamente utilizado para el tratamiento de diversas infecciones bacterianas con un amplio espectro de efectos adversos que varían desde reacciones leves hasta potencialmente fatales; la anemia hemolítica es un efecto adverso escasamente reportado en la literatura pero que puede tener un desenlace potencialmente fatal, reportamos así un caso de anemia hemolítica autoinmune asociada a lesión renal aguda en una paciente joven en segunda fase de tratamiento para tuberculosis pulmonar.

Summary Rifampicin is a widely used drug for the treatment of various infectious diseases with a broad spectrum of adverse reaction ranging from mild to life-threatening manifestations; hemolytic anemia is an adverse effect rarely reported in the literature, but it can have a potentially fatal outcome. Thus, we report a case of autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with acute kidney injury in a young patient in the second phase of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto
Iatreia ; 35(3): 361-367, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1534594


El síndrome destructivo de línea media es un grupo de enfermedades inflamatorias y tumorales destructivas del área centrofacial, entre las cuales la paracoccidioidomicosis es una de las etiologías a considerar en los países del trópico. La paracoccidioidomicosis es causada por hongos del género Paracoccidioides. Su forma de blastoconidia favorece la diseminación hematógena, afectando diversos tejidos como glándulas suprarrenales, tejido retículo-endotelial o mucosa oral, esta última donde puede manifestarse como un síndrome destructivo de línea media. Presentamos un caso de paracoccidioidomicosis con afección en cavidad oral, el cual debutó como un síndrome destructivo de línea media crónico, asociado a compromiso grave de la vía aérea que requirió manejo quirúrgico por riesgo de obstrucción y presentó mejoría con manejo antimicótico sistémico.

Summary Midline destructive disease is a group of severe and destructive inflammatory and tumor diseases of the midface area, among which paracoccidioidomycosis is one of the main etiologies in tropical countries. Paracoccidioidomycosis is an endemic mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides. Its blastoconidia form favors hematogenous spread, affecting various tissues such as adrenal glands, reticulo-endothelial tissue, or oral mucosa, where it can manifest as a destructive midline syndrome. We present a case of paracoccidioidomycosis with affection in the oral cavity, which debuted as a chronic midline destructive disease with sever airway compromise that required surgical treatment for the risk of obstruction of the airway. The patient received systemic treatment with good response.

J Trop Med ; 2018: 8506534, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057630


BACKGROUND: A screening for malaria parasites was conducted with asymptomatic residents in Colombia. METHODS: A descriptive study was carried out in December 2012 in four municipalities of Urabá region in Colombia. A convenience sample of 400 subjects was selected. Participants responded to a survey regarding epidemiological data and blood samples were taken from capillary blood obtained by finger prick for thick smear, rapid diagnostic test (RDT), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: 399 subjects aged 0.2-98 years were studied (median 22; 221 female (55%)). Episodes of malaria in the last year confirmed by thick film were reported by 47 participants (12%). In 399 samples tested by RDT 4 (1%) were positive (1 with P. falciparum, 3 with P. vivax), and 3 were confirmed by PCR. In 399 thick blood smears examined 5 (1.3%) were positive (2 with P. falciparum, 3 with P. vivax), and 3 were confirmed by PCR. In 227 samples, PCR showed 6 (2.6%) positive samples. The parasitaemia was below 1,440 parasites/µL. The best agreement between diagnoses was found between the RDT and thick blood smears (Kappa = 0.75). CONCLUSION: Plasmodial afebrile infection was found in 2% of the studied population, by three diagnostic methods, in residents from a low endemic malaria region in Colombia.

J Trop Med ; 2017: 7868535, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28630631


BACKGROUND: Urinalysis is a poorly reviewed diagnostic tool in malaria patients; its application can show the presence of severe malaria. METHODS: Urinalysis was performed in a total of 620 patients diagnosed with malaria by thick blood smear; complications were classified according to WHO major criteria for severity and minor criteria according to the Colombian malaria guideline. RESULTS: Severe or moderate clinical complications were diagnosed in 31.1% of patients, hepatic dysfunctions were diagnosed in 25.8%, anemia was diagnosed in 9.8%, thrombocytopenia was diagnosed in 7.7%, renal dysfunction was diagnosed in 4.8%, neurological and pulmonary complications were diagnosed in 2.1% and 2.4%, hypoglycemia was diagnosed in 1.1% of patients with blood glucose analysis, and acidosis was diagnosed in 10 of 25. Bilirubinuria was found in 24.3%, associated with urobilinuria, proteinuria, and increased specific gravity; urobilinuria was found in 30.6% associated with elevated serum bilirubin and alanine aminotransferase; 39.2% had proteinuria, associated with higher blood urea nitrogen, serum bilirubin, aspartate, alanine-transaminase, hematuria, and increased specific gravity. Severe or moderate liver and renal complications were associated with proteinuria and bilirubinuria. Urobilinuria was associated with thrombocytopenia and neurological and hepatic dysfunction. Ketonuria was associated with neurological dysfunctions. CONCLUSIONS: The most frequent alterations in the urinalysis were bilirubinuria, proteinuria, urobilinuria, and increased specific gravity, related to thrombocytopenia and liver, kidney, and neurological alterations.