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Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 19(2): 129-134, may. - jun. - jul. - ago. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-208295


Introducción: En los comienzos de siglo, el asentamiento de cadenas dentales en el escenario de la odontología española produjo un aperturismo en el acceso al tratamiento implantológico, considerado hasta entonces como producto de lujo limitado por la capacidad económica del paciente. La financiación atrajo a cantidad de usuarios, creando una gran oferta que fomentó la aparición de publicidad dental invasiva que influye sobre las creencias y percepción de los pacientes para tomar decisiones. Se planteó como objetivo estudiar la influencia del nivel de ingresos, educación y salud bucodental en las creencias de la población en relación con los implantes dentales. Métodos: Sobre una encuesta de 48 preguntas a través de Google Formularios, abierta de marzo a junio de 2021, se tuvo acceso a un total de 535 usuarios no vinculados al sector odontoestomatológico. Los datos fueron secundariamente analizados mediante un análisis descriptivo. Resultados: El nivel de educación de los progenitores de los encuestados resultó ser más influyente en la salud bucodental de los encuestados que el nivel de ingresos o de educación de los propios encuestados. El nivel de ingresos no resultó influyente en relación con la elección del tipo de clínica dental, profesional o precio de los implantes, sino el nivel educativo intergeneracional. Conclusiones: El nivel educativo de los progenitores de los encuestados es el factor que más influyó en la muestra de este estudio, tanto en la salud bucodental, como en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la implantología (AU)

Introduction: At the turn of the century, the establishment of dental chains on the Spanish dentistry scenario led to an opening up of access to implant treatments, which until then had been considered a luxury product limited by the patient’s financial capacity. Financing attracted a large number of users, creating a large supply that fostered the emergence of invasive dental advertising that influences patients’ beliefs and perceptions for decision making. The aim was to study the influence of income level, education and oral health on the beliefs of the population in relation to dental implants. Methods: A 48-question survey via Google Forms, opened from March to June 2021, provided access to a total of 535 users not linked to the dentistry sector. The data were secondarily analysed using an Excel spreadsheet. Results: The education level of the respondents’ parents was found to be more influential on the respondents’ oral health than the level of income or education of the respondents themselves. The level of income was not influential in relation to the choice of the type of dental clinic, professional or price of the implants, but rather the intergenerational educational level. Conclusions: The educational level of the respondents’ parents is the most influential factor in the sample of this study, both in terms of oral health and in decision-making related to implant dentistry (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Implantación Dental , Salud Bucal , Factores Socioeconómicos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 17(3): 221-224, sept.-dic. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-198605


INTRODUCCIÓN: El quiste óseo solitario representa el 1% de todos los quistes maxilares. Es una lesión ósea benigna que aparece de forma fortuita en una radiografía de control en la primera/segunda década de la vida, aunque la lesión carezca de trascendencia en la vida del paciente requiere de abordaje quirúrgico para confirmar el diagnóstico. CASO CLÍNICO: Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente mujer de 11 años de edad y raza negra, remitida al Servicio de Cirugía Bucal del Hospital Virgen de la Paloma tras observarse imagen radiotransparente apical a nivel de 43 y 44. Una vez realizada la exploración clínica y radiológica se propone cirugía exploratoria ante diagnóstico de presunción de quiste óseo solitario. Bajo anestesia local se procedió al abordaje quirúrgico observándose cavidad vacía en maxilar inferior sin contenido alguno, legrándose profusamente las paredes de la cavidad e introduciendo plasma rico en plaquetas obtenido previamente de la paciente. CONCLUSIONES: La cirugía exploratoria confirma el diagnóstico de presunción de quiste óseo solitario vacío al no poderse mandar a analizar a anatomía patológica

No disponible

Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Quistes Óseos/diagnóstico por imagen , Quistes Óseos/cirugía , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/diagnóstico por imagen , Quistes Maxilomandibulares/diagnóstico por imagen , Maxilares/diagnóstico por imagen , Maxilares/patología , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ortognáticos/métodos , Patología , Radiografía Panorámica , Quistes Maxilomandibulares/cirugía
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 17(1): 73-78, ene.-abr. 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-189752


El carcinoma mucoepidermoide (CME) se define como una neoplasia maligna epitelial de glándulas salivales, caracterizada histopatológicamente por la proliferación de células mucosecretoras, intermedias y epidermoides. Se presenta en glándulas salivales mayores como la parótida y cuando afecta a las glándulas salivales menores, el paladar es el sitio más comúnmente afectado, aunque también puede encontrarse a nivel del labio inferior, suelo de boca y trígono retromolar. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el caso de un paciente varón de 67 años que acudió al Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Virgen de la Paloma, presentando una lesión localizada en el trígono retromolar derecho de aproximadamente 7 meses de evolución. Su historial médico no refiere ningún antecedente personal ni familiar de especial importancia. En el examen clínico extraoral no se encontró ningún hallazgo patológico de interés, e intraoralmente presentaba una lesión tumoral con forma irregular y superficie lisa, localizada en el trígono retromolar derecho, de color rojo parduzco, de consistencia blanda y dolorosa a la palpación. Se solicitó radiografía panorámica en la cual no se observó ningún hallazgo patológico, por lo que se procedió a realizar una biopsia incisional para su estudio histopatológico. La histopatología reveló la presencia de fragmentos con una proliferación neoplásica maligna en la que se reconocen células claras de aspecto mucoso, estructuras glandulares y otras con cierta disposición quística, al igual que la presencia de placas epiteliales de aspectos epidermoides, con células intermedias y un epitelio mucoso superficial con paraqueratosis, obteniéndose finalmente un diagnóstico definitivo de CME. El CME se considera una neoplasia maligna agresiva, que obliga a dar seguimiento a cualquier lesión sospechosa para poder descartar o corroborar esta entidad

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is defined as a epithelial malignant neoplasm of the salivary glands, characterised histopathologically by the proliferation of mucus-secreting, intermediate and epidermoid cells.It appears in major salivary glandes such as the parotid gland and when it affects the minor salivary glands, the palate is the most commonly affected site, although it can also be found at the level of the lower lip, floor of the mouth and retromolar trigone. The objective of this paper is to describe the case of a male patient of 67 years of age who came to the surgical service, presenting a lesion located in the right retromolar trigone of approximately 7 months of evolution.His medical history does not report any personal or family background of special importance. During the extraoral clinical examination, no pathological finding of interest was found; intraorally he presented a tumoral lesion with an irregular shape and smooth surface, located in the right retromolar trigone, of a dark red colour, soft consistency and tender to touch. A panoramic x-ray was requested in which no pathological finding was observed, for which reason an incisional biopsy was performed for its histopathological study. The histology revealed the presence of fragments with a malignant neoplastic proliferation in which clear cells of a mucous appearance, glandular structures and others with a certain cystic arrangement were recognised, as well as the presence of epithelial plaques of an epidermoid appearance, with intermediate cells and superficial mucous epithelium with parakeratosis, finally obtaining a definitive diagnosis of Mucoepidermoid carcinoma MEC is considered an aggressive malignant neoplasm, which requires the monitoring of any suspicious lesion in order to be able to rule out or corroborate this entity

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Carcinoma Mucoepidermoide/diagnóstico por imagen , Carcinoma Mucoepidermoide/cirugía , Diagnóstico Precoz , Carcinoma Mucoepidermoide/patología , Glándulas Salivales/anatomía & histología , Glándulas Salivales/patología , Radiografía Panorámica
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 16(3): 191-196, sept.-dic. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-185993


La celulitis crónica circunscrita es resulta-do de la persistencia de una lesión dentaria, bacterias de baja virulencia o una antibioterapia mal planteada. Se caracteriza por la presencia de un cordón fibroso, signo patognomónico, que debe ser elimina-do junto al foco causal. La clínica es poco llamativa y puede pasar desapercibida al paciente. Sin embargo, no está exenta de un posible proceso de agudización que dificulten su posterior tratamiento o que actúen como un foco infeccioso a distancia. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 51 años que acude a consulta exudado de contenido purulento a través de una fistula extra-oral de un año de evolución. Se realizó la extracción de los dientes involucrados y se eliminó el cordón fibroso asociado. Se plantea junto al abordaje quirúrgico una pauta antibiótica de corta duración para prevenir la aparición de resistencias basado en la evidencia científica actual

Circumscribed chronic cellulitis is the result of the persistence of a dental lesion, bacteria of low virulence or poorly raised antibiotic therapy. It has been defined by the presence of a fibrous cord, a pathognomonic sign, which must be eliminated together with the causal focus.The clinic is inconspicuous and can go unnoticed to the patient. However, it is not exempt from a possible process of exacerbation that hinders its subsequent treatment or that acts as an infectious focus at a distance. We present a case of a 51-year-old patient who included an exudate consultation of purulent content through an extra oral fistula that had been one year old. The extraction of the involved teeth was performed and the associated fibrous cord was removed. It is presented with the surgical approach, a short-term medical practice to prevent the emergence of resistance based on current scientific evidence

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Celulitis/complicaciones , Celulitis/terapia , Enfermedad Crónica , Fístula Oral/cirugía , Fístula Oral/diagnóstico por imagen , Hipertensión , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 , Radiografía Panorámica , Antibacterianos/administración & dosificación , Fístula Oral/tratamiento farmacológico , Infección Focal Dental/complicaciones , Infección Focal Dental/cirugía
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 24(5): e615-e620, 2019 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31422412


BACKGROUND: To establish the prevalence of supernumerary canines (SNC) in a sector of the population of Madrid (Spain), as well possible complications associated with this unusual developmental variation. STUDY DESIGN: This observational study was performed between 2005 and 2017, among 21,615 patients seeking dental treatment at the Faculty of Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), and at the Virgen de la Paloma Hospital, Madrid (Spain); 22 patients with 26 SNCs were diagnosed. These 22 patients underwent clinical and radiological exploration, registering patient data. RESULTS: SNCs presented a prevalence of 0.10% of the study population. The supernumerary teeth (SNT) were located in the upper maxilla more frequently (61.54%) than the mandible (38.46%). 69.23% were found to be impacted, also causing the impaction of the permanent canine in 53.85% of these cases. In 15.38%, follicular expansion > 3mm was observed. SNCs were associated with other SNT in only four patients. CONCLUSIONS: Despite of the fact that the SNCs are usually diagnosed casually in the course of radiological exploration, in the present study over half of them (53.85%) caused impaction of the permanent canine. Early diagnosis allows optimal patient management and treatment planning, with intervention at an appropriate time to prevent complications in development and so reduce later treatment need.

Diente Impactado , Diente Supernumerario , Diente Canino , Humanos , Mandíbula , Maxilar , España
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 15(3): 195-200, sept.-dic. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-182252


Introducción: El aumento de la población geriátrica en España demanda preparar a los odontólogos para poder ofrecer a este grupo de pacientes una atención específica en función de sus capacidades y necesidades. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el conocimiento e inquietudes en Gerodontología con la finalidad de tener una visión amplia y comprensiva de las actitudes y aptitudes que presentan los profesionales dentales para ofrecer una mejor asistencia a estos pacientes. Material y métodos: Se realizó una encuesta online a odontólogos y estudiantes de quinto curso de odontología para identificar los conocimientos e inquietudes que presentan ante la población mayor de 65 años. El cuestionario constaba con 13 ítems que se distribuyeron a 177 participantes, colegiados de la Primera Región y estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Resultados: La mitad de los encuestados (53%) afirmaron haber tenido una formación específica en Gerodontología, el 41,8% consideraron que hubiese sido necesaria y la mayoría (94,4%) que esa formación debería ser impartida de manera reglada. La mayor preocupación de los participantes a la hora de tratar a estos pacientes fue la farmacoterapia, principalmente los bifosfonatos, considerando el tratamiento implantológico el de mayor complejidad y la necesidad de consulta interprofesional. Conclusiones: Los profesionales de la salud oral consideran necesario una formación reglada en Gerodontología, considerando la mayor preocupación a la hora de tratar a estos pacientes la farmacoterapia, principalmente los bifosfonatos, y el tratamiento implantológico

Introduction: The increase of the geriatric population in Spain demands to prepare the dentists to be able to offer this group of patients a specific dental care according to their capacities and needs. The objective of this work is to analyze the knowledge and concerns in Gerodontology in order to have a broad and comprehensive view of the attitudes and skills presented by dental professionals to offer a better assistance to these patients. Material and methods: An online survey was conductued to dentists and fifth-year dentistry students to identify knowledges and concerns which they present about the population over 65 years of age. The questionnaire consisted of 13 items that were distributed to 177 participants, mainly members of the First Region and students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Complutense University of Madrid. Results: Half of the respondents (53%) said that they had a specific training in Gerodontology, 41.8% considered that it should have been necessary and the majority (94.4%) that this training should be provided in a ruled way. The main concern of the participants when treating these patients was pharmacotherapy, mainly bisphosphonates, considering the implant treatment the most complex and the need for interprofessional consultation. Conclusions: Oral health professionals consider a regulated training in Gerodontology necessary, considering the main concerns when treating these patients pharmacotherapy, mainly bisphosphonates, and implant treatment

Humanos , Competencia Clínica , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Odontólogos/estadística & datos numéricos , Cuidado Dental para Ancianos/métodos , Salud del Anciano , Cuidado Dental para Ancianos/estadística & datos numéricos , Implantes Dentales/tendencias
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 23(1): e92-e97, 2018 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29274163


BACKGROUND: The main clinical application of electromyography is to detect abnormalities in muscle function, to assess muscle activity for purposes of recruitment, and in the biomechanics of movement. OBJECTIVES: To analyze electromyography (EMG) findings for masticatory muscles during chewing following surgical extraction of lower third molars, and to determine any correlation between pain, inflammation, trismus, and the EMG data registered. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospective study included 31 patients. Surface EMG was used to study masseter and temporalis muscle function before lower third molar extraction and 72 hours and seven days after surgery. Clinical variables, pain, inflammation, and trismus were registered before and after surgery. RESULTS: Studying the area and size of the masticatory muscles, higher values were found for temporalis than masseter muscles, regardless of the surgical side, which points to the greater involvement of the temporalis muscle in mastication. Comparing the side where surgery had been performed with the non-surgical side, a sharp and statistically significant reduction in amplitude and area were noted on the surgical side reflecting major functional affectation. One week after surgery, amplitude and area had almost returned to base-line values, indicating almost complete recovery. While pain decreased progressively after surgery, inflammation peaked at 72 hours, while mouth opening reached a minimum at this time, returning to normality within the week. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical extraction of lower third molars produces changes to electromyography activity that are more evident during the first hours after surgery and closely related to the intensity of pain suffered and the patient's inflammatory responses, although they are not related to mouth opening capacity.

Electromiografía , Músculo Masetero/fisiología , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Músculo Temporal/fisiología , Extracción Dental , Femenino , Humanos , Inflamación/diagnóstico , Inflamación/fisiopatología , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Mandíbula , Masticación , Dolor/fisiopatología , Cuidados Posoperatorios , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/diagnóstico , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/fisiopatología , Cuidados Preoperatorios , Estudios Prospectivos , Trismo/diagnóstico , Trismo/fisiopatología , Adulto Joven
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 14(3): 187-192, sept.-dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-170388


Introducción. El quiste dentígero es un quiste odontógeno del desarrollo de origen epitelial, siendo el más común después del radicular. Generalmente se asocia con la corona de dientes permanentes impactados o no erupcionados y su aparición es más frecuente en varones durante la segunda década de la vida. Los dientes que suelen verse más afectados son los terceros molares mandibulares, seguido de los caninos maxilares. A causa de su curso asintomático, el diagnóstico suele realizarse por hallazgo casual en radiografías panorámicas rutinarias. Para el diagnóstico definitivo es indispensable la realización de la anatomía patológica. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso clínico de dos mujeres de 60 y 42 años de edad, sin antecedentes médicos de interés, remitidas al servicio de Cirugía Bucal del hospital Virgen de la Paloma, presentando una imagen radiográfica radiotransparente asociada a la corona del tercer molar inferior izquierdo sin sintomatología asociada. Tras realizar la extracción quirúrgica de los cordales afectados y la lesión quística asociada, se obtiene el diagnóstico definitivo mediante la anatomía patológica, posteriormente se realizan controles clínicos y radiográficos de la zona. Conclusiones. El quiste dentígero representa el segundo quiste odontógeno más frecuente después del quiste radicular en terceros molares retenidos. Es importante el examen radiográfico periódico de terceros molares incluidos para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta entidad patológica (AU)

Introduction. A dentigerous cyst or follicular cyst is defined as a developmental odontogenic cyst of an epitelial origin which represents the second most common entity after the radicular cyst. Generally it is associated with the crown of a permanent unerupted tooth (or semi-erupted) and it tends to be more frequent in males during the second decade of life. The most common location of dentigerous cyst are mandibular third molars followed by the maxillary canines. Due to its asymptomatic behaviour, the diagnosis is reached by routine panoramic radiography, however, the anatomopathologic analysis will define its nature. Case Report. A case report of a 42 and 60 year old females with no medical history of interest, referred to the Oral Surgery Service of the hospital Virgen de la Paloma with a radiotransparent images surrounding the crown of the lower left third molar without associated symptoms. After the extraction of the teeth, cystic lessions are sent for anatomopathological study, which confirm the presumption diagnosis, dentigerous cyst. Patients carried out posterior follow ups sho-wing a positive healing of the bone around the surgical area. Conclusions. Dentigerous cyst represents the second most frequent odontogenic cyst after the radicular cyst at mandibular third lower molars. It is essential to monitor retained mandibular lower third molars for the incipient approach of the pathology (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Quistes Odontogénicos/complicaciones , Quistes Odontogénicos/cirugía , Tercer Molar/patología , Quiste Dentígero/cirugía , Quiste Dentígero/diagnóstico por imagen , Boca/patología , Quiste Dentígero/etiología , Quiste Dentígero/patología , Radiografía Panorámica/métodos , Osteogénesis
Oral Implantol (Rome) ; 10(4): 448-456, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29682262


OBJECTIVE: The objective is to present a clinical case of a 38-year-old male with a maxillary unicystic ameloblastoma treated by means of tumor block resection followed by chin-harvested graft placement in order to place two dental implants for esthetic and functional rehabilitation. METHODS: Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor characterized by local aggression and a high rate of recurrence; the latter partly depends on how it is treated. Complete resection of the tumor, which usually prevents recurrence, produces bone defects of varying size that must be reconstructed later on. In most cases this is done using bone grafts and implant-supported prostheses. Grafts harvested from the chin are relatively easy to obtain and enjoy a fairly uneventful post-operative with few complications; they are suitable for cases in which the defect generated by resection is of small size. RESULTS: Functional and esthetic rehabilitation and the tumor has not relapsed during a 7-year follow-up. CONCLUSION: Tumor block resection followed by chin-harvested graft placement and dental implants is a safe treatment for patients with unicystic ameloblastoma.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 45(7): 858-63, 2016 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26837718


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the survival after 5 years of implants placed using inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) lateralization in cases of mandibular atrophy and to determine the incidence of complications. Twenty-seven patients received 74 implants by means of the IAN lateralization technique. Implant survival after 5 years of loading was 98.6%. Eighteen months after surgery, the recovery of sensitivity was complete in 26 cases. Implant placement with IAN lateralization was seen to be a satisfactory and predictable technique. IAN lateralization requires a high level of technical skill, and strict criteria should be applied when prescribing this treatment.

Implantación Dental Endoósea/métodos , Fracaso de la Restauración Dental/estadística & datos numéricos , Mandíbula/inervación , Mandíbula/patología , Nervio Mandibular/cirugía , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/epidemiología , Pérdida de Hueso Alveolar , Implantación Dental Endoósea/efectos adversos , Implantes Dentales , Prótesis Dental de Soporte Implantado , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Incidencia , Estudios Prospectivos , Recuperación de la Función , Sensación , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento
Av. odontoestomatol ; 31(3): 173-179, mayo-jun. 2015. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-140811


En el paciente geriátrico, resulta común la presencia de enfermedades sistémicas, lo que conlleva a un consumo de diferentes fármacos para el tratamiento de las mismas. Uno de los más frecuentes son los bifosfonatos. Por lo general, los bifosfonatos son fármacos bien tolerados si se administran correctamente, aunque en los últimos años también se han descrito diferentes efectos adversos asociados a su consumo, siendo la osteonecrosis maxilar uno de los más importantes. Desde entonces son numerosos los casos publicados en los cuales se afirma que los procedimientos quirúrgicos menores como las exodoncias podrían ser uno de los factores desencadenantes. En el caso de los bifosfonatos intravenosos, dado que el riesgo es mucho mayor, se sugiere evitar en lo posible los tratamientos quirúrgicos orales como las extracciones mientras que en los tratamientos con bifosfonatos orales no se puede contraindicar dichos tratamientos de esa manera tan categórica Ante esta situación resulta evidente la necesidad de establecer unos protocolos definitivos encaminados a la prevención y tratamiento de esta posible complicación que pudiese acontecer (AU)

In geriatric patients is common the presence of systemic diseases, leading to a use of various drugs for the treatment thereof. One of the most common are the bisphosphonates. In general, bisphosphonates are well tolerated drugs if properly managed, although in recent years have also been described different adverse effects associated with its consumption, with the maxillary osteonecrosis one of the most important. Since then are numerous reported cases in which it is stated that minor surgical procedures such as extractions could be one of the triggers. In the case of intravenous bisphosphonates, since the risk is much higher, it is suggested to avoid possible oral surgical treatments like extractions while on treatment with oral bisphosphonates may not contraindicate such treatments that so categorically. In this situation the need to establish a definitive protocols aimed at the prevention and treatment of this possible complication that could happen is obvious (AU)

Humanos , Difosfonatos/efectos adversos , Osteonecrosis de los Maxilares Asociada a Difosfonatos/complicaciones , Extracción Dental , Implantación Dental Endoósea , Protocolos Clínicos
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 19(2): e142-8, 2014 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24316707


UNLABELLED: Dental retentions have a high prevalence among the general population and their removal can involve multiple complications. The use of platelet rich plasma has been proposed in an attempt to avoid these complications, as it contains high growth factors and stimulates diverse biological functions that facilitate the healing of soft and hard tissues. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the available scientific evidence related to the application of platelet-rich plasma in the post-extraction alveoli of a retained lower third molars. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A systematic review of published literature registered in the Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane and NIH databases. The following categories were included: human randomized clinical studies. Key search words were: platelet rich plasma; platelet rich plasma and oral surgery; platelet rich in growth factors and third molar. RESULTS: Of 101 potentially valid articles, seven were selected, of which four were rejected as they failed to meet quality criteria. Three studies fulfilled all selection and quality criteria: Ogundipe et al.; Rutkowski et al.; Haraji et al. The studies all measured osteoblast activity by means of sintigraphy, and also registered pain, bleeding, inflammation, temperature, numbness as perceived by the patients, radiological bone density and the incidence of alveolar osteitis. CONCLUSIONS: Scientific evidence for the use of PRP in retained third molar surgery is poor. For this reason randomized clinical trials are needed before recommendations for the clinical application of PRP can be made.

Tercer Molar/anomalías , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Plasma Rico en Plaquetas , Extracción Dental , Humanos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Alveolo Dental
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 9(3): 165-169, sept.-dic. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-107614


El fibroma ameloblástico es un tumor benigno mixto. Se trata de una lesión poco frecuente que afecta a pacientes jóvenes y se localiza con mayor frecuencia en la zona molar mandibular, pudiendo bloquear la erupción de algún diente permanente. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 15 años de edad, sin antecedentes médicos ni odontológicos de interés, que acudió al servicio de cirugía remitido por su ortodoncista (..) (AU)

The ameloblastic fibroma is a mixed benign tumor. It is an unusual injury that often affects young patients and it is frequently located in the mandible molar region and it could block the eruption of any permanent tooth. A fifteen years old child with nomedical history or dentistry interest arrived at the emergency department. He was referred by the orthodontist for the extraction of the lower left wisdom tooth germ and value second lower left molar which is impacted. Clinical intraoral examination revealed the absence of the second lower left molar with no inflammation in the area. Radiographic examination confirmed a multilobulated radiolucent area surrounded by (..) (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Fibroma/patología , Ameloblastoma/patología , Diente no Erupcionado/etiología , Tumores Odontogénicos/patología , Neoplasias de la Boca/patología
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 9(1): 63-68, ene.-abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-104948


La hiperplasia coronoidea es una rara alteración que se caracteriza por el desarrollo exagerado de la apófisis coronoides, de carácter progresivo, tanto en altura como en volumen, durante períodos de meses a años. Objetivos: Determinar los diferentes aspectos epidemiológicos de la hiperplasia de la apófisis coronoides, analizar los signos más característicos, evaluar los tratamientos realizados y valorar la apertura bucal pretratamiento y postratamiento. Diseño del estudio: Revisión bibliográfica sobre casos diagnosticados de hiperplasia de la apófisis coronoides, analizando un total de 27 artículos que han proporcionado un total de 85 casos. Resultados: La hiperplasia de la apófisis coronoides presentó una mayor incidencia en hombres respecto a las mujeres con una ratio 1.5:1, siendo la edad media de diagnóstico de 25.5 años. Los signos característicos de diagnóstico son la limitación de la apertura bucal con un 100% de los casos, seguido de la asimetría facial. La actitud terapéutica llevada a cabo fue de cirugía seguida de la fisioterapia. Con respecto a la apertura bucal es de 18.5 mm en pretratamiento y 33.1 mm postratamiento. Conclusiones: La hiperplasia de la apófisis coronoides es una entidad poco frecuente que afecta más a varones entre la 2ª y 3ªdécada de la vida. El signo característico es la limitación de la apertura bucal, que se diagnostica con la ortopantomografía, y el tratamiento más utilizado es la coronoidectomía seguida de la fisioterapia (AU)

Coronoid hyperplasia is a rare disorder that is characterized by the exaggerated development of the coronoid apophysis, having a progressive nature in both height and volume, during periods of months to years. Objectives: Determine the different epidemiological aspects of hyperplasia of the coronoid apophysis, analyze the most characteristics signs, evaluate the treatments conducted and assess the pre-treatment and post-treatment buccal opening. Study design: Bibliographic review of diagnosed cases of hyperplasia of the coronoid apophyses, analyzing a total of 27 articles that provided a total of 85 cases. Results: The hyperplasia of the coronoid apophysis presented a greater incidence in men than women with a ratio of 1.5:1, with the average age of diagnosis being 25.5 years of age. The characteristic diagnostic signs are the limitation of the buccal opening in 100% of the cases, followed by facial asymmetry. The therapeutic approach carried out was surgery followed by physiotherapy. With respect to the buccal opening, it was 18.5 mm pre-treatment and 33.1 mm post-treatment. Conclusions: Hyperplasia of the coronoid apophysis is a rare disorder that affects more men in the second and third decade of life. The characteristic sign is the limitation of the buccal opening, which is diagnosed with orthopantomography and the treatment most used is the coronoidectomy, followed by physiotherapy (AU)

Humanos , Proceso Alveolar/anomalías , Anomalías Maxilomandibulares/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia/complicaciones , Radiografía Panorámica
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 17(2): e345-51, 2012 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22143691


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the anaesthetic properties and tolerance of articaine versus lidocaine at equal vasoconstrictor concentration. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 96 male and female patients who underwent surgical treatment of the lower third molar participated. Patients were randomly assigned to articaine hydrochloride with epinephrine 1:100,000 and lidocaine hydrochloride with epinephrine 1:100,000. The variables analysed were latency period, duration of anaesthetic effect, tolerance and adverse reactions. RESULTS: Both the latency period and the duration of anaesthetic effect were greater for articaine, although the differences were not statistically significant. Latency: mean difference of 2.70 ± 2.12 minutes (95%CI of -1.51 minutes - 6.92 minutes). DURATION: mean difference of -33 minutes 5 seconds ± 31 minutes (95% CI -1 hour 35 minutes - 29 minutes). There were 4 adverse events that did not require the patients to be withdrawn from the study. CONCLUSIONS: The anaesthetics in this study have very similar properties for use in surgery and have demonstrated a good safety and tolerability profile.

Anestesia Dental , Anestésicos Locales/administración & dosificación , Carticaína/administración & dosificación , Lidocaína/administración & dosificación , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Adolescente , Adulto , Anestésicos Locales/efectos adversos , Carticaína/efectos adversos , Femenino , Humanos , Lidocaína/efectos adversos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Método Simple Ciego , Adulto Joven
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 16(7): e919-24, 2011 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21196884


UNLABELLED: Since Brånemark first started developing its implant system, there has been a continuous and significant evolution in oral implantology through experimental and clinical research, and many of the concepts that were once considered valid have now become the subject of debate. The insertion of the implant immediately after extraction of the tooth to be substituted has now become the implant treatment of choice and is associated with preserving the bone structure and the gingival architecture, as well as with reducing the treatment time, which ultimately benefits the patient. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the success rate of the immediate post-extraction implants (IPI) subject to immediate loading. STUDY DESIGN: A meta-analytic study was carried out on 659 immediate post-extraction implants obtained from a bibliographic review of 25 articles published within the last 9 years. RESULTS: We obtained a sample of 322 patients who had been treated with a total of 659 implants placed immediately following extraction. The mean age of the patients was 51 years old. A total of 441 implants were inserted in the maxilla, 152 in the mandible and 64 were placed in an unspecified location. The survival rate ranged between 85% and 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate post-extraction implant treatment is an implant alternative with a survival rate similar to that of the conventional technique for implant placement and enables preserving both the bone structure and gingival architecture, as well as providing immediate functional loading, thus improving the quality of the treatment as far as the patient is concerned.

Implantación Dental Endoósea/métodos , Extracción Dental , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores de Tiempo
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 16(5): e688-93, 2011 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20711104


OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of appearance and the factors most commonly associated with ocular complications following dental local anesthesia, also establishing the location and type of anesthesia used. STUDY DESIGN: An indexed search in the Pubmed and Compludoc databases was carried out with the keywords "oral anesthesia", "ocular", "ophthalmologic", "damage", "complications", "injection". We established a limitation that the literature had to have been published after the year 1970. A total of 19 articles were obtained, forming a total sample of 37 patients. The patient's sex, age, nerve anesthetized, type of anesthetic used, ophthalmological complication present, recovery time, treatment and side effects were analyzed. RESULTS: There is a higher involvement of females (77%). The average age was 34.2 years. There was no preference for an anesthetic technique. Diplopia was the most common complication (65%), which coincides with the data from other authors. Almost all of the complications were of a temporary nature, with an average recovery time of 68 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: This is one of the few studies of its kind in dental literature, it thus being difficult to make precise conclusions. Ophthalmological complications are seldom a problem, diplopia being the most common among them. The authors appear to indicate an intravascular injection of the anesthetic as the cause of the problem, and therefore, it should be avoided in order to prevent accidents at the ocular level.

Anestesia Dental/efectos adversos , Anestesia Local/efectos adversos , Oftalmopatías/etiología , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 16(5): e682-7, 2011 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20711106


OBJECTIVE: To determine the optimum surgical treatment for oral antral communications (OAC) and to understand the main post-operative complications. STUDY DESIGN: Meta-analytical, observational and retrospective study of 1.072 cases of OAC obtained from a literature review of 15 articles. RESULTS: OAC occur slightly more often in men and during the fourth decade of life. Its primary etiological factor is dental extraction, most often affecting the third molar. The most common treatment has been the use of Bichat's fat pad grafts, whereas the technique with the highest percentage of complications has been the use of the palatal rotation flap. The most frequent complication has been the fistulization of the OAC. CONCLUSIONS: Early diagnosis of OAC and its treatment within 48 hours of evolution are fundamental in order to properly resolve this pathology. The use of Bichat's fat pad grafts is a simple technique that offers excellent vascularization and results.

Fístula Oroantral/epidemiología , Fístula Oroantral/cirugía , Humanos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales , Estudios Retrospectivos , Colgajos Quirúrgicos
Av. odontoestomatol ; 25(1): 29-34, ene.-feb. 2009.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-85493


En los últimos años se está produciendo un aumento progresivo de la proporción y el número de personas mayores de 65 años. La gran mayoría de estas personas padecen a menudo algún tipo de enfermedad crónica y a menudo consumen uno o varios fármacos para tratarlas o disminuir sus síntomas. Por tanto debemos estudiar los cambios que se producen en el organismo durante la edad anciana y de que manera afectan a la farmacocinética y farmacodinamia de los medicamentos más utilizados en las consultas (..) (AU)

In the last years a progressive increase of the proportion and the number of greater people of 65 years is taking place. The great majority of these people often suffers some type of chronic disease and often they consume one or several drugs to treat them or to diminish its symptoms. Therefore we must study the changes that take place in the organism during the old age and how they affect the farmacocinétic and farmacodinamic of medicines more used in our clinics (AU)

Humanos , Polifarmacia , Enfermedades Estomatognáticas/tratamiento farmacológico , Interacciones Farmacológicas , Farmacocinética , Evaluación Geriátrica/métodos , Analgésicos/administración & dosificación , Antiinfecciosos/administración & dosificación , Antiinflamatorios/administración & dosificación
Av. odontoestomatol ; 25(1): 35-40, ene.-feb. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-85494


El objetivo general del presente trabajo ha sido analizar una muestra de pacientes que acudieron al Hospital de Madrid, con trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular, que presentaron inclusión de los terceros molares, comparándolas con otro grupo poblacional con trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular sin la presencia de los mismos. Materiales y Metodología: el estudio se basó en la recolección y análisis de datos de 60 historias clínicas, de pacientes con diagnóstico de trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular atendidos en el Hospital de Madrid divididos en dos grupos con presencia o no de terceros molares incluidos. A dichos grupos se les realizó un estudio comparativo de las variables utilizadas en el estudio: edad, sexo, presencia o no de dolor en la ATM, ruidos en la ATM y disminución de la máxima apertura bucal (MAB).Resultados: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y comparativo de las variables sexo, edad, presencia o ausencia de dolor en ATM, ruidos en ATM y máxima apertura oral encontrando mayor número de casos en el sexo femenino, la media de las edades oscilan entre los 40 años, en cuanto a la variable dolor en la ATM se encontró aumentada en los pacientes del grupo A, con (43,33%), con respecto a los del grupo B, (38,33%) y las variables ruidos en ATM y máxima apertura bucal se encontraron ligeramente superiores en los pacientes del grupo A (AU)

Materials and Methodology: Our study was based on the compilation and analysis of information of 60 case histories, of patients with diagnosis temporomandibular joint disorders attended in the Hospital of Madrid divided into two groups with presence or not of third included molars, to the above mentioned groups realized them a comparative study of the variables used in the study: page, sex, presence or not of pain in the TMJ, noises in the TMJ and decrease of the maximum mouth opening. Results: there was realized a descriptive and comparative study of the variables sex, age, Presence or absence of pain in ATM, Noises in ATM and Maximum oral opening finding major number of cases in the feminine sex, the average of the ages they range between 40 years, as for variable pain in the ATM was increased in the patients of the group A, with (43.33%)with regard to those of the group B, (38.33%) and variables noises in ATM and Maximum mouth opening were lightly in the patients of the group A (AU)

Humanos , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/fisiopatología , Diente Impactado/fisiopatología , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/epidemiología , Tercer Molar/fisiopatología , Diente Impactado/epidemiología