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Cureus ; 14(2): e22088, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35295354


Introduction The stature of an individual is an important parameter for establishing identification. The height of an individual can be indirectly estimated from different parts of the skeleton and such measurements are of great use in forensic science, anatomy, and anthropometry. This study was an attempt to formulate a linear regression equation for estimation of stature by measuring the ulnar length in the living adult Khasi population. Methods The study population consists of 164 subjects (Male: 118; Female: 46) between 25 and 45 years of age. The left and right ulnar lengths were measured from the tip of the olecranon process to the tip of the styloid process with the elbow flexed and palm spread over the opposite shoulder by a spreading caliper. The measurements of the stature of the volunteers were done in the standard anatomical standing position with a bared foot with the head in the Frankfort plane. The documented data were calculated by the standard statistical software. Results The height and ulnar length in males (160.85 ± 6.34 cm and 24.41 ± 1.10 cm, respectively) were found to be significantly (p < 0.001) higher than females (149.56 ± 2.95 cm and 22.58 ± 0.47 cm, respectively). Significant positive correlation coefficient (r) between height (cm) and ulnar length (cm) were observed in both males (r = 0.955, P < 0.001) and females (r = 0.915, P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion The length of the ulna provides an accurate and reliable means in estimating the height of an individual; being almost a percutaneous bone, its length can be measured easily. The regression formulae that were derived in this study will be useful for clinicians, human anatomists, archeologists, anthropologists, and forensic experts.