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Phys Rev E ; 109(1-2): 015205, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38366463


A common approach to assess the nature of energy conversion in a classical fluid or plasma is to compare power densities of the various possible energy conversion mechanisms. A leading research area is quantifying energy conversion for systems that are not in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), as is common in a number of fluid and plasma systems. Here we introduce the "higher-order nonequilibrium term" (HORNET) effective power density, which quantifies the rate of change of departure of a phase space density from LTE. It has dimensions of power density, which allows for quantitative comparisons with standard power densities. We employ particle-in-cell simulations to calculate HORNET during two processes, magnetic reconnection and decaying kinetic turbulence in collisionless magnetized plasmas, that inherently produce non-LTE effects. We investigate the spatial variation of HORNET and the time evolution of its spatial average. By comparing HORNET with power densities describing changes to the internal energy (pressure dilatation, Pi-D, and divergence of the vector heat flux density), we find that HORNET can be a significant fraction of these other measures (8% and 35% for electrons and ions, respectively, for reconnection; up to 67% for both electrons and ions for turbulence), meaning evolution of the system towards or away from LTE can be dynamically important. Applications to numerous plasma phenomena are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(15): 155101, 2023 Oct 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37897764


Anisotropic electron heating during electron-only magnetic reconnection with a large guide magnetic field is directly measured in a laboratory plasma through in situ measurements of electron velocity distribution functions. Electron heating preferentially parallel to the magnetic field is localized to one separatrix, and anisotropies of 1.5 are measured. The mechanism for electron energization is identified as the parallel reconnection electric field because of the anisotropic nature of the heating and spatial localization. These characteristics are reproduced in a 2D particle-in-cell simulation and are also consistent with numerous magnetosheath observations. A measured increase in the perpendicular temperature along both separatrices is not reproduced by our 2D simulations. This work has implications for energy partition studies in magnetosheath and laboratory reconnection.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(8): 085201, 2023 Feb 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36898122


Weakly collisional and collisionless plasmas are typically far from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), and understanding energy conversion in such systems is a forefront research problem. The standard approach is to investigate changes in internal (thermal) energy and density, but this omits energy conversion that changes any higher-order moments of the phase space density. In this Letter, we calculate from first principles the energy conversion associated with all higher moments of the phase space density for systems not in LTE. Particle-in-cell simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection reveal that energy conversion associated with higher-order moments can be locally significant. The results may be useful in numerous plasma settings, such as reconnection, turbulence, shocks, and wave-particle interactions in heliospheric, planetary, and astrophysical plasmas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(2): 025002, 2022 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35089758


Non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution functions composed of a warm bulk population and a cold beam are directly measured during electron-only reconnection with a strong out-of-plane (guide) magnetic field in a laboratory plasma. Electron heating is localized to the separatrix, and the electron temperature increases continuously along the separatrix. The measured gain in enthalpy flux is 70% of the incoming Poynting flux. The electron beams are oppositely directed on either side of the X point, and their velocities are comparable to, and scale with, the electron Alfvén speed. Particle-in-cell simulations are consistent with the measurements. The experimental results are consistent with, and go beyond, recent observations in the magnetosheath.