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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38594993


Background Leprosy is known to be a great mimicker. Its dermatoscopic evaluation may be of value in establishing diagnosis. Objective To study the dermatoscopic findings encountered across the leprosy spectrum. Methods This was a multi-centre cross-sectional study of leprosy patients, where after a thorough cutaneous and neurological evaluation, representative skin lesions from the study patients were photographed in standard settings, and the most representative skin lesions were chosen for dermatoscopic evaluation. Data was entered in a structured proforma and a descriptive analysis of dermatoscopic patterns was carried out. Results A total of 53 cases of ages between 14 and 80 years, ranging from tuberculoid to the lepromatous spectrum of disease, with active skin lesions in the form of patches and plaques were included. The spectrum of leprosy as per Ridley-Jopling classification at diagnosis was indeterminate in 1 (1.9%), tuberculoid in 1 (1.9%), borderline tuberculoid in 25 (21.5%), borderline lepromatous in 9 (17%), lepromatous in 14 (26.4%) and histoid in 3 (5.7%). Dermatoscopic features included distorted pigment network in 48 (90.6%), focal white areas in 40 (75.5%), reduced eccrine and follicular openings in 43 (81.1%), widened skin lines in 28 (52.8%), circle hairs in 15 (28.3%) and white shiny streaks in 17 (32.1%). Conclusion Dermatoscopy is a practical, non-invasive device to assess skin lesions of leprosy and provide cues to its diagnosis, spectral classification and differentiating it from other granulomatous disorders. However, dermatoscopy alone cannot reliably differentiate between the various types of leprosy and future large-scale studies are required. Limitations of the study The numbers for each subtype were variable and few in some spectrum of leprosy patients. A dermatoscopic-histologic correlation was not done.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874990


Over the last few decades, dermoscopy has been showed to facilitate the non-invasive diagnosis of both benign and malignant skin tumors, yet literature data mainly comes from studies on light photo-types. However, there is growing evidence that skin neoplasms may benefit from dermoscopic assessment even for skin of color. This systematic literature review evaluated published data in dark-skinned patients (dermoscopic features, used setting, pathological correlation, and level of evidence of studies), also providing a standardized and homogeneous terminology for reported dermoscopic findings. A total of 20 articles describing 46 different tumors (four melanocytic neoplasms, eight keratinocytic tumors, 15 adnexal cutaneous neoplasms, seven vascular tumors, four connective tissue tumors, and eight cystic neoplasms/others) for a total of 1724 instances were included in the analysis. Most of them showed a level of evidence of V (12 single case reports and six case series), with only two studies featuring a level of evidence of IV (case-control analysis). Additionally, this review also underlined that some neoplasms and phototypes are underrepresented in published analyses as they included only small samples and mainly certain tones of "dark skin" spectrum (especially phototype IV). Therefore, further studies considering such limitations are required for a better characterization.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874991


Hair and scalp disorders are of significant interest for physicians dealing with dark phototypes due to their prevalence and potential aesthetic impact resulting from a higher tendency for scarring. In order to facilitate their non-invasive diagnosis, several dermoscopic studies have been published, yet data are sparse and no systematic analysis of the literature has been performed so far. This systematic literature review summarizes published data on trichoscopy of hair and scalp diseases (trichoscopic findings, used setting, pathological correlation, and level of evidence of studies). A total of 60 papers addressing 19 different disorders (eight non-cicatricial alopecias, nine cicatricial alopecias, and two hair shaft disorders) were assessed, for a total of 2636 instances. They included one cross-sectional analysis, 20 case-control studies, 25 case-series, and 14 single case-reports, so the level of evidence was V and IV in 65% and 33% of cases, respectively, with only one study showing a level of evidence of III. Notably, although there is a considerable body of literature on trichoscopy of hair/scalp diseases, our review underlined that potentially significant variables (e.g., disease stage or hair texture) are often not taken into account in published analyses, with possible biases on trichoscopic patterns, especially when it comes to hair shaft changes. Further analyses considering all such issues are therefore needed.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874993


Dermoscopy has been showed to facilitate the non-invasive recognition of several infectious disorders (infectiouscopy) thanks to the detection of peculiar clues. Although most of the knowledge on this topic comes from studies involving light-skinned patients, there is growing evidence about its use also in dark phototypes. This systematic literature review summarizes published data on dermoscopy of parasitic, bacterial, viral and fungal dermatoses (dermoscopic findings, used setting, pathological correlation, and level of evidence of studies) and provides a homogeneous terminology of reported dermoscopic features according to a standardized methodology. A total of 66 papers addressing 41 different dermatoses (14 bacterial, 5 viral, 11 fungal infections, and 11 parasitoses/bites and stings) and involving a total of 1096 instances were included in the analysis. The majority of them displayed a level of evidence of V (44 single case reports and 21 case series), with only 1 study showing a level of evidence of IV (case-control analysis). Moreover, our analysis also highlighted a high variability in the terminology used in the retrieved studies. Thus, although promising, further studies designed according to a systematic and standardized approach are needed for better characterization of dermoscopy of infectious skin infections.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874994


Dermoscopic patterns of inflammatory dermatoses (inflammoscopy) have been extensively studied in the recent years, though data on patients with darker phototypes (IV-VI) are sparse. The aims of this systematic review were to summarize the current state of knowledge on inflammoscopy applied to skin of color and provide a standardized nomenclature of reported findings. Besides dermoscopic features, type of setting and magnification, number of cases, and histopathological correlation were analyzed. Eighty-five papers addressing 78 different dermatoses (25 papulosquamous dermatoses, 19 hyperpigmented dermatoses, eight hypopigmented dermatoses, four granulomatous dermatoses, two sclerotic dermatoses, five facial inflammatory dermatoses, and 15 miscellaneous conditions) for a total of 2073 instances were retrieved. Only one study showed a level of evidence of III (cross-sectional study), whereas 10 and 74 displayed a level of evidence of IV (case-control studies) and V (case-series and case-reports), respectively. Moreover, our analysis also highlighted that most of papers focalized on a limited number of dermatoses, with several conditions having only single dermoscopic descriptions. Additionally, few studies compared findings among phototypes belonging to the "skin of color" spectrum. Further studies designed according to a systematic approach and considering the above-mentioned issues are therefore needed.

Indian J Dermatol ; 68(2): 192-194, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37275823


Introduction: Griscelli syndrome (GS) is a very rare autosomal recessive disorder, belongs to group of "silvery hair syndromes" which includes Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) and Elejalde syndrome. Hair light microscopy helps in the differentiation of GS and CHS, as both manifest with clinical features. Trichoscopy is useful in the diagnosis of many hair shaft disorders. Here, authors describe the trichoscopic features of GS in skin of color. Materials and Methods: This was an observational study conducted in a private dermatology clinic and in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 5 cases of suspected GS were referred by pediatrician. Consent was obtained. The demographic data in terms of age, gender, consanguinity, and clinical history was documented. Trichoscopic examination was performed with FotoFinder videodermoscope with 20× magnification, the clinical images were captured with Medicam 1000. Trichoscopy showed large and irregular pigment clumps in 4 cases. One case demonstrated hypopigmentation of hair without pigment clumps [Figure 3a]. Results: Trichoscopy showed large and irregular pigment clumps in 4 cases. One case demonstrated hypopigmentation of hair without pigment clumps. Conclusion: Trichoscopy shows characteristic features GS. It is a useful method when facility for light or polarized microscope is unavailable.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(1)2023 01 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36892378


INTRODUCTION: A structured set of eight basic dermoscopic parameters (lines, clods, dots, circles, pseudopods, structureless, else, and vessels) including a total of 77 variables with corresponding descriptive and metaphoric vocabulary has been released for evaluation of skin tumors by the International Dermoscopy Society (IDS). OBJECTIVES: To validate the aforementioned criteria for the use in darker phototypes (phototypes IV-VI) via an expert consensus. METHODS: The two-round "Delphi method" was adopted, with an iterative process including two rounds of email questionnaires. Potential panelists were asked to take part in the procedure via email on the basis of their expertise in the dermoscopy of skin tumors in dark phototypes. RESULTS: A total of 17 participants were involved. All the original variables of the eight basic parameters reached agreement during the first round, except for "pink small clods" ("milky red globules") and "structureless pink zone" ("milky red areas"). Moreover, during the first round, panelists proposed a change of three existing items and the introduction of four new items, i.e., "black, small clods" ("black globules"), "follicular plugs", "erosions/ulcerations", and "white color around vessels" ("perivascular white halo"). All such proposals achieved agreement, thus being included in the final list, for a total of 79 items. There was consistency between the descriptive and metaphoric approaches in terms of scoring. CONCLUSIONS: Albeit most of the original items were considered applicable even for skin of color, there are some points of differences that physicians need to know. No significant preference was found between descriptive and metaphoric terminology among panelists.

Indian J Dermatol ; 68(6): 634-641, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38371584


Introduction: Spongiosis is defined as intercellular edema and vesicles in the epidermis. Histopathology is the gold standard for the diagnosis of spongiotic disorders. Clinical diagnosis of eczema is sometimes unclear and confused with other dermatoses; histopathology often shows spongiotic tissue reaction patterns; such conditions are called spongiotic disorders. It is challenging for a dermatologist to make the correct diagnosis noninvasively with a dermoscope and thus we have taken up the study to correlate the dermoscopic and histopathological findings in spongiotic disorders to set dermoscopic criteria for the diagnosis. Objective: To study the dermoscopic features of spongiotic disorders and correlate clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathological findings. Materials and Methods: Two hundred fifty two patients, with history and clinical presentation suggesting eczema were enrolled. They were classified as Acute (<6 weeks), Subacute (6 weeks to 3 months), and Chronic (>3 months) eczemas based on duration. Dermoscopy and skin biopsy were performed on representative lesions. Data were compiled and statistically analyzed using frequency distribution and Chi-square test. Results: We correlated the diagnosis based on acute, subacute, and chronic with three modalities, clinical examination, dermoscopy, and histopathology. On clinical examination, acute (27.4%), subacute (42.9%), and chronic (29.7%) dermatitis. On dermoscopy, acute (28.5%), subacute (40.4%), and chronic (31.1%) dermatitis. On histopathology, acute (29.5%), subacute (44.2%), and chronic (26.3%) spongiosis. A positive correlation of 99%, 96.2%, and 95% was observed on dermoscopy and histopathology, in acute, subacute, and chronic eczemas, respectively. Dermoscopy of acute eczemas showed linear vessels (100%) and red background (100%). White-Clods (98.9%) and excoriation marks (70.1%). Dermoscopy of subacute eczemas showed white scales (99.1%), irregular pigment network (98.3%), vascular changes with irregular dots (97.4%), a brown-white background (93.1%), and black/brown/grey dots (91.4%). Dermoscopy of chronic eczema showed brown-white background (100%), irregular pigment network (100%), and black/brown/grey blotches (100%). Conclusion: Definitive dermoscopic patterns are observed consistently with spongiotic diseases and these can be used additionally to set dermoscopic criteria and confirm the diagnosis. Also, dermoscopic findings are well correlated with the already established histopathological features.

Clin Exp Dermatol ; 47(11): 1982-1990, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35867028


BACKGROUND: Literature on the dermoscopic patterns of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in India is limited. AIM: To describe the dermoscopic pattern and dermoscopic-histopathological correlation in a large cohort of patients with BCC from India, with a particular focus on skin of colour (SOC). METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted under the aegis of the Dermatoscopy Society of India. Clinical details were collected, and two lead authors independently analysed dermoscopic images of BCC for a predefined set of characteristics. Histopathological slides/blocks were reviewed, and dermoscopic-histological correlation attempted. RESULTS: In total, 143 patients with BCC and skin phototypes IV-VI were included. The mean largest BCC diameter was 3.10 ± 3.68 cm and there was a significant but weak association between duration and largest dimension of the lesion (Spearman ρ = 0.33, P < 0.01). Nearly half of the cases were diagnosed with pigmented BCC and the most common histological subtype was nodular BCC (37.9%). Dermoscopically, blue-grey dots and arborizing vessels were the most common features (60.0%). Pigmentary changes were found in the majority of cases, and included blue-white veil, blue-grey ovoid nests and maple leaf-like areas. A third of our patients had short linear telangiectasia, polymorphic vessels and regular dotted vessels, and another third exhibited a dermoscopic rainbow effect. Arborizing vessels were significantly more common with micronodular (78.9%) and nodular variants (74.1%, P = 0.05), whereas regular dotted vessels (68.4%, P = 0.04), blue-white veil (84.2%, P = 0.02) were significantly associated with micronodular variant. CONCLUSION: The dermoscopic patterns of blue-white veil and regular dotted vessels are indicators towards micronodular BCC in SOC and can help in prioritizing treatment.

Carcinoma Basocelular , Neoplasias Cutáneas , Humanos , Dermoscopía/métodos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Neoplasias Cutáneas/patología , Carcinoma Basocelular/patología , Piel/patología
Indian J Dermatol ; 67(1): 5-11, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35656275


Background: Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is chronic dermatosis manifests as scaly indurated plaques with erythema and peripheral hyperpigmentation. Few cases progress to systemic lupus erythematosus. Differentials include lichenoid photo dermatitis, Jessner's lymphocytic infilterate, and polymorphus light eruptions. It is difficult to assess the activity clinically. Histopathology is characteristic and evaluation of disease activity is possible. Dermoscopy is a useful diagnostic method in many dermatoses. Dermoscopy is reflection of histological changes. Hence, dermoscopic features may act as a tool for activity assessment. Here authors have pursued dermoscopic and histopathological correlation in DLE lesions to assess the activity of disease. Aims: To study dermoscopic features in DLE and correlate the patterns with histopathological changes in skin of color. Method: This study was conducted in a tertiary hospital. Clinically suspected and histopathologically proven lesions of DLE were enrolled in this study. The target lesion was marked and sent for biopsy after performing dermoscopy. Activity of the lesion was assessed on the basis of histopathological features. SPSS statistics for windows v20.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA) was used to analyze data. Chi-square and Fisher's χ2 test was used to statistically signify association. Cohen's kappa coefficient was used to determine the agreement. Results: Study included 110 patients with Fitzpatrick skin type IV-V having 120 lesions. Follicular keratotic plug [73 (60.8%)] and peri-follicular whitish halo [65(54.1%)] were commonly found in dermoscopy. Blue-gray and brown dots, telangiectasia, follicular red dots, white rosettes and white areas include other features. Interface dermatitis, peri-appendageal infilterate, melanin incontinence, melanophages and fibrosis were noted in histopathology. Perfect agreement was observed in follicular plugs. Conclusion: Dermoscopy patterns were well correlated with histopathological changes. Thus dermoscopy played an important role in assessing the activity of lesion.

Dermatology ; 238(5): 870-875, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35390798


BACKGROUND: Clinical differentiation between different cheilitis variants may be difficult. Application of mucoscopy, in addition to clinical background, could provide additional diagnostic clues facilitating initial patient management. OBJECTIVES: To determine mucoscopic clues differentiating actinic cheilitis from the main forms of inflammatory cheilitis, including eczematous cheilitis, discoid lupus erythematosus, and lichen planus of the lips. METHODS: This was a retrospective, multicenter study being a part of an ongoing project "Mucoscopy - an upcoming tool for oral mucosal disorders" under the aegis of the International Dermoscopy Society. Cases included in the current study were collected via an online call published on the IDS website ( between January 2019 and December 2020. RESULTS: Whitish-red background was found in actinic cheilitis as well as in cheilitis due to discoid lupus erythematous and lichen planus. Polymorphous vessels were more likely to be seen in actinic cheilitis compared to other causes of cheilitis. White scales, ulceration, and blood spots predominated in actinic cheilitis and lichen planus, whereas yellowish scales typified eczematous and discoid lupus erythematous cheilitis. Radiating white lines although most common in lichen planus patients were also seen in actinic cheilitis. CONCLUSION: Despite differences in the frequency of mucoscopic structures, we have not found pathognomonic features allowing for differentiation between analyzed variants of cheilitis.

Queilitis , Liquen Plano , Lupus Eritematoso Discoide , Enfermedades de la Boca , Queilitis/diagnóstico por imagen , Dermoscopía , Humanos , Liquen Plano/diagnóstico por imagen , Estudios Retrospectivos
Int J Dermatol ; 61(4): 461-471, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34216025


BACKGROUND: The International Dermoscopy Society (IDS) recently released a set of five basic dermoscopic parameters (vessels, scales, follicular findings, "other structures," and specific clues) encompassing a total of 31 subitems to standardize the use of dermoscopy in non-neoplastic dermatoses, yet they have been developed taking into account Caucasian/Asian skin, with consequent possible limitations if used in dark skin. OBJECTIVES: To validate the abovementioned criteria for the use in dark-skinned patients (phototypes IV-VI) through an expert consensus. METHODS: The two-round Delphi method was adopted, with an iterative process consisting of two rounds of email questionnaires. Potential panelists were recruited via e-mail from all over the world based on their expertise on dermoscopy of non-neoplastic dermatoses in skin of color. RESULTS: Twenty-two panelists took part in the validation process. All of the five originally proposed parameters and subitems reached agreement during the first round, aside from "follicular red dots." Additionally, during round 1, five new subitems were proposed (perifollicular scales distribution, follicular openings obliteration, broken hairs, eccrine pigmentation, and eccrine ostia obliteration), along with the possibility to change the denomination of parameter 3 (from "follicular findings" to "follicular/eccrine findings") and split it into two subparameters ("follicular findings" and "eccrine findings"). All such proposals reached agreement during the second round and therefore were included in the final list, for a total of 37 items. CONCLUSIONS: Although nearly all the dermoscopic criteria originally proposed by the IDS are applicable even to darker phototypes, several additional variables need to be assessed.

Dermatología , Enfermedades de la Piel , Consenso , Dermoscopía , Humanos , Enfermedades de la Piel/diagnóstico por imagen , Pigmentación de la Piel