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Cureus ; 15(9): e44733, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37692175


The dimorphic fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis, is one of the most frequent causes of endemic fungal infections in the United States as well as various other parts of the world. Clinical presentations vary widely, ranging from asymptomatic to disseminated systemic infections. Blastomycosis usually has a predilection for the lungs, but extra pulmonary manifestations are present in 25-40% of cases, involving the skin, bone, genitourinary tract, and CNS. A fungal culture of tissue specimens and fluids is confirmatory. The mainstay of treatment are the azole antifungals, i.e., itraconazole, and for disseminated disease, amphotericin B. We present a case of a young male with pulmonary blastomycosis who presented with a long incubation period. The non-resolving nature of his symptoms prompted further lab and imaging studies, ultimately leading to full and successful recovery.

Cureus ; 14(8): e28066, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36120231


Several Phase-III clinical studies investigating vaccine safety and effectiveness have been published a year following the first breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic. These vaccine candidates were produced using a variety of vaccination technologies, including mRNA, recombinant protein, adenoviral vector, and inactivated virus-based platforms, by various research organizations and pharmaceutical firms. Despite many successful clinical studies, participants are restricted by trial inclusion and exclusion criteria, geographic location, and the current state of the virus epidemic. Many concerns remain, particularly for specific populations such as the elderly, women who are pregnant or nursing, and teenagers. Vaccine effectiveness against asymptomatic infection and particular viral variations, on the other hand, is still largely unclear. This review will focus on vaccination candidates that have completed Phase-III clinical trials and will examine the scientific evidence that has been gathered so far for these vaccine candidates for various subgroups of individuals and virus variations.