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Vet Rec Open ; 8(1): e4, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33981438


BACKGROUND: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a more efficient method to improve exercise capacity than moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) because of its greater physiological stimulus. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this protocol is to evaluate the efficacy of HIIT on maximal aerobic potency in dogs as compared to MICT. METHODS: This protocol is for a randomised, blinded controlled clinical trial, with three parallel groups for the purpose of demonstrating superiority. Thirty dogs aged between 12 and 84 months of both sexes and different breeds will be included. Dogs, before initiating and after finalising the training will perform an incremental exercise test on a treadmill to obtain maximal speed and lactate threshold; resting parameters of heart and respiratory rate, left ventricle chamber and systolic function will be measured. Dogs assigned to each intervention will endure a 42-min session of HIIT or MICT during 12 weeks. HIIT comprises four intervals of 4 min each at a load of 85%, alternating with a 4-min resting period. MICT group will have a continuous load of 60%. The control group will remain in a cage. An intention-to-treat statistical analysis will be implemented. Analysis of covariance will be used to estimate the effect of HIIT compared with MICT training on maximal aerobic potency, aerobic resistance, systolic function at rest, left ventricle chamber measurements and indexes, respiratory rate and HR at rest. CONCLUSION: Significant time and effort are invested into training sports/working dogs, which could benefit from improving physical capacity by means of the HIIT methodology.

Trop Anim Health Prod ; 53(1): 8, 2020 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33205300


This study aimed at describing selected hematological, biochemical, and acid-base variables of adult horses living at sea level and comparing them to those living at 5 different altitudes. One hundred and thirty-eight healthy Paso Fino horses > 2 years old were enrolled. Altitudes included the following: altitude A (0 to 50 m above sea level, masl; n = 23), B (1000 to 1050 masl; n = 25), C (1450 masl; n = 30), D (1950 to 2050 masl; n = 30), and E (2950 to 3100 masl; n = 30). A portable blood gas analyzer was used to determine selected biochemical and acid-base variables. Hematocrit (Htc) was measured by blood centrifugation and total plasma protein as total solids using a refractometer. A one-way ANOVA with Tukey's HSD post hoc test or a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, depending of the normality of the data, was conducted to compare groups. Horses at sea level had lower Htc (25% ± 2) and Hb (8 ± 0.8 mg/dL) concentration than those horses living ≥ 1000 masl (P < 0.05, for all comparisons). No differences in Htc and Hb were identified in horses living between 1000 and 3000 masl (P > 0.05, for all comparisons). The venous PvCO2 was significantly lower in horses living at altitudes ≥ 1000 masl than those living at 0 masl (42 ± 4.8 mmHg) (P = 0.001, for all comparisons). No differences in PvCO2 were identified in horses living between 1000 and 3000 masl. This study showed that the Htc, Hb, and PvCO2 of horses living at sea level were different compared to those in healthy horses living at altitudes ≥ 1000 masl. However, differences in TPP and electrolyte concentrations were not identified.

Altitud , Caballos/sangre , Equilibrio Ácido-Base , Análisis de Varianza , Animales , Análisis Químico de la Sangre/veterinaria , Colombia , Femenino , Pruebas Hematológicas/veterinaria , Masculino , Equilibrio Hidroelectrolítico
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 27(3): 227-233, jul.-sep. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-724948


Anamnesis: an adult horse that showed hind limb hyperflexion was examined. Clinical and laboratory findings: at locomotion examination bilateral hyperflexion was observed; the right hind limb was more severely affected than the left. Electromyographic and histopathological examination revealed neural denervation and muscular atrophy supporting the idiopathic stringhalt diagnosis. Treatment approach: a lateral digital extensor tenectomy and partial myectomy was practiced in both hind limbs, accompanied by medical treatment and implementation of a mild exercise plan. The effectiveness of surgery is still controversial in these cases; however, this patient evidenced slow improvement after surgery and exercise seemed to be instrumental in the recovery of his normal locomotion. Conclusion: to our knowledge, this is the first report of a clinical case compatible with idiopathic stringhalt in Colombian Creole horses, but further studies are necessary to clarify the etiology and pathogenesis of stringhalt in Colombia.

Anamnesis: se examinó un caballo adulto que mostraba hiperflexión de ambos miembros posteriores. Hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio: al examen locomotor se observó hiperflexión de ambos miembros posteriores pero el miembro posterior derecho parecía estar más afectado. El examen histopatológico y la electromiografía revelaron denervación neural y atrofia muscular soportando el diagnóstico de arpeo idiopático. Abordaje terapéutico: se practicó tenectomía y miectomía parcial del extensor digital lateral en ambos miembros posteriores, acompañada de tratamiento médico con la implementación de un plan de ejercicio ligero. La eficacia de la cirugía es controversial aún, sin embargo, en este caso, una lenta recuperación fue evidente y el ejercicio pareció ser un factor clave. Conclusión: el presente caso clínico es para nuestro conocimiento el primero compatible con arpeo idiopático en el Caballo Criollo Colombiano, pero se deben realizar más estudios para clarificar la etiología y patogenia del arpeo en Colombia.

Anamnese: foi examinado um cavalo adulto que mostrava hiperflexão dos dois membros posteriores. Achados Clínicos e de laboratorio: o exame foi observado hiperflexão de ambos os membros posteriores, estando mais afectado o membro posterior direito. O exame histopatológico e eletromiografia revelou denervação neural e atrofia muscular levando ao diagnóstico de harpejamento idiopático. Abordagem terapêutica: foi realizada tenectomia e miectomia parcial do músculo extensor digital lateral em ambos os membros posteriores, acompanhada de tratamento médico com a implementação de um plano de exercícios leves. A eficácia da cirurgia é ainda controversa, no entanto, neste caso foi evidente uma recuperação lenta e o exercício pareceu ser um fator fundamental. Conclusão: este relato de caso é, a nosso conhecimento, o primeiro compatível com harpejamento idiopático, mas devem ser realizados mais estudos para esclarecer a etiologia e patogenia do harpejamento no Cavalo Crioulo Colombiano.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 26(1): 31-36, ene.-mar. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-675245


Anamnesis: a colt showing a whitish coloration accompanied by abundant secretion on the left eye was examined. Clinical and laboratory findings: at ophthalmological examination, signs of melting ulcer were observed. Culture isolation revealed positive growing of Flavobacterium sp. and Gram-negative rods. Treatment approach: several keratectomies and tarsorrhaphies, as well as exhaustive antiproteinases, antiinflammatory, and antibiotic treatments, were conducted. Treatment focused on reducing inflammatory response, eliminating infective organisms, and promoting epithelial healing. Colt showed complete recovery of vision after 3 months. Conclusions: clinical management of melting ulcer implies exhaustive, though unexpensive, treatment.

Anamnesis: se examinó un potro que presentó una coloración blanquecina acompañada de abundante secreción en el ojo izquierdo. Hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio: al examen oftalmológico se observaron signos de ulcera fundente. El aislamiento por cultivo mostró crecimiento de Flavobacterium sp. y cocos Gram negativos. Abordaje terapéutico: se realizaron varias queratectomías y tarsorrafias, además de un tratamiento exhaustivo con antiproteinasas, antiinflamatorios y antibióticos enfocado a reducir la respuesta inflamatoria, eliminar los microorganismos infecciosos y promover la cicatrización epitelial. 3 meses después, el potro mostró recuperación completa de la visión. Conclusiones: el manejo clínico de la úlcera fundente es demandante, pero no es un tratamiento costoso.

Antecedentes: foi examinado um potro que apresentava uma coloração esbranquiçada acompanhada por abundante secreção no olho esquerdo. Achados clínicos e de laboratório: ao exame oftalmológico foram encontrados sinais de úlcera colagenolítica. O isolamento por cultura apresentou crescimento de Flavobacterium sp. e cocos Gram negativos. Abordagem terapêutica: foram realizadas várias ceratectomias e tarsorrafias, além da instauração de um tratamento exaustivo com antiproteinases, anti-inflamatórios e antibióticos voltado para a redução da resposta inflamatória, a remoção de micro-organismos infecciosos e a estimulação da cicatrização epitelial. 3 meses depois o potro apresentou completa recuperação da visão. Conclusões: o manejo clínico da úlcera colagenolítica é exigente, mas não é um tratamento caro.