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Dalton Trans ; 46(44): 15487-15493, 2017 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29090722


Recently published static DFT and CASSCF/CASPT2 calculations depicted extremely flat Potential Energy Surfaces (PESs) for the Cr-Cr flexibility of Cr3(dpa)4X2 (X = NCS-, CN-, NO3-) extended metal atom chains (EMACs) (M. Spivak, et al., Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 6202). We herein explore the thermal and crystal packing effects on the structure of EMACs using ab initio molecular dynamics (MD). Car-Parrinello DFT-based simulations of the isolated molecules show that thermal energy favors asymmetric arrangements of the Cr3 chain due, in part, to the bending of the axial ligands (X) and the increased X-Cr distance, both of which weaken X → Cr σ-donation. This effect is even more prominent in the crystalline phase due to the interaction between the axial ligands of neighboring molecules in the unit cell. This could explain the typical discrepancies between the experimental and theoretical characterization of Cr3 EMACs observed in the literature.

Dalton Trans ; 46(19): 6202-6211, 2017 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28443930


Density functional theory, Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field (CASSCF) and perturbation theory (CASPT2) methodologies have been used to explore the electronic structure of a series of trichromium Extended Metal Atom Chains (EMACS) with different capping ligands. The study is motivated by the very different structural properties of these systems observed in X-ray experiments: the CN--capped example has a symmetric Cr3 unit while for the NO3--capped analogue the same unit has two very different Cr-Cr bond lengths. Density functional theory fails to locate an unsymmetric minimum for any of the systems studied, although the surface corresponding to the asymmetric stretch is very flat. CASPT2, in contrast, does locate an unsymmetric minimum only for the NO3--capped system, although again the surface is very flat. We use the Generalized active space (GASSCF) technique and effective Hamiltonian theory to interrogate the multi-configurational wavefunctions of these systems, and show that the increase in the σ-σ* separation as the chain becomes unsymmetric plays a defining role in the stability of the ground state and its expansion in terms of configuration state functions.