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J Chem Phys ; 158(9): 094709, 2023 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36889963


Understanding the surface properties of glass during the hydrogen fluoride (HF)-based vapor etching process is essential to optimize treatment processes in semiconductor and glass industries. In this work, we investigate an etching process of fused glassy silica by HF gas with kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. Detailed pathways of surface reactions between gas molecules and the silica surface with activation energy sets are explicitly implemented in the KMC algorithm for both dry and humid conditions. The KMC model successfully describes the etching of the silica surface with the evolution of surface morphology up to the micron regime. The simulation results show that the calculated etch rate and surface roughness are in good agreement with the experimental results, and the effect of humidity on the etch rate is also confirmed. Development of roughness is theoretically analyzed in terms of surface roughening phenomena, and it is predicted that the values of growth and roughening exponents are 0.19 and 0.33, respectively, suggesting that our model belongs to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of surface chemistry, specifically surface hydroxyls and fluorine groups, is monitored. The surface density of fluorine moieties is 2.5 times higher than that of the hydroxyl groups, implying that the surface is well fluorinated during vapor etching.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(39): 7709-7719, 2022 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36149757


When a clean glass surface is exposed to humid air, a thin water layer forms on the hydrophilic surface. Using ab initio molecular dynamics, we simulate the changes in the electronic structure of a CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass model upon vacuum fracture and subsequent exposure to H2O. When the glass is fractured, dangling bonds form, which lower the band gap of the surface by ∼1.8 eV compared to the bulk value due to mid-gap surface states. When H2O adsorbs onto the vacuum-fractured surface, the band gap increases to a value closer to that of the bulk band gap. Using two different hydroxylation methods, we find that the calculated band gap of the glass surface depends on the hydroxylation state. Surfaces with ∼4.5 OH/nm2 have smaller band gaps due to unfilled surface states, and surfaces with ∼2.5 OH/nm2 have larger band gaps with no apparent unfilled surface states. The resulting changes in the electronic structure, quantified by electron affinity and work function values, are hypothesized to play an important role in the electrostatic charge transfer based on the principles of surface state theory, which posit that the density of electronic surface states determines the amount of electronic charge transfer to or from material surfaces.

Langmuir ; 34(39): 11905-11911, 2018 10 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30169963


The interaction of liquid water with Pt(111) is investigated with classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, where the forces are determined using the third-generation charge optimized many-body (COMB3) interatomic potential. In cases of sub-monolayer water coverage, the parameterized empirical potential predicts experimentally observed and energetically favorable √37 and √39 reconstructed water structures with "575757" di-interstitial defects. At both sub-monolayer and multilayer water coverages, the structure of the first wetting layer of liquid water on Pt(111) exhibits a characteristic distribution where the molecules form two distinct buckled layers as a result of the interplay between water-metal adsorption and water-water hydrogen bonds. The dynamic spreading rate of water nanodroplets on large Pt surfaces (>200 nm2) characterized by molecular kinetic spreading theory is an order of magnitude slower than the molecular kinetic rate of the same droplet on close-packed Cu surfaces due to variation in molecular distributions at the water-metal interface. These nanoscale MD simulation predictions using the COMB3 interatomic potential demonstrate the capability of capturing both many-body interactions between H2O and Pt or Cu and hydrogen bonding in liquid water.

J Phys Chem A ; 122(2): 631-638, 2018 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29257690


An atomic description of water dynamics and electrochemical properties at electrode-electrolyte interfaces is presented using molecular dynamics with the third generation of the charge-optimized many-body (COMB3) potential framework. Externally applied potentials in electrochemical applications were simulated by offsetting electronegativity on electrode atoms. This approach is incorporated into the variable charge scheme within COMB3 and is used to investigate electrochemical systems consisting of two Cu electrodes and a water electrolyte with varying concentrations of hydroxyls (OH-) and protons (H+). The interactions between the electronegativity offset method and the charge equilibration method in a variable charge scheme are analyzed. In addition, a charge equilibration method for electrochemical applications is proposed, where the externally applied potentials are treated by the electronegativity offset on the electrodes thus enforcing charge neutrality on the electrolyte. This method is able to qualitatively capture the relevant electrochemistry and predict consistently correct voltages with precalibration.

Langmuir ; 32(32): 8061-70, 2016 08 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27442055


The interfacial dynamics of water in contact with bare, oxidized, and hydroxylated copper surfaces are examined using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A third-generation charge-optimized many-body (COMB3) potential is used in the MD simulations to investigate the adsorption of water molecules on Cu(111), and the results are compared to the findings of density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The adsorption energies and structures predicted by COMB3 are generally consistent with those determined with DFT. The COMB3 potential is then used to investigate the wetting behavior of water nanodroplets on Cu(111) at 20, 130, and 300 K. At room temperature, the simulations predict that the spreading rate of the base radius, R0, of a water droplet with a diameter of about 1.5 nm exhibits a spreading rate of R0 ≈ t(0.16) and a final base radius of 3.5 nm. At 20 and 130 K, water droplets are predicted to retain their structure after adsorption on Cu(111) and to undergo minimal spreading in agreement with scanning tunneling microscopy data. When the same water droplet encounters a reconstructed, oxidized Cu(111) surface, the classical MD simulations predict wetting with a spreading rate of R ≈ t(0.14) and a final base radius of 3.0 nm. Similarly, our MD simulations predict a spreading rate of R ≈ t(0.14) and a final base radius of 2.5 nm when water encounters OH-covered Cu(111). These results indicate that oxidation and hydroxylation cause a reduction in the degree of spreading and final base radius that is directly associated with a decreased spreading rate for water nanodroplets on copper.