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Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 46: e, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569731


Abstract Objective Our study evaluated the effectiveness of the Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol in breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) within Brazil's public healthcare system, focusing on its impact on patient access to MRI exams. Methods This retrospective study involved 197 breast MRI exams of female patients over 18 years with histological breast carcinoma diagnosis, conducted at Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu - UNESP between 2014 and 2018. Two experienced examiners prospectively and blindly analyzed the exams using an Integrated Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). They first evaluated the Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol, created from sequences of the complete protocol (PC), and after an average interval of 30 days, they reassessed the same 197 exams with the complete protocol. Dynamic and morphological characteristics of lesions were assessed according to BI-RADS 5th edition criteria. The study also analyzed the average number of monthly exams before and after the implementation of Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol. Results The Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol showed high sensitivity (99% and 96%) and specificity (90.9% and 96%). There was a significant increase in the average monthly MRI exams from 6.62 to 23.8 post-implementation. Conclusion The Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol proved effective in maintaining diagnostic accuracy and improving accessibility to breast MRI exams, particularly in the public healthcare setting.

Radiol. bras ; 50(4): 244-249, July-Aug. 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-896097


Abstract Objective: To present the current recommendations for breast cancer screening in Brazil, as devised by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, the Brazilian Breast Disease Society, and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecological and Obstetrical Associations. Materials and methods: We analyzed scientific studies available in the Medline and Lilacs databases. In the absence of evidence, the recommendations reflected the consensus of a panel of experts. Recommendations: Annual mammography screening is recommended for women 40-74 years of age. Among women ≥ 75 years of age, annual mammography screening should be reserved for those with an expected survival > 7 years. Complementary ultrasound should be considered for women with dense breasts. Complementary magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for women at high risk. When available, an advanced form of mammography known as tomosynthesis can be considered as a means of screening for breast cancer.

Resumo Objetivo: Apresentar as recomendações do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem, da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia e da Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia para o rastreamento por imagem do câncer de mama no Brasil. Materiais e métodos: Foram analisados os estudos científicos disponíveis nas bases científicas Medline e Lilacs. Na ausência de dados probatórios, as recomendações refletiram o consenso da comissão de especialistas. Recomendações: O rastreamento mamográfico anual é recomendado para as mulheres entre 40 e 74 anos. Acima de 75 anos deve ser reservado para as mulheres que tenham expectativa de vida maior que 7 anos. O rastreamento complementar com ultrassonografia deve ser considerado para as mulheres com mamas densas. O rastreamento complementar com ressonância magnética é recomendado para as mulheres com alto risco. A tomossíntese é uma forma de mamografia que pode ser considerada para o rastreamento do câncer de mama, quando disponível.

Rev. bras. mastologia ; 21(2): 66-69, abr.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-699575


Objetivos: Descrever os aspectos ecográficos em nódulos de hiperplasia pseudoangiomatosa do estroma mamário, classificando-os segundo o BI-RADS®. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, de 2009 a 2010, da base de dados do nosso serviço (UD diagnóstico por imagem) para identificar nódulos evidenciados na ecografia mamária, com diagnóstico histopatológico confirmado de hiperplasia pseudoangiomatosa do estroma mamário, por meio de core biópsia orientada por ultrassonografia, com agulha de 16 gauge. Foram identificadas 16 pacientes com lesões ecográficas que tinham hiperplasia pseudoangiomatosa do estroma mamário como diagnóstico. Resultados: O fator determinante para a classificação em categorias 4a e 4b, segundo o léxico BI-RADS® para ultrassonografia, foi as margens não-circunscritas, que estavam presentes em 93,3% das lesões, as demais características ecográficas das lesões foram compatíveis com lesões benignas. Conclusão: Nódulos ecográficos de hiperplasia pseudoangiomatosa do estroma mamário podem apresentar características ecográficas que sejam determinantes para a realização de biópsias, mesmo sabendo-se que esta patologia tem curso tipicamente benigno.

Objectives: To describe the ecographic features of pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia masses, classifying them according to the BI-RADS® lexicon. Methods: A retrospective review was performed during the period from 2009 to 2010, using the database of our service (UD diagnóstico por imagem), in order to find ecographic masses with pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia diagnosis, which were performed with 16-gauge core biopsy ultrasound guided. We identified 16 patients with ecographic masses diagnosed with pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. Results: The most important finding that changes the classification of the BI-RADS® was noncircumscribed margins, which were foundin 93.3% of the lesions, other ultrasound characteristics found were benign features. Conclusion: Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasiamasses may present ecographic findings that support biopsy indication; although it is known that it is a benign pathology.

Humanos , Femenino , Biopsia con Aguja , Biopsia/métodos , Células del Estroma/patología , Diagnóstico por Imagen , Hiperplasia , Histología , Mama/patología , Estudios Retrospectivos