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Arq. odontol ; 59: 193-202, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1551361


Aim: The aim of the present study was to identify precipitating factors of bullying in schoolchildren.Methods: A total of 425 schoolchildren aged eight to eleven years, enrolled in public and private schools in Lavras, Brazil, participated in this cross-sectional study. The schoolchildren answered two questions addressing characteristics that could affect their relationships with peers and completed the Brazilian version of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. The characteristics investigated included weight, height, facial features, dentofacial appearance, and other individual factors, such as halitosis and wearing glasses. Parents answered a questionnaire on demographic characteristics. Descriptive analysis and multinomial logistic regression were performed (p ≤ 0.05).Results: Bully-victims were more likely to be enrolled in public schools (OR = 5.43, 95% CI: 1.14-25.91, p = 0.03). Victims of bullying were more likely to report characteristics such as halitosis, wearing glasses, and other aspects (OR = 3.31, 95% CI: 1.14-9.57, p = 0.02), as well as dentofacial appearance (OR = 3.80, 95% CI: 1.38-10.41, p = 0.01), as factors that affected interactions with peers.Conclusions: The findings show that physical appearance, socioeconomic aspect, and individual characteristics are factors associated with victims and bully-victims. Pediatric dentists should discuss these issues with their patients and parents/caregivers when taking patient history.

Objetivo:O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os fatores precipitantes do bullying em escolares.Métodos: Um total de 425 escolares de oito a onze anos matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas de Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil, participaram deste estudo transversal. Os escolares responderam duas perguntas abordando características que poderiam afetar seu relacionamento com seus pares e preencheram a versão brasileira do Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. As características investigadas foram peso, altura, características faciais, aparência dentofacial e outros fatores individuais, como halitose e uso de óculos. Os pais responderam um questionário sobre características sociodemográficas. Análise descritiva e regressão logística multinomial foram realizadas (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: As vítimas-intimidadoras eram mais propensas a serem de escolas públicas (OR = 5,43, IC 95%:1,14-25,91, p = 0,03). As vítimas de bullying foram mais propensas a relatar características como halitose, uso de óculos e outros aspectos (OR = 3,31, IC 95%: 1,14-9,57, p = 0,02), bem como aparência dentofacial (OR = 3,80, IC 95%: 1,38-10,41, p = 0,01) como fatores que afetaram suas interações com seus pares. Conclusões:Os achados mostram que a aparência física, o aspecto socioeconômico e as características individuais são fatores associados às vítimas e às vítimas-intimidadoras. Odontopediatras devem discutir essas questões com as crianças/adolescentes e seus pais/responsáveis ao obter a história do paciente.

Factores Desencadenantes , Acoso Escolar , Apariencia Física , Niño , Atención Dental para Niños
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 116 p. ilus, graf, tab, mapas.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1437827


Bullying é um comportamento agressivo que gera consequências emocionais. Indivíduos vulneráveis estão sujeitos a sofrer esta agressão. Bruxismo do sono (BS) é uma atividade muscular mastigatória que está associado a fatores psicossociais. O objetivo do artigo 1 (n=431) foi analisar a associação de possível BS com bullying escolar. O objetivo do artigo 2 (n=425) foi identificar a associação entre fatores desencadeantes de bullying e indivíduos envolvidos em bullying como vítimas e vítimas-intimidadores. O objetivo do artigo 3 foi analisar a acurácia da resposta dada pelos responsáveis em um questionário acerca do BS comparado ao diário do sono. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa em Humanos da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (protocolo 82839718.4.0000.5149). Participaram da pesquisa escolares com idade entre 8 a 11 anos, matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas de Lavras, e seus responsáveis. Os responsáveis responderam a um questionário, desenvolvido para a pesquisa, com duas perguntas sobre a ocorrência do BS (ranger de dentes [RD]) nos escolares, dados sociodemográficos e um diário do sono de sete dias. Os escolares responderam um questionário, desenvolvido para a pesquisa, sobre dentes, cabelo, cor da pele, altura, peso, boca, nariz e outras características que podem interferir no relacionamento com os pares na escola; e preencheram a versão brasileira do Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. A análise estatística do artigo 1, 2 e 3 incluiu análises descritivas. A regressão de Poisson (RR:Razão das Taxas) foi utilizada no artigo 1 e a regressão Logística Multinomial (OR) no artigo 2 (p≤0,05). No artigo 3 os resultados foram fornecidos com curva ROC e medição de acurácia (área sob a curva ­ AUC). Como resultado para o artigo 1 verificou-se que a frequência de RD entre os escolares vítimas-intimidadores foi 1,57 maior (RR=1,57; IC95%=1,04­2,36; p= 0,030). A frequência de RD entre os escolares que relataram acordar cansados pela manhã pelo menos uma vez por semana foi 1,33 vezes maior (RR=1,33; IC95%=1,00­1,78; p=0,050) e a frequência de RD entre escolares cuja renda familiar mensal é igual ou inferior a um salário mínimo apresentou 1,49 vezes maior (RR=1,49, IC95%=1,04-2,13, p=0,027). No artigo 2 observou-se que escolares vítimas-intimidadores eram mais propensos a serem de escola pública (OR=5,43, IC95%=1,14-25,91; p=0,034) e os escolares vítimas de bullying eram mais propensos a relatarem outras características individuais, como uso de óculos (OR=3,31; IC95%=1,14-9,57; p=0,027) e características dos dentes (OR=3,80; IC95%=1,38-10,41; p=0,010) como fatores que atrapalham seu convívio com os colegas. No artigo 3 verificou-se que a comparação do questionário com o diário do sono, para diagnóstico de BS, demonstrou uma AUC de 87,6% (IC95%=83,2% - 92,1%). Conclui-se que estar envolvido em comportamentos de bullying na escola, cansaço do escolar ao acordar e baixa renda familiar estão associados ao possível BS entre escolares. Os achados mostraram, também, que dentes e outras características individuais estão associados à ser vítima de bullying e estar envolvido em bullying como vítima-intimidador está associado com o tipo de escola. O questionário de diagnóstico de BS mostrou uma acurácia relevante quando comparado ao diário do sono de 7 dias.

Bullying is an aggressive behavior that generates emotional consequences. Vulnerable individuals are more likely to suffer this aggression. Sleep bruxism is a masticatory muscle activity that is associated with psychosocial factors. The objective of article 1 (n=431) was to analyze the association of possible sleep bruxism (SB) with school bullying. The objective of article 2 (n=425) was to identify the association between triggering factors of bullying and individuals involved in bullying as victims and bully-victims. The objective of article 3 was to analyze the accuracy of the response given by guardians in a questionnaire about sleep bruxism (SB) compared to the sleep diary. The study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Minas Gerais under protocol number CAAE 82839718.4.0000.5149. Schoolchildren aged between 8 and 11 years old, enrolled in public and private schools in Lavras, and their guardians participated in the research. Guardians answered a questionnaire, developed for research, about the occurrence of SB (gnashing teeth [GT]) in schoolchildren, sociodemographic data, and a seven- day sleep diary. The schoolchildren answered a questionnaire, developed for research, about teeth, hair, skin color, height, weight, mouth, nose, and other factors that can interfere with peer relationships at school. They completed the Brazilian version of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire. Statistical analysis of articles 1, 2 and 3 included descriptive analyses. Poisson regression (RR-Rate Ratio) was used in article 1 and Multinomial Logistic (OR) regression in article 2 (p≤0.05). In article 3 the results were provided with a ROC curve and accuracy measurement (area under the curve ­ AUC). As a result of article 1, it was found that the frequence of GT among schoolchildren were victims-bullies had 1.57 times higher (RR = 1.57; 95%CI=1.04­ 2.36; p= 0.030). The frequence of GT among schoolchildren who reported waking up tired in the morning at least once a week was 1.33 times higher (RR=1.33; 95%CI=1.00­1.78; p=0.050), frequence of GT among schoolchildren whose family monthly income is equal to a minimum wage or less presented 1.49 times higher (RR=1.49, 95% CI=1.04­2.13, p=0.027). In article 2, it was observed that bully-victim schoolchildren were more likely to be from public schools (OR=5.43, 95%CI=1.14- 25.91; p=0.034) and bullied schoolchildren were more likely to report other individual characteristics (example: use of glasses) (OR=3.31; 95%CI=1.14-9.57; p=0.027) and teeth characteristics (PR=3.80; 95%CI=1.38 -10.41; p=0.010) as factors that interfere with his interaction with colleagues. In article 3, it was found that the comparison of the questionnaire with the sleep diary, for the diagnosis of SB, showed an AUC of 87.6% (CI95%=83.2% - 92.1%) It was concluded that being involved in bullying behaviors at school, schoolchildren tiredness upon waking up, and low family income are associated with possible SB among students. The findings also showed that teeth and other individual characteristics are associated with bullying victims and being involved in bullying as a bully-victim is associated with the type of school. The SB diagnostic questionnaire showed relevant accuracy when compared to the 7-day sleep diary.

Conducta , Bruxismo , Factores Desencadenantes , Epidemiología , Acoso Escolar
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 30(3): 446-459, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421050


Resumo Introdução O controle da disseminação do coronavírus em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI) é considerado um desafio, uma vez que os idosos fazem parte do grupo de risco e apresentam prognóstico bastante desfavorável e também alta letalidade. Objetivo Conduzir uma rapid review para mapear e sintetizar a literatura sobre medidas de enfrentamento de Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) em ILPI. Método Foi realizada uma Rapid review, e as buscas foram conduzidas nas bases de dados eletrônicas Biblioteca Cochrane, Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo, Medline/Pubmed e Google Scholar. Foram incluídas publicações a partir de 2019, nos idiomas português, inglês ou espanhol. A seleção das publicações ocorreu em duas etapas: leitura dos títulos/resumos; e leitura na íntegra de todas as publicações selecionadas. As recomendações para enfrentamento da COVID-19 em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos foram extraídas e agrupadas de acordo com o conteúdo. Resultados Foram selecionadas 59 publicações que descreviam recomendações referentes aos temas: controle da disseminação do vírus; formação / educação continuada dos trabalhadores responsáveis pelo cuidado ao idoso; bem como o cuidado no contexto da pandemia: residentes, trabalhadores e familiares, e planejamento e gerenciamento de ações para o enfrentamento. Conclusão As recomendações para o enfrentamento da COVID-19 demandam comportamentos para evitar a disseminação do vírus, adaptações nas dinâmicas de cuidado e de convivência nas instituições, planejamento de ações específicas e suporte familiar, institucional e do Estado para assegurar a proteção da saúde física e psicossocial dos idosos e trabalhadores.

Abstract Background Controlling the spread of the coronavirus in Long-Term Care Facilities for older adults is considered a challenge, since this group have a very unfavorable prognosis and also high lethality. Objective To conduct a rapid review of guidelines to manage COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities for older adults. Method A Rapid review was carried out, searches were conducted in the electronic databases Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, Scielo and Medline/Pubmed. Publications from 2019 were included, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. The selection of publications took place in two stages: reading the titles/abstracts and reading in full all selected publications by two independent researchers. Guidelines for managing COVID-19 in LCTFs were extracted and grouped according to content. Results 59 publications were selected describing guidelines regarding control of the spread of the virus; training/continuing education of staff responsible for caring for the elderly residents; care addressing residents, staff and family during the pandemic and planning and management of actions to manage the disease. Conclusion Guidelines for managing COVID-19 demand for behaviors to prevent the spread of the virus and adaptations in the dynamics of care and the coexistence inside facilities. They also require planning for specific actions that include family, institutional and State support so the protection of physical and psychosocial health of the elderly residents and staff is ensured.

Pediatr Dent ; 44(4): 284-289, 2022 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35999679


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between probable awake bruxism (PAB) and school bullying in children and adolescents. Methods: A total of 380 children and adolescents enrolled in public and private schools in the city of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, participated in this case-control study. The case group (190 children with PAB) and the control group (190 children without PAB) were matched for sex and age. Data acquisition involved questionnaires administered to the children/adolescents and their parents/caregivers. An oral clinical examination to assess attrition tooth wear was also performed. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses (95 percent confidence interval [95% CI], P<0.05) were conducted. Results: Among the 380 participants, 176 (46.3 percent) were male and 204 (53.7 percent) were female. Children and adolescents who were involved in bullying episodes as victims/bullies (odds ratio [OR] equals 2.92, 95% CI equals 1.07 to 7.95, P=0.036) and victims (OR equals 1.93, 95% CI equals 1.04 to 3.57, P=0.037) were significantly associated with PAB. Children and adolescents who reported sleep problems (OR equals 2.51, 95% CI equals 1.07 to 5.89, P=0.033) were significantly associated with PAB. Conclusion: Based on the results, it was observed that probable awake bruxism is associated with involvement in episodes of school bullying and sleep problems.

Bruxismo , Acoso Escolar , Vigilia , Adolescente , Bruxismo/epidemiología , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Instituciones Académicas , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Cranio ; : 1-7, 2022 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35876686


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the severity of possible sleep bruxism (PSB) and possible awake bruxism (PAB) and attrition tooth wear facets (ATWF) in children/adolescents. METHODS: Four hundred-thirty-four children/adolescents enrolled in schools in Lavras, Brazil, participated in this cross-sectional study. Caregivers answered a questionnaire about their childrens' PSB. Children/adolescents answered a questionnaire about the occurrence of PAB. RESULTS: ATWF among individuals without PSB and PAB was lower than those with moderate/severe PSB (p = 0.038) and moderate/severe PAB (p = 0.003). ATWF in anterior teeth was lower among individuals without PSB compared to those with mild (p = 0.015) and moderate/severe PSB (p = 0.032). ATWF in posterior teeth was lower among individuals without PAB compared to those with mild (p = 0.046) and moderate/severe PAB (p = 0.017). CONCLUSION: The number of attrition tooth wear facets is proportional to the severity of PSB and PAB.

Int J Paediatr Dent ; 32(1): 41-48, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33730369


BACKGROUND: Bruxism is characterized by tooth grinding and/or clenching. AIM: To evaluate the association between possible awake bruxism (PAB) and bullying among individuals aged 8-11 years. DESIGN: A representative cross-sectional study was conducted with 434 eight- to eleven-year-old children/adolescents. Parents/caregivers answered a questionnaire to provide data on sociodemographic characteristics. Children/adolescents answered a questionnaire about the occurrence of PAB. The Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire was used. The Poisson regression analysis was performed. RESULTS: Of the 434 children/adolescents, 209 (48.2%) were boys and 225 (51.8%) were girls. The mean age of the children/adolescents was 9.14 years (±1.00). Children/adolescents who were victims of bullying (PR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.14-2.04, P = .005) and bullies-victims (PR = 2.08, 95% CI = 1.36-3.17, P = .001) presented a higher frequency of PAB than those who were not involved in bullying. CONCLUSION: Children/adolescents who were bullying victims and bullies-victims had a higher frequency of PAB.

Bruxismo , Acoso Escolar , Adolescente , Bruxismo/epidemiología , Niño , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Padres , Vigilia
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2019. 107 p. ilus, tab.
Tesis en Inglés, Portugués | BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1016731


O bruxismo é um comportamento caracterizado pelo ranger e/ou apertar de dentes que está fortemente associado a fatores emocionais. O bullying pode afetar o escolar emocionalmente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre provável bruxismo em vígila (PBV) e bullying entre escolares. Foi realizado um estudo transversal representativo em Lavras, Minas-Gerais, Brasil. Este estudo foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa em Humanos da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (COEP/UFMG) e aprovado (CAAE 82839718.4.0000.5149). Previamente ao estudo principal foi realizado um estudo piloto com 45 escolares de um escola pública de Lavras. Participaram do estudo escolares com idade entre 8 a 11 anos, matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas, e seus pais/responsáveis. Os pais/responsáveis responderam um questionário com perguntas sociodemográficas e característica do sono das crianças/adolescentes. Os escolares responderam a dois questionários, um com perguntas sobre histórico de dor muscular, dor de cabeça, fatores desencadeadores de bullying e ocorrência do bruxismo em vigília e a versão brasileira do questionário Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ) para determinar os escolares que poderiam estar envolvidos em bullying. Uma análise clínica extra e intraoral foi realizada por um examinador para identificar sinais clínicos tais como: linha alba e língua edentada, dor a palpação nos músculos masseter e temporal e desgaste dentário por atrição. Um treinamento e calibração para a avaliação do desgaste dentário por atrição foi realizado. O PBV foi mensurado em uma escala baseada na frequência do relato de bruxismo em vigília das crianças/adolescentes e no número de sintomas e sinais clínicos, onde um maior escore representou uma maior gravidade do PBV. Categorizou-se o PBV em leve, moderado ou grave de acordo com o relato e o número de sintomas e sinais clínicos presentes na avaliação odontológica. A análise estatística incluiu a análise descritiva, teste Mann­Whitney (p<0,05) e regressão de Poisson (p<0,05). Um total de 434 escolares participaram do estudo. A porcentagem das crianças/adolescentes quanto ao gênero foi similiar, com um valor um pouco maior para o feminino (51,8%). A prevalência total de PBV foi de 43,7%, categorizado em provável bruxismo leve em vigília (35,7%), provável bruxismo moderado em vigília (7,8%) e provável bruxismo grave em vigília (0,2%). Na análise bivariada, houve associação entre característica dos dentes como desencadeadores de bullying (p=0,012) e outras características (como hálito ruim, estrabismo, orelha, entre outros) (p=0,006), e o escore do PBV. Vítimas de bullying (RP=1,85; IC95%=1,37-2,50; p<0,001) e vítimas-agressores (RP=1,76, IC95%=1,14-2,72, p=0,010) apresentaram maior gravidade de PBV do que escolares que não estavam envolvidos no bullying. Escolares que acordam cansados pela manhã pelo menos uma vez na semana apresentaram maior gravidade de PBV do que aqueles que não relataram cansaço (RP=1,36, IC95%= 1,03-1,79, p=0,026). Este estudo concluiu que escolares que relataram que seus dentes eram desencadeadores de bullying, tiveram associação significativa com o PBV, escolares que são vítimas de bullying e vítimas-agressores apresentaram maior prevalência de maior gravidade do PBV, bem como aqueles escolares que relataram cansaço ao acordar.

Bruxism is a behavior characterized by the grinding and/or clenching of teeth that is strongly associated with emotional factors. Bullying can affect the student emotionally. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between probable awake bruxism (PAB) and bullying among schoolchildren. A representative cross-sectional study was conducted in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This study was submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee on Human Beings of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (COEP/UFMG) and approved (CAAE 82839718.4.0000.5149). Prior to the main study, a pilot study was conducted with 45 students from a public school in Lavras. Participated in the study schoolchildren aged 8 to 11 years, enrolled in public and private schools, and their parents/caregivers. The parents/caregivers answered a questionnaire with sociodemographic questions and characteristic of their children's/adolescents' sleep. The students answered two questionnaires, one with questions about the history of muscular pain, headache, triggers factors of bullying and the occurrence of awake bruxism and the the Brazilian version of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ) to determine the students who could be involved in bullying. An extra and intraoral clinical analysis was performed by one examiner to identify clinical signs such as: linea alba and indentations on the tongue, palpation pain in the masseter and temporalis muscles and tooth wear by attrition. A training and calibration for the evaluation of attrition tooth wear was performed. The PAB was measured on a scale based on the frequency of self-reported awake bruxism by child/adolescent and on the number of clinical signs and symptoms, where a larger score represented a greater PAB severity. The PAB was categorized as mild, moderate or severe according to the report and the number of symptoms and clinical signs present in the dental evaluation. Statistical analysis included descriptive analysis, Mann-Whitney test (p <0.05) and Poisson regression (p <0.05). A total of 434 students participated in the study. The percentage of children/adolescents regarding sex was similar, with a slightly higher value for the females (51.8%). The total prevalence of PBV was 43.7%, categorized as probable mild bruxism awake (35.7%), probable moderate bruxism awake (7.8%) and probable severe bruxism awake (0.2%). In the bivariate analysis, there was an association between the characteristics of the teeth as triggers of bullying (p = 0.012) and other characteristics (such as bad breath, squint, ear, among others) (p = 0.006) and the PAB score. Victims of bullying (PR=1.85, 95%CI=1.37-2.50, p<0.001) and victim-aggressors (PR=1.76, 95%CI=1.14-2.72, p=0.010) presented higher PAB severity than students who were not involved in bullying. Schoolchildren who wake up tired in the morning at least once a week presented higher PAB severity than those who did not report tiredness (PR=1.36, 95%CI=1.03-1.79, p=0.026). This study concluded that schoolchildren who reported that their teeth were triggers of bullying were significantly associated with the PAB; schoolchildren who are victims of bullying and victim-aggressors had a higher prevalence of higher severity of PAB, as well as those schoolchildren who reported fatigue upon waking.

Factores Socioeconómicos , Estudiantes , Conducta , Niño , Adolescente , Bruxismo del Sueño/epidemiología , Acoso Escolar , Encuestas y Cuestionarios