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Ocean Coast Manag ; 205: 105533, 2021 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36570821


Tourism localities worldwide continue to grapple with how best to sustain coastal visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emerging epidemiological science illustrates the risk of disease transmission is lower outdoors than indoors, and exposure is likely lower in outdoor, coastal environments due to dispersion and dilution of respiratory droplets through regular air flow. That said, it remains unclear how beachgoer behavior affects the likelihood of disease transmission. During summer 2020, we analyzed publicly-available beachcam video data and collected unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery at the recreational beach oceanfront in Virginia Beach, U.S.A. Data were collected over 24 days, documenting tourists' and recreationists' behaviors related to the public health guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Public Health and City of Virginia Beach. Specifically, using a sample test area of beach and adjoining boardwalk, we investigated diurnal patterns of beach and boardwalk use, the location and density of use, as well as the presence of face coverings (i.e., masks) on boardwalk users. Results from beachcam analyses indicate a curvilinear trend in beach use, peaking in the mid-afternoon, while boardwalk use remained consistent throughout the day. Beachcam observations were corroborated by UAV photography and spatial analysis, indicating concentrated use of the beach adjoining shoreline above high tide, with onethird of the landward adjacent upper beach vacant. Among boardwalk pedestrians, few (8.7%) were observed wearing facial coverings. These findings point to both indirect and direct strategies coastal managers can implement to communicate when, where, and how to reduce the potential for transmission while accessing beach amenities during the COVID-19 pandemic.