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Microbiol Resour Announc ; 13(2): e0110823, 2024 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38236044


Here, we report the coding complete sequence of three segments of the Iraqi isolate of Allium deltapartitivirus named Tikrit in onion plants. According to the phylogeny, this isolate is closely related to an Allium deltapartitivirus from Brazil and to Arhar cryptic virus 1 from Hyderabad.

Microbiol Resour Announc ; 13(1): e0076323, 2024 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38047648


Here, we report the complete sequence of six segments of the Iraqi isolate of fig mosaic virus (FMV) named Kufa in fig plants. The sequence lengths of the six segments were determined. The phylogeny showed that four segments were closely related to Iranian isolates.

Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1232588, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37868307


Introduction: The garden petunia, Petunia hybrida (Solanaceae) is a fertile, diploid, annual hybrid species (2n=14) originating from P. axillaris and P. inflata 200 years ago. To understand the recent evolution of the P. hybrida genome, we examined tandemly repeated or satellite sequences using bioinformatic and molecular cytogenetic analysis. Methods: Raw reads from available genomic assemblies and survey sequences of P. axillaris N (PaxiN), P. inflata S6, (PinfS6), P. hybrida (PhybR27) and the here sequenced P. parodii S7 (PparS7) were used for graph and k-mer based cluster analysis of TAREAN and RepeatExplorer. Analysis of repeat specific monomer lengths and sequence heterogeneity of the major tandem repeat families with more than 0.01% genome proportion were complemented by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using consensus sequences as probes to chromosomes of all four species. Results: Seven repeat families, PSAT1, PSAT3, PSAT4, PSAT5 PSAT6, PSAT7 and PSAT8, shared high consensus sequence similarity and organisation between the four genomes. Additionally, many degenerate copies were present. FISH in P. hybrida and in the three wild petunias confirmed the bioinformatics data and gave corresponding signals on all or some chromosomes. PSAT1 is located at the ends of all chromosomes except the 45S rDNA bearing short arms of chromosomes II and III, and we classify it as a telomere associated sequence (TAS). It is the most abundant satellite repeat with over 300,000 copies, 0.2% of the genomes. PSAT3 and the variant PSAT7 are located adjacent to the centromere or mid-arm of one to three chromosome pairs. PSAT5 has a strong signal at the end of the short arm of chromosome III in P. axillaris and P.inflata, while in P. hybrida additional interstitial sites were present. PSAT6 is located at the centromeres of chromosomes II and III. PSAT4 and PSAT8 were found with only short arrays. Discussion: These results demonstrate that (i) repeat families occupy distinct niches within chromosomes, (ii) they differ in the copy number, cluster organization and homogenization events, and that (iii) the recent genome hybridization in breeding P. hybrida preserved the chromosomal position of repeats but affected the copy number of repetitive DNA.

Microbiol Resour Announc ; 12(3): e0122422, 2023 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36722964


Here, we report the coding-complete sequence of Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV; strain Hilla) in cowpea using total transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) and bioinformatics analyses. The sequence length was 8,119 bp long and has 6 open reading frames. The genome was phylogenetically close to two isolates collected from Ghana.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 689307, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34234799


Pararetroviruses, taxon Caulimoviridae, are typical of retroelements with reverse transcriptase and share a common origin with retroviruses and LTR retrotransposons, presumably dating back 1.6 billion years and illustrating the transition from an RNA to a DNA world. After transcription of the viral genome in the host nucleus, viral DNA synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm on the generated terminally redundant RNA including inter- and intra-molecule recombination steps rather than relying on nuclear DNA replication. RNA recombination events between an ancestral genomic retroelement with exogenous RNA viruses were seminal in pararetrovirus evolution resulting in horizontal transmission and episomal replication. Instead of active integration, pararetroviruses use the host DNA repair machinery to prevail in genomes of angiosperms, gymnosperms and ferns. Pararetrovirus integration - leading to Endogenous ParaRetroViruses, EPRVs - by illegitimate recombination can happen if their sequences instead of homologous host genomic sequences on the sister chromatid (during mitosis) or homologous chromosome (during meiosis) are used as template. Multiple layers of RNA interference exist regulating episomal and chromosomal forms of the pararetrovirus. Pararetroviruses have evolved suppressors against this plant defense in the arms race during co-evolution which can result in deregulation of plant genes. Small RNAs serve as signaling molecules for Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing (TGS, PTGS) pathways. Different populations of small RNAs comprising 21-24 nt and 18-30 nt in length have been reported for Citrus, Fritillaria, Musa, Petunia, Solanum and Beta. Recombination and RNA interference are driving forces for evolution and regulation of EPRVs.