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Gac Sanit ; 22(6): 596-608, 2008.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19080940


Although there is some experience in the study of mortality inequalities in Spanish cities, there are large urban centers that have not yet been investigated using the census tract as the unit of territorial analysis. The coordinated project <> was designed to fill this gap, with the participation of 10 groups of researchers in Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, Valencia, and the Basque Country. The MEDEA project has four distinguishing features: a) the census tract is used as the basic geographical area; b) statistical methods that include the geographical structure of the region under study are employed for risk estimation; c) data are drawn from three complementary data sources (information on air pollution, information on industrial pollution, and the records of mortality registrars), and d) a coordinated, large-scale analysis, favored by the implantation of coordinated research networks, is carried out. The main objective of the present study was to explain the methods for smoothing mortality indicators in the context of the MEDEA project. This study focusses on the methodology and the results of the Besag, York and Mollié model (BYM) in disease mapping. In the MEDEA project, standardized mortality ratios (SMR), corresponding to 17 large groups of causes of death and 28 specific causes, were smoothed by means of the BYM model; however, in the present study this methodology was applied to mortality due to cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lung in men and women in the city of Barcelona from 1996 to 2003. As a result of smoothing, a different geographical pattern for SMR in both genders was observed. In men, a SMR higher than unity was found in highly deprived areas. In contrast, in women, this pattern was observed in more affluent areas.

Mortalidad/tendencias , Causas de Muerte , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , España , Población Urbana
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 22(6): 596-608, nov.-dic. 2008. mapas, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-61254


Aunque la experiencia en el estudio de las desigualdadesen la mortalidad en las ciudades españolas es amplia, quedangrandes núcleos urbanos que no han sido investigadosutilizando la sección censal como unidad de análisis territorial.En este contexto se sitúa el proyecto coordinado ®Desigualdadessocioeconómicas y medioambientales en la mortalidaden ciudades de España. Proyecto MEDEA», en el cualparticipan 10 grupos de investigadores de Andalucía, Aragón,Cataluña, Galicia, Madrid, Comunitat Valenciana y PaísVasco. Cabe señalar cuatro particularidades: a) se utiliza comoárea geográfica básica la sección censal; b) se emplean métodosestadísticos que tienen en cuenta la estructura geográficade la región de estudio para la estimación de riesgos; c) seaprovechan las oportunidades que ofrecen 3 fuentes de datoscomplementarias (información sobre contaminación atmosférica,información sobre contaminación industrial y registrosde mortalidad), y d) se emprende un análisis coordinado degran alcance, favorecido por la implantación de la redes temáticasde investigación. El objetivo de este trabajo es explicarlos métodos para la suavización de indicadores de mortalidaden el proyecto MEDEA. El artículo se centra en lametodología y los resultados del modelo de mapa de enfermedadesde Besag, York y Mollié (BYM). Aunque en el proyectose han suavizado, mediante el modelo BYM, las razonesde mortalidad estandarizadas (RME) correspondientesa 17 grandes grupos de causas de defunción y 28 causasespecíficas, aquí se aplica esta metodología a la mortalidadpor cáncer de tráquea, de bronquios y de pulmón en ambossexos en la ciudad de Barcelona durante el período 1996-2003(AU)

Como resultado se aprecia un diferente patrón geográfico enlas RME suavizadas en ambos sexos. En los hombres se observanunas RME mayores que la unidad en los barrios conmayor privación socioeconómica. En las mujeres este patrónse observa en las zonas con un mayor nivel socioeconómico(AU)

Although there is some experience in the study of mortalityinequalities in Spanish cities, there are large urban centersthat have not yet been investigated using the census tract asthe unit of territorial analysis. The coordinated project ®Socioeconomicand environmental inequalities in mortality in Spanishcities. The MEDEA project» was designed to fill this gap,with the participation of 10 groups of researchers in Andalusia,Aragon, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, Valencia, and the BasqueCountry. The MEDEA project has four distinguishing features:a) the census tract is used as the basic geographicalarea; b) statistical methods that include the geographical structureof the region under study are employed for risk estimation;c) data are drawn from three complementary data sources(information on air pollution, information on industrialpollution, and the records of mortality registrars), and d) a coordinated,large-scale analysis, favored by the implantation ofcoordinated research networks, is carried out. The main objective of the present study was to explain the methods for smoothingmortality indicators in the context of the MEDEA project.This study focusses on the methodology and the resultsof the Besag, York and Mollié model (BYM) in disease mapping.In the MEDEA project, standardized mortality ratios(SMR), corresponding to 17 large groups of causes of deathand 28 specific causes, were smoothed by means of the BYMmodel; however, in the present study this methodology wasapplied to mortality due to cancer of the trachea, bronchi andlung in men and women in the city of Barcelona from 1996 to2003. As a result of smoothing, a different geographical patternfor SMR in both genders was observed. In men, a SMRhigher than unity was found in highly deprived areas. In contrast,in women, this pattern was observed in more affluentareas(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Indicadores de Morbimortalidad , Disparidades en el Estado de Salud , /legislación & jurisprudencia , /estadística & datos numéricos , Causas de Muerte/tendencias , Probabilidad , Mortalidad/normas , Mortalidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Registros de Mortalidad/normas , Registros de Mortalidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Mortalidad/tendencias , Censos