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PeerJ Comput Sci ; 8: e1080, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36532802


We hide grayscale secret images into a grayscale cover image, which is considered to be a challenging steganography problem. Our goal is to develop a steganography scheme with enhanced embedding capacity while preserving the visual quality of the stego-image as well as the extracted secret image, and ensuring that the stego-image is resistant to steganographic attacks. The novel embedding rule of our scheme helps to hide secret image sparse coefficients into the oversampled cover image sparse coefficients in a staggered manner. The stego-image is constructed by using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to solve the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) formulation of the underlying minimization problem. Finally, the secret images are extracted from the constructed stego-image using the reverse of our embedding rule. Using these components together, to achieve the above mentioned competing goals, forms our most novel contribution. We term our scheme SABMIS (Sparse Approximation Blind Multi-Image Steganography). We perform extensive experiments on several standard images. By choosing the size of the length and the width of the secret images to be half of the length and the width of cover image, respectively, we obtain embedding capacities of 2 bpp (bits per pixel), 4 bpp, 6 bpp, and 8 bpp while embedding one, two, three, and four secret images, respectively. Our focus is on hiding multiple secret images. For the case of hiding two and three secret images, our embedding capacities are higher than all the embedding capacities obtained in the literature until now (3 times and 6 times than the existing best, respectively). For the case of hiding four secret images, although our capacity is slightly lower than one work (about 2/3rd), we do better on the other two goals (quality of stego-image & extracted secret image as well as resistance to steganographic attacks). For our experiments, there is very little deterioration in the quality of the stego-images as compared to their corresponding cover images. Like all other competing works, this is supported visually as well as over 30 dB of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) values. The good quality of the stego-images is further validated by multiple numerical measures. None of the existing works perform this exhaustive validation. When using SABMIS, the quality of the extracted secret images is almost same as that of the corresponding original secret images. This aspect is also not demonstrated in all competing literature. SABMIS further improves the security of the inherently steganographic attack resistant transform based schemes. Thus, it is one of the most secure schemes among the existing ones. Additionally, we demonstrate that SABMIS executes in few minutes, and show its application on the real-life problems of securely transmitting medical images over the internet.

PeerJ ; 9: e11927, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34589292


Phenotypic characteristics of a plant species refers to its physical properties as cataloged by plant biologists at different research centers around the world. Clustering species based upon their phenotypic characteristics is used to obtain diverse sets of parents that are useful in their breeding programs. The Hierarchical Clustering (HC) algorithm is the current standard in clustering of phenotypic data. This algorithm suffers from low accuracy and high computational complexity issues. To address the accuracy challenge, we propose the use of Spectral Clustering (SC) algorithm. To make the algorithm computationally cheap, we propose using sampling, specifically, Pivotal Sampling that is probability based. Since application of samplings to phenotypic data has not been explored much, for effective comparison, another sampling technique called Vector Quantization (VQ) is adapted for this data as well. VQ has recently generated promising results for genotypic data. The novelty of our SC with Pivotal Sampling algorithm is in constructing the crucial similarity matrix for the clustering algorithm and defining probabilities for the sampling technique. Although our algorithm can be applied to any plant species, we tested it on the phenotypic data obtained from about 2,400 Soybean species. SC with Pivotal Sampling achieves substantially more accuracy (in terms of Silhouette Values) than all the other proposed competitive clustering with sampling algorithms (i.e. SC with VQ, HC with Pivotal Sampling, and HC with VQ). The complexities of our SC with Pivotal Sampling algorithm and these three variants are almost the same because of the involved sampling. In addition to this, SC with Pivotal Sampling outperforms the standard HC algorithm in both accuracy and computational complexity. We experimentally show that we are up to 45% more accurate than HC in terms of clustering accuracy. The computational complexity of our algorithm is more than a magnitude less than that of HC.

Evol Bioinform Online ; 15: 1176934319836997, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30936678


We develop a Vector Quantized Spectral Clustering (VQSC) algorithm that is a combination of spectral clustering (SC) and vector quantization (VQ) sampling for grouping genome sequences of plants. The inspiration here is to use SC for its accuracy and VQ to make the algorithm computationally cheap (the complexity of SC is cubic in terms of the input size). Although the combination of SC and VQ is not new, the novelty of our work is in developing the crucial similarity matrix in SC as well as use of k-medoids in VQ, both adapted for the plant genome data. For Soybean, we compare our approach with commonly used techniques like Un-weighted Pair Graph Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and Neighbor Joining (NJ). Experimental results show that our VQSC outperforms both these techniques significantly in terms of cluster quality (average improvement of 21% over UPGMA and 24% over NJ) as well as time complexity (order of magnitude faster than both UPGMA and NJ).