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Phys Rev E ; 108(4-1): 044131, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37978597


We investigate the influence of long-range (LR) interactions on the phase ordering dynamics of the one-dimensional random-field Ising model (RFIM). Unlike the usual RFIM, a spin interacts with all other spins through a ferromagnetic coupling that decays as r^{-(1+σ)}, where r is the distance between two spins. In the absence of LR interactions, the size of coarsening domains R(t) exhibits a crossover from pure system behavior R(t)∼t^{1/2} to an asymptotic regime characterized by logarithmic growth: R(t)∼(lnt)^{2}. The LR interactions affect the preasymptotic regime, which now exhibits ballistic growth R(t)∼t, followed by σ-dependent growth R(t)∼t^{1/(1+σ)}. Additionally, the LR interactions also affect the asymptotic logarithmic growth, which becomes R(t)∼(lnt)^{α(σ)} with α(σ)<2. Thus, LR interactions lead to faster growth than for the nearest-neighbor system at short times. Unexpectedly, this driving force causes a slowing down of the dynamics (α<2) in the asymptotic logarithmic regime. This is explained in terms of a nontrivial competition between the pinning force caused by the random field and the driving force introduced by LR interactions. We also study the spatial correlation function and the autocorrelation function of the magnetization field. The former exhibits superuniversality for all σ, i.e., a scaling function that is independent of the disorder strength. The same holds for the autocorrelation function when σ<1, whereas a signature of the violation of superuniversality is seen for σ>1.

Phys Rev E ; 107(3-1): 034207, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37073025


During coarsening, small structures disappear, leaving behind only large ones. Here we study the spectral energy transfers in Model A, where the order parameter ϕ evolves via nonconserved dynamics. We show that the nonlinear interactions dissipate fluctuations and facilitate energy transfers among the Fourier modes so that only ϕ(k=0), where k is the wave number, survives at the end and approaches the asymptotic value +1 or -1. We contrast the coarsening evolution for the initial conditions with 〈ϕ(x,t=0)〉=0 and with uniformly positive or negative ϕ(x,t=0).

Phys Rev E ; 108(6-1): 064131, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38243541


The ±J Ising model is a simple frustrated spin model, where the exchange couplings independently take the discrete value -J with probability p and +J with probability 1-p. It is especially appealing due to its connection to quantum error correcting codes. Here, we investigate the nonequilibrium critical behavior of the two-dimensional ±J Ising model, after a quench from different initial conditions to a critical point T_{c}(p) on the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic (PF) transition line, especially above, below, and at the multicritical Nishimori point (NP). The dynamical critical exponent z_{c} seems to exhibit nonuniversal behavior for quenches above and below the NP, which is identified as a preasymptotic feature due to the repulsive fixed point at the NP, whereas for a quench directly to the NP, the dynamics reaches the asymptotic regime with z_{c}≃6.02(6). We also consider the geometrical spin clusters (of like spin signs) during the critical dynamics. Each universality class on the PF line is uniquely characterized by the stochastic Loewner evolution with corresponding parameter κ. Moreover, for the critical quenches from the paramagnetic phase, the model, irrespective of the frustration, exhibits an emergent critical percolation topology at the large length scales.

Phys Rev E ; 105(3-1): 034131, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35428063


It is known that, after a quench to zero temperature (T=0), two-dimensional (d=2) Ising ferromagnets with short-range interactions do not always relax to the ordered state. They can also fall in infinitely long-lived striped metastable states with a finite probability. In this paper, we study how the abundance of striped states is affected by long-range interactions. We investigate the relaxation of d=2 Ising ferromagnets with power-law interactions by means of Monte Carlo simulations at both T=0 and T≠0. For T=0 and the finite system size, the striped metastable states are suppressed by long-range interactions. In the thermodynamic limit, their occurrence probabilities are consistent with the short-range case. For T≠0, the final state is always ordered. Further, the equilibration occurs at earlier times with an increase in the strength of the interactions.

Phys Rev E ; 104(4-1): 044123, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34781454


We use large-scale Monte Carlo simulations to obtain comprehensive results for domain growth and aging in the random field XY model in dimensions d=2,3. After a deep quench from the paramagnetic phase, the system orders locally via annihilation of topological defects, i.e., vortices and antivortices. The evolution morphology of the system is characterized by the correlation function and the structure factor of the magnetization field. We find that these quantities obey dynamical scaling, and their scaling function is independent of the disorder strength Δ. However, the scaling form of the autocorrelation function is found to be dependent on Δ, i.e., superuniversality is violated. The large-t behavior of the autocorrelation function is explored by studying aging and autocorrelation exponents. We also investigate the characteristic growth law L(t,Δ) in d=2,3, which shows an asymptotic logarithmic behavior: L(t,Δ)∼Δ^{-φ}(lnt)^{1/ψ}, with exponents φ,ψ>0.

Phys Rev E ; 104(3-1): 034208, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34654092


We study the ensembles of direct product of m random unitary matrices of size N drawn from a given circular ensemble. We calculate the statistical measures, viz. number variance and spacing distribution to investigate the level correlations and fluctuation properties of the eigenangle spectrum. Similar to the random unitary matrices, the level statistics is stationary for the ensemble constructed by their direct product. We find that the eigenangles are uncorrelated in the small spectral intervals. While, in large spectral intervals, the spectrum is rigid due to strong long-range correlations between the eigenangles. The analytical and numerical results are in good agreement. We also test our findings on the multipartite system of quantum kicked rotors.

Phys Rev E ; 103(1-1): 012108, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33601633


We study the low-temperature domain growth kinetics of the two-dimensional Ising model with long-range coupling J(r)∼r^{-(d+σ)}, where d=2 is the dimensionality. According to the Bray-Rutenberg predictions, the exponent σ controls the algebraic growth in time of the characteristic domain size L(t), L(t)∼t^{1/z}, with growth exponent z=1+σ for σ<1 and z=2 for σ>1. These results hold for quenches to a nonzero temperature T>0 below the critical temperature T_{c}. We show that, in the case of quenches to T=0, due to the long-range interactions, the interfaces experience a drift which makes the dynamics of the system peculiar. More precisely, we find that in this case the growth exponent takes the value z=4/3, independently of σ, showing that it is a universal quantity. We support our claim by means of extended Monte Carlo simulations and analytical arguments for single domains.

Phys Rev E ; 104(6-1): 064202, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35030958


We study the breaking of time-reversal invariance (TRI) by the application of a magnetic field in the quantum kicked rotor (QKR), using Izrailev's finite-dimensional model. There is a continuous crossover from TRI to time-reversal noninvariance (TRNI) in the spectral and eigenvector fluctuations of the QKR. We show that the properties of this TRI to TRNI transition depend on α^{2}/N, where α is the chaos parameter of the QKR and N is the dimensionality of the evolution operator matrix. For α^{2}/N≳N, the transition coincides with that in random matrix theory. For α^{2}/N