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Cureus ; 15(6): e40437, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37456481


Background and Objective In the United States, hypertension remains a significant cause of cardiovascular disease mortality and morbidity, affecting various racial and ethnic groups. High blood pressure is a common health concern, given its high frequency among all populations and racial groups in the United States; nevertheless, the condition remains untreated in most individuals. It affects a significant number of individuals in the African American community and contributes to a notable proportion of deaths. Arguably more prevalent, severe, and tends to occur earlier in African Americans compared to some other races. This lack of blood pressure control may contribute to the increasing mortality rates associated with hypertension-related cardiovascular diseases in the United States, while notable race and sex disparities persist. This study aims to compare the number of deaths caused by each cardiovascular disease (hypertension) in African Americans to those of people of other races. Methodology To understand the impact of hypertension on mortality rates among different racial groups, this study utilized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) dataset, which includes death certificates filed in the United States. The research focused on individuals aged 25 years or older with a mention of hypertension and cardiovascular disease as the underlying cause of death between 1999 and 2019. The study analyzed hypertension-associated deaths by different cardiovascular disease subtypes, such as ischemic heart disease, heart failure (HF), and cerebrovascular diseases that include acute ischemic attacks, which are the most frequent in the United States, with specific assessments for African Americans, White, and other races' decedents. Results The study findings indicated that African American males had higher mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases compared to African American females. The prevalence of hypertension was also higher among African Americans (87.47%) compared to Whites (30.33%), Asian/Pacific Islanders (40.26%), and American Indians/Alaska Natives (61.18%). Additionally, the study identified regional variations in mortality rates, with states like Arizona, California, Texas, Florida, and Washington having higher rates, while Vermont, North Dakota, and Wyoming had lower rates. The northwest region had lower mortality compared to the western and southwestern regions. Conclusions Within the studied period, there was an increase in the prevalence of mortality due to hypertension amongst African Americans when compared to other races. These findings underscore the pressing need to address the increasing prevalence of hypertension and mortality rates among African American. More efforts should focus on prevention of CVD and hypertension and the associated risk factors based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, which include the promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviors, improvement of access to quality healthcare, and implementation of culturally sensitive interventions tailored for African American communities.