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Plants (Basel) ; 11(18)2022 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36145838


During the journey through Portugal by Hoffmannsegg and Link (1797-1801), these authors collected an appreciable number of specimens, most of which have been lost. Their collections are relevant since they were used by themselves or by other authors to describe numerous species. In the herbarium of the Real Jardín Botánico of Madrid, 70 specimens from this journey have been located. In the archive of this institution the letters that Hoffmannsegg and Link sent to Cavanilles accompanying these plants have also been located. The analysis of these letters, the herbarium labels and of the protologues has permitted to establish that 15 specimens are original material, four of which had already been proposed as lectotypes by other authors (Airochloa caudata Link, Silene fuscata Link ex Brot., Silene micrantha Link ex Otth and Silene pernoctans Link). The designation of a neotype for Stipa gigantea Link should be superseded, because an original material has been found. Thus, a lectotype for this taxon is proposed.

PhytoKeys ; 167: 57-82, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33306060


Based on a molecular DNA phylogeny of three plastid (rpl32-trnK, rps16 intron, and rps16-trnK) and nuclear ITS regions investigating 32 species of Agrostidinae, we describe two new genera, Agrostula gen. nov. with a single species and Alpagrostis gen. nov. with four species; provide support for five species in a monophyletic Podagrostis; and include a small sample of 12 species of a monophyletic Agrostis s.s. (including the type and most species of Neoschischkinia), that separates into two clades corresponding to A. subg. Agrostis and A. subg. Vilfa. Agrostula differs from Agrostis in having leaf blades with pillars of sclerenchyma which are continuous between the adaxial and abaxial surface of the blades, dorsally rounded glumes with blunt to truncate and erose to denticulate apices, florets ½ the length of the glumes, lemmas equally wide as long, widest at (or near) apex, apices broadly truncate, irregularly 5 to 7 denticulate to erose, awnless, anthers longer than the lemmas, and rugose-papillose caryopses. Alpagrostis differs from Agrostis in having geniculate basally inserted awns and truncate lemma apices with lateral veins prolonged from the apex in (2)4 setae. The following eight new combinations are made: Agrostula truncatula, Agrostula truncatula subsp. durieui, Alpagrostis alpina, Alpagrostis alpina var. flavescens, Alpagrostis barceloi, Alpagrostis setacea, Alpagrostis setacea var. flava, and Alpagrostis schleicheri. In addition, we provide a key separating Agrostula and Alpagrostis from Agrostis s.s. and other genera previously considered as synonyms of Agrostis; lectotypify Agrostis alpina Scop., A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl., A. truncatula Parl., and A. truncatula var. durieui Henriq.; and neotypify A. setacea Curtis.

ResumenSobre la base de una filogenia molecular de ADN de tres regiones plastidiales (rpl32-trnK, rps16 intrón y rps16-trnK) e ITS nuclear de 32 especies de Agrostidinae, describimos dos nuevos géneros, Agrostula gen. nov. con una sola especie, y Alpagrostis gen. nov. con cuatro especies; mostramos el apoyo para las cinco especies dentro de Podagrostis monofilético; e incluimos una pequeña muestra de 12 especies de Agrostis s.s (que incluye el tipo y la mayoría de las especies de Neoschischkinia), este último dividido en dos subclados que corresponden a A. subg. Agrostis y A. subg. Vilfa. Agrostula se diferencia de otras especies de Agrostis por tener láminas foliares con haces de esclerénquima continuos entre las superficies adaxial y abaxial de los limbos, glumas de dorso redondeado y ápice embotado a truncado y eroso a denticulado, antecios de ½ de la longitud de las glumas, lemas tan anchas como largas, lo más ancho en o cerca del ápice, ápices anchamente truncados, irregularmente 5 a 7 denticulados o erosos, sin arista, anteras más largas que los lemas y cariopsis rugosa-papilosa. Alpagrostis se diferencia de otras especies de Agrostis por tener aristas geniculadas insertas basalmente y ápices de lema truncados con venas laterales que se prolongan en (2)4 arístulas apicales. Presentamos las siguientes ocho nuevas combinaciones: Agrostula truncatula, Agrostula truncatula subsp. durieui, Alpagrostis alpina, Alpagrostis alpina var. flavescens, Alpagrostis barceloi, Alpagrostis setacea, Alpagrostis setacea var. flava y Alpagrostis schleicheri. Además, proporcionamos una clave que separa Agrostula y Alpagrostis de Agrostis s.s. y otros géneros previamente considerados como sinónimos de Agrostis, lectotipificamos Agrostis alpina Scop., A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl., A. truncatula Parl. y A. truncatula var. durieui Henriq. y neotipificamos A. setacea Curtis.

Sci Data ; 4: 170049, 2017 04 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28398302


Geranium L. is a genus of over 350 species distributed throughout most of the world, except in lowland tropical areas. It is the largest genus of the Geraniaceae and is represented in the New World by 137 species. This dataset includes 8,937 records that covers the genus Geranium the New World, providing an updated, taxonomically consistent and a sound geographical distribution of the 137 species of Geranium in America. Specimens from 128 herbaria were reviewed. These were supplemented by others collected during nine field trips, which allowed better knowledge of the variability of characters within populations, and refining species distribution ranges. Each record represents a specimen that has been reviewed and in some cases collected by C. Aedo. Accepted scientific name, locality details, distribution status (introduced, native, naturalized, uncertain), geographic coordinates are given for 8,538 (95%) records, and habitat information for 3,952 (44%). All data have been released under a CC-BY license in a standardized format, which enables easy integration with other data, for example through

Geranium , Geranium/clasificación , Filogenia