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Ann Transl Med ; 10(24): 1306, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36660633


Background: Pterygium surgery is a procedure commonly performed by ophthalmologists. Valid, objective methods are needed to assess competence in this procedure. Methods: A panel of 5 specialists consisting of members from different regions of the world including Pakistan, United States, Iran, Mongolia and Peru was formed to create a rubric for assessment of pterygium surgery by residents. The assessment rubric was developed using the standard template of Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubrics (OSCARs) previously published. The rubric was designed using a modified Dreyfus model of skill acquisition on a four-point behavioral scale. Results: The rubric consisted of 14 essential steps in pterygium surgery and 5 global indices. The content and face validity of the rubric was refined by repeatedly reviewing the rubric on Googledocs and considering critiques by a panel of 10 cornea specialists from around the world. Each step was divided into four levels, from novice to competent. The skill required for each level was described specifically to help decrease rater subjectivity. Conclusions: The OSCAR for pterygium surgery has face-validity and can be used effectively for both teaching and assessing ophthalmology residents in training programs across the world.

Acta méd. peru ; 36(4): 281-286, oct.-dic 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141959


Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas de los traumatismos oculares atendidos en el Instituto Regional de Oftalmología (IRO). Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y prospectivo, en el cual se aplicó un protocolo estandarizado de registro de datos demográficos y clínicos de pacientes con traumatismos oculares que acudieron al servicio de emergencia del IRO, entre enero 2016 y abril 2017. Resultados: Un total de 1 288 pacientes cumplieron los criterios de selección, la edad promedio fue de 37 años, en su mayoría los afectados fueron varones (84,7 %) y el grupo etario más afectado fue el de 21 a 40 años (46,7 %). Los accidentes laborales fueron la causa más frecuente (63,7 %), ocurriendo principalmente en trabajadores de metalmecánica, construcción y albañilería; seguido de los accidentes domésticos (19,2 %). El 95,4 % fueron traumatismos cerrados, predominantemente con compromiso unilateral, ocupando el primer lugar los cuerpos extraños corneales (73,4 %), seguido de las contusiones (16,2 %). El 56,2 % de traumatismos abiertos fueron penetrantes restringiéndose el daño principalmente a la córnea (64,9 %). El 52,6 % de pacientes con traumatismo abierto terminaron con agudeza visual entre 4/200 y no percepción de luz. Conclusiones: Los traumatismos oculares cerrados fueron los más frecuentes y afectaron a pacientes jóvenes, de sexo masculino que laboraban en industria metalmecánica y construcción; siendo los cuerpos extraños corneales metálicos el principal tipo. La mayoría de los traumatismos abiertos tuvieron un pobre pronóstico visual luego de su reparación quirúrgica.

Objective: To describe the epidemiological characteristics of eye injuries treated at Regional Ophthalmology Institute (IRO). Material and Methods: A descriptive and prospective study, in which a standardized protocol was developed to obtain and record demographic and clinical data of patients with ocular trauma who attended the emergency department of IRO between January 2016 and April 2017. Results: 1 307 patients with eye injuries were evaluated, 19 were excluded due to incomplete information, resulting in a sample of 1 288 patients, aged between 5 and 70 years, mostly of male gender (84.7 %), being more frequent patients from 21 to 40 years (46.7 %). Occupational accidents were the most frequent cause (63.7 %), occurring mainly in metal-mechanic workers, welders and workers, followed by domestic accidents (19.2 %). A total of 95.4 % were closed injuries, mostly unilateral. Corneal foreign bodies accounted of 73.4 % of cases, followed by contusions (16.2 %). 56.2 % of open-globe injuries were penetrating, restricting damage mainly to the cornea (64.9 %). 52.6 % of patients with open-globe injury ended up with visual acuity between 4/200 and no light perception). Conclusions: Closed eye injuries were the most prevalent, mainly affecting young, male patients who working in metal-mechanical and construction industry. Metallic corneal foreign bodies were the main type. The majority of open-globe trauma had a poor visual prognosis after surgical repair.