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Arch Public Health ; 81(1): 46, 2023 Mar 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36991515


Malnutrition is the major cause of mortality and morbidity globally with undernutrition contributing about 45% of all deaths of under five children. Besides the direct effects of protracted conflicts, the macroeconomic crisis that has greatly increased the national inflation rate hence devastating the purchasing power, the COVID-19 outbreak, flooding, and the Desert Locusts have contributed to a food security emergency. Besides being among the most under resourced states, South Kordofan has experienced years of conflict resulting in displacement of people and extensive infrastructure destruction with high rates of malnutrition. The state currently has 230 health facilities and out of these, only 140 are providing outpatient therapeutic programme centres with 28.6% (40) of these being operated by the state ministry of health and the rest by the international non-governmental organizations. Limited resources leading to donor dependence, limited accessibility due to insecurity and floods, poor referral system and gaps in continuity of care, lack of operational and implementation research data and limited integration of management of malnutrition in other health services have negatively affected effective implementation. Ensuring effective and efficient community based management of acute malnutrition, implementation needs action beyond the health sector with a multi-sectoral and integration approach. Federal and state development frameworks should ensure a comprehensive multi-sectoral nutrition policy with strong political commitment and allocation of adequate resources to ensure integrated and quality implementation.

Confl Health ; 15(1): 34, 2021 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33947451


The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported in Sudan on 13 March 2020. Since then, Sudan has experienced one of the highest rates of COVID-19 spread and fatalities in Africa. One year later, as per 22 March 2021, Sudan had registered 29,661 confirmed cases and 2,028 deaths with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 6.8 %. By 12 December 2020, of the 18 states in Sudan, South Kordofan had the fifth highest CFR of 17.4 %, only surpassed by the other conflict affected North (57.5 %), Central (50.0 %) and East (31.8 %) Darfur States. By late March 2021, just three months from December 2020, the number of cases in South Kordofan increased by 100 %, but with a significant decline in the CFR from 17.4 to 8.5 %. South Kordofan is home to over 200,000 poor and displaced people from years of destructive civil unrests. To date, several localities such as the Nubba mountains region remain under rebel control and are not accessible. South Kordofan State Ministry of Health in collaboration with the federal government and non-governmental organizations set up four isolation centres with 40 total bed capacity, but with only two mechanical ventilators and no testing centre. There is still need for further multi-sectoral coalition and equitable allocation of resources to strengthen the health systems of rural and conflict affected regions. This article aims at providing insight into the current state of COVID-19 in South Kordofan amidst the second wave to address the dearth of COVID-19 information in rural and conflict affected regions.