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Sci Adv ; 8(5): eabj1571, 2022 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35108040


The occurrence and the style of volcanic eruptions are largely controlled by the ways in which magma is stored and transported from the mantle to the surface through the crust. Nevertheless, our understanding of the deep roots of volcano-magmatic systems remains very limited. Here, we use the sources of seismovolcanic tremor to delineate the active part of the magmatic system beneath the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group in Kamchatka, Russia. The tremor sources are distributed in a wide spatial region over the whole range of crustal depths connecting different volcanoes of the group. The tremor activity is characterized by rapid vertical and lateral migrations explained by fast pressure transients and dynamic permeability. Our results support the conceptual model of extended and highly dynamic trans-crustal magmatic systems.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 1758, 2021 Jan 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33469148


Strong explosive eruptions of volcanoes throw out mixtures of gases and ash from high-pressure underground reservoirs. Investigating these subsurface reservoirs may help to forecast and characterize an eruption. In this study, we compare seismic tomography results with remote sensing and petrology data to identify deep and subaerial manifestations of pre-eruptive processes at Bezymianny volcano in Kamchatka shortly before its violent explosion on December 20, 2017. Based on camera networks we identify precursory rockfalls, and based on satellite radar data we find pre-eruptive summit inflation. Our seismic network recorded the P and S wave data from over 500 local earthquakes used to invert for a 3D seismic velocity distribution beneath Bezymianny illuminating its eruptive state days before the eruption. The derived tomography model, in conjunction with the presence of the high-temperature-stable SiO2 polymorph Tridymite in juvenile rock samples , allowed us to infer the coexistence of magma and gas reservoirs revealed as anomalies of low (1.5) and high (2.0) Vp/Vs ratios, respectively, located at depths of 2-3 km and only 2 km apart. The reservoirs both control the current eruptive activity: while the magma reservoir is responsible for episodic dome growth and lava flow emplacements, the spatially separated gas reservoir may control short but powerful explosive eruptions of Bezymianny.