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Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 48(2): 105-110, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248773


ABSTRACT Objective: We examined the association between personality traits and parenting styles in boys victims of sexual abuse (SA). Methods: Sixty-two (62) boys were divided into two groups: 32 (Victims of SA group, age 11.7±1.28) and 30 non-victims of SA (Comparison group, age 11.6±1.22). All participants completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-J) and the Parenting Styles Inventory (PSI). The intelligence quotient (IQ) was also assessed. Results: Both groups did not differ in terms of IQ. In the SA group, men (97%) were the biggest abusers, 85% of the parents were divorced and the father was the biggest aggressor (44%). The SA victims had higher neuroticism (p <0.001) and identified riskier parental practices, while the comparison group reported good parental practices (p<0.05). The results of the logistic regression analysis showed that higher negative paternal parental style scores increase the chance of belonging to the victims group. Discussion: Victims of SA present a higher risk of neuroticism and perception of dysfunctional family dynamics, with seriously reversed social roles. Further studies are needed to investigate the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, personality and parental styles, and the development of psychological intervention programs and other professional practices for victims of SA and their families in various contexts of violence.

São Bernardo do Campo; s.n; abr.2016. 71 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Tesis en Portugués | Index Psicología - Tesis | ID: pte-68749


Há um consenso na literatura de que a vivência do abuso sexual na infância ocasiona uma série de consequências, tanto físicas quanto psicológicas, às vítimas. O cenário de violência contra crianças e adolescentes está cada vez mais frequente na sociedade contemporânea, tornando-se uni problema de saúde pública, de modo a ser necessário um olhar mais atento dos profissionais e elaboração de políticas públicas tanto para a prevenção dos casos como para o tratamento dos problemas deles decorrentes. Nas crianças, há urna associação do aumento de problemas comportamentais e psicológicos, que podem se estender até o período da idade adulta. Outros estudos enfatizam alterações em áreas cerebrais e as relacionam com o surgimento de transtornos mentais na população de crianças vítimas de violência sexual, dentre outros tipos de violência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença de traços de personalidade, os estilos parentais desenvolvidos e o desempenho cognitivo, especificamente as funções executivas, em meninos com histórico de abuso sexual. Foram avaliadas 62 crianças e adolescentes (32 com histórico de abuso sexual e 30 sem), sendo que no grupo de abuso a idade média dos integrantes é de 11,7 anos de idade e seus genitores majoritariamente divorciados, diferentemente do grupo controle, no qual os genitores são, na maior parte, casados. O método constou de questionário sociodemográfico, testes neuropsicológicos que avaliam as funções executivas (Wisconsitt Cará Sortint Test, Figuras de Ray e Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Edição (WISC-III) - Semelhanças, Arranjo de Figuras, Compreensão, Cubos, Dígitos e Vocabulário), Questionário de Personalidade para Crianças e Adolescentes (EPQ-J) e Inventário de Estilos Parentais (IEP). Não houve resultados significativos entre o abuso e as funções executivas, tanto nos subtestes dos Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Edição (WISC-III) quanto no do Wisconsin... (AU)

There is a consensus in the literature that the experience of sexual abuse in childhood leads to a series of consequences, both physical and psychological, to the victims. The scenario of violence against children and adolescents is increasing in contemporary society, becoming a public health problem, so the need for a closer look of professional and public policy development for both the prevention of such cases to the treatment of their problems arising. In children, there is an association of increased behavioral and psychological problems which may extend the period until adulthood. Other studies emphasize changes in brain areas and relate to the emergence of mental disorders in the population of child victims of sexual violence, among other types of violence. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of personality traits, developed parenting styles and cognitive performance, specifically executive functions in children with a history of sexual abuse. We evaluated 62 children and adolescents (32 with a history of sexual abuse and 30 without), and the average age abuse group of members is 11.7 years old and their mostly divorced parents, unlike the control group, in which the parents are mostly married. The method consisted of sociodemographic questionnaire, neuropsychological tests assessing executive functions (Wisconsin Card Sortint Test, figures Ray and WISC III - Similarities, Picture Arrangement, Understanding... (AU)