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Sleep Sci ; 17(2): e216-e220, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38846595


In adults, nightmare disorder is related to sleep deprivation, drug consumption or abuse, or other comorbid sleep disorders such as insomnia or insufficient sleep syndrome. Behavioral treatment has solid scientific evidence in disorders such as insomnia and, more recently, parasomnias. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical effectiveness of a Brief Behavioral Telemedicine Therapy in Nightmare Disorder in a 23-year-old female patient. The procedure consisted of the case study, with pre and posttreatment measures as well as follow-up after 1 month; and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale, and a sleep diary were applied. In parallel with changes recorded in the sleep diary, a decrease in nightmares, sleepiness, and insomnia symptoms was observed when the intervention was finished. The behavioral intervention was clinically effective; therefore, the present case report provides information on behavioral treatments for nightmare disorder.

Interacciones ; 9ene. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448476


Background: Insomnia is the sleep disorder with the highest incidence worldwide. It is estimated that this condition increases the risk of developing psychiatric, neurological, and cardiovascular problems. Due to this, it is important to have brief, reliable and valid psychometric instruments that allow health personnel their timely detection in first level health centers. Objectives: Analyze the psychometric properties of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) in its version adapted to Spanish in a sample of Mexican adults. Methods: The sample consisted of 310 adults, 223 (71.9%) women and 87 (28.1%) men. The comparison of four ISI measurement models of one, two and three factors and a bifactor model was carried out, its internal consistency was analyzed, an analysis of invariance by sex and correlation analysis with the Athens and Epworth scales. Results: The ISI bifactor model with a general factor (G) and a specific factor for insomnia impact (I) showed the best fit indices (χ2= 29.48,gl= 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), and demonstrated configural, metric, and scalar invariance by sex. Adequate reliability was demonstrated by Omega coefficients (General: ω G = 0.86, Impact: ω I = 0.86) showed adequate reliability; the scale showed very strong correlations with the Athens scale (rAGoverall= 0.84; rAImpact=0.75) and weak to moderate correlations with the Epworth scale (r EGeneral = 0.39;r EImpact= 0.44). Conclusions: The ISI bifactor version in Spanish presents adequate psychometric properties for the measurement of insomnia and, as it is a brief tool, it can be used at different levels of health care.

Introducción: El insomnio es el trastorno de sueño de mayor incidencia a nivel mundial. Se estima que este padecimiento eleva el riesgo de desarrollar problemas psiquiátricos, neurológicos y cardiovasculares. Debido a ello es importante tener instrumentos psicométricos breves, confiables y válidos que permitan al personal de salud su oportuna detección en los centros de salud de primer nivel. Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Índice de Severidad de Insomnio (ISI) en su versión adaptada al español en una muestra de adultos mexicanos. Método: Participaron 310 adultos, 223 (71.9%) mujeres y 87 (28.1%) hombres. Se realizó la comparación de cuatro modelos de medida del ISI de uno, dos y tres factores y un modelo bifactor, se analizó su consistencia interna, un análisis de invarianza por sexo y análisis de correlación con las escalas de Atenas y de Epworth. Resultados: Se encontró que el modelo ISI bifactor con un factor general (G) y uno específico de Impacto del insomnio (I) fue el que mostró los mejores índices de ajuste (χ2=29.48,gl= 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), y que presenta invarianza configuracional, métrica y escalar por sexo. El coeficiente Omega (General: ω G =0.86, Impacto: ω I =0.86 ) mostraron una confiabilidad adecuada; la escala mostró correlaciones muy fuertes con la escala Atenas (r AGeneral =0.84; rAImpacto=0.75) y débiles a moderadas con la escala Epworth (r EGeneral =0.39; rEImpacto=0.44). Conclusiones: La versión ISI bifactor en español presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la medición del insomnio y al ser una herramienta breve puede emplearse en diferentes niveles de atención a la salud.

Interacciones ; 9: e311, ene. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517807


Background: Insomnia is the sleep disorder with the highest incidence worldwide. It is estimated that this condition increases the risk of developing psychiatric, neurological, and cardiovascular problems. Due to this, it is important to have brief, reliable and valid psychometric instruments that allow health personnel their timely detection in first level health centers. Objectives: Analyze the psychometric properties of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) in its version adapted to Spanish in a sample of Mexican adults. Methods: The sample consisted of 310 adults, 223 (71.9%) women and 87 (28.1%) men. The comparison of four ISI measurement models of one, two and three factors and a bifactor model was carried out, its internal consistency was analyzed, an analysis of invariance by sex and correlation analysis with the Athens and Epworth scales. Results: The ISI bifactor model with a general factor (G) and a specific factor for insomnia impact (I) showed the best fit indices (χ2= 29.48, gl = 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), and demonstrated configural, metric, and scalar invariance by sex. Adequate reliability was demonstrated by Omega coefficients (General: ωG= 0.86, Impact: ωI= 0.86) showed adequate reliability; the scale showed very strong correlations with the Athens scale (rAGoverall= 0.84; rAImpact=0.75) and weak to moderate correlations with the Epworth scale (rEGeneral= 0.39; rEImpact=0.44). Conclusions: The ISI bifactor version in Spanish presents adequate psychometric properties for the measurement of insomnia and, as it is a brief tool, it can be used at different levels of health care.

Introducción: El insomnio es el trastorno de sueño de mayor incidencia a nivel mundial. Se estima que este padecimiento eleva el riesgo de desarrollar problemas psiquiátricos, neurológicos y cardiovasculares. Debido a ello es importante tener instrumentos psicométricos breves, confiables y válidos que permitan al personal de salud su oportuna detección en los centros de salud de primer nivel. Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Índice de Severidad de Insomnio (ISI) en su versión adaptada al español en una muestra de adultos mexicanos. Método: Participaron 310 adultos, 223 (71.9%) mujeres y 87 (28.1%) hombres. Se realizó la comparación de cuatro modelos de medida del ISI de uno, dos y tres factores y un modelo bifactor, se analizó su consistencia interna, un análisis de invarianza por sexo y análisis de correlación con las escalas de Atenas y de Epworth. Resultados: Se encontró que el modelo ISI bifactor con un factor general (G) y uno específico de Impacto del insomnio (I) fue el que mostró los mejores índices de ajuste (χ2=29.48, gl= 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), y que presenta invarianza configuracional, métrica y escalar por sexo. El coeficiente Omega (General: ωG =0.86, Impacto: ωI=0.86 ) mostraron una confiabilidad adecuada; la escala mostró correlaciones muy fuertes con la escala Atenas (rAGeneral= 0.84; rAImpacto=0.75) y débiles a moderadas con la escala Epworth (rEGeneral= 0.39; rEImpacto=0.44). Conclusiones: La versión ISI bifactor en español presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la medición del insomnio y al ser una herramienta breve puede emplearse en diferentes niveles de atención a la salud.

Sleep Sci ; 13(3): 210-213, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33381289


This report describes a case of a 42-year-old man. Due to overwork, initially has developed insufficient sleep syndrome; and later insomnia that temporarily coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. A brief behavioral intervention for insomnia (BBII) was implemented that included: sleep restriction therapy (SRT), stimulus control therapy (SCT), sleep hygiene, and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). The intervention was designed as five weekly sessions; nevertheless, it should be mentioned that starting with the third consultation, telepsychology was started due to the recommendations for social isolation implemented by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of treatment, the patient increased time and subjective sleep quality. Despite the social distancing measures (which started in the middle of the treatment), the patient had recovery of the sleep quality, highlighting the importance of implementing the telepsychology during the COVID-19 quarantine.